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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. I wonder if, if, we made the playoffs that they’d let those immunized in the building.
  2. I think my iPad Pro is on its last legs. Battery only last about half the time as before.
  3. Mine is packed away already. Once they salt the roads I’m done. Ruins the chrome.
  4. Lol Mutt Bag. I’m using that one.
  5. I would not want my ‘prize ‘player taking. Chance of death to Covid
  6. Taking the Harley out for a ride. Didn’t think she had another day.
  7. Whoops. I’ll leave it open for a while. My bad.
  8. A 3 yr old team with a retro jersey?
  9. Anniversary of the lockout. The force is strong young Saprespacer
  10. It moved? I’d not feel anything
  11. Are they going to make you quarantine for 14 days upon returning to NY?
  12. And I don’t think any guy ? Would be okay with a PP slap
  13. Going to unpin this. in an effort.... maybe it’s the same player even, but let’s try to be specific to a topic. Go ahead start a new one. Like ‘does Hall back check poorly “ that’d be my first.
  14. The ‘big’ thing is Eichel and Dahlin. Perfect right in the wheelhouse for Oly. Oly is not unappreciative
  15. Paula needs to let it go. Just because you were craving a hamsamich and missed practice doesn’t mean you pick a guy and make a ‘story’.
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