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Everything posted by K-9

  1. What constitutes the first wave? Fauria and Graham were the first couple that I remember who were featured in their offense. And then Ben Watson gave them some good years as well.
  2. Would love it if either Zemgus or Kyle got a legit opportunity to win a cup with a contender. But it would be a hard pill to swallow if either gets that chance with the Bruins. Like when Thurman went to the Dolphins.
  3. Ruff, Rolston, Marrone, Nolan, Ryan, Bylsma, Housley, Krueger all continued to get paid after being let go so Pegula he is certainly used to paying coaches for sitting on the couch. But yeah, seeing as how it never works out for him, maybe he’s a bit more reluctant nowadays.
  4. I didn’t quite get that, can you repeat that please?
  5. I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest it’s coaching.
  6. Nice little touch pass by Oopie on that goal.
  7. I’m always up for a positive comment after a craptastic period of hockey. What ya got?
  8. Dahlin’s lazy clearing attempt made that scoring sequence possible. Sucks when your supposed best players are so inept.
  9. Of course it all depends on what Mitts can fetch in a deal, but I’m a firm believer in the old axiom that you seldom get better trading your best players.
  10. A repeat of the Canucks game last month when we got Demkoed. Tonight we got Jaked.
  11. I’d be more inclined to agree if our games vs. that “super team” weren’t all one score contests.
  12. Big Johnson earning major style points for that goalie screen. If you’re gonna block a shot while screening your goalie, make sure you bloc the damn shot.
  13. Don’t know that I’ve ever really hated an entire single team, but there are individual players I’ve loathed throughout the years, that’s for sure. Meszaros and Bogo are up there, but Taylor Hall is the all time most hateable player.
  14. If last season taught us anything, it’s that Mitts and VO must NEVER be linemates again. Never. Ever. Again.
  15. Digg wasn’t healthy since he tweaked his back against Tampa Bay and then re-aggravated it against the Bengals. I don’t think he had one full week of practice after week 10.
  16. I’m never going to defend KA’s handling of the goalie situation the last few seasons, but the goalie reality he created for the team, however bungled that creation was, meant he needed to wait until a clear number one emerged this season before sending Levi down permanently. It didn’t help that both UPL and Levi were better alternatives than Comrie, otherwise I think Levi would have been sent down a while ago. Sucks that KA put the team in that situation to begin with.
  17. While I’ve been looking at the subject thru a strict medical lens, I never considered a player’s mere style of play as a pre-existing condition for injury. There is merit to the idea and perhaps we need to go further and accept the fact that all players in all sports that require its athletes to routinely stress their bodies to maximum limits are prone to injury simply due to their participation.
  18. I don’t know about most so perhaps not.
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