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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. We’re not done with this. Stay safe. SabreSpace
  2. Get a bunch of aid to retain employees and then cut the employees? Who wants to be associated with that?
  3. One of the things I miss is seeing a person’s facial expression. Should take an eye translator class.
  4. He’s 71 years old. Maybe he just wants to retire ..
  5. The milky white drug, won’t remember a thing.
  6. Covid test negative! Whoop-whoop! Happy dance
  7. Every car has a little arrow that shows which side the fill is on. btw
  8. You're fine. This is a good point.
  9. Why people need to be instructed on how to wash their hands or how to wear a mask is beyond me. I think some people are much dumber than I thought.
  10. On June 17, 1986, at the end of the 1985-1986 season, Gilbert Perreault announced his retirement. He did not sign any official retirement papers and he didn't rule out coming back to play the following season for the Sabres. Well the league changed the pension rules and #11 came back the following season for 20 games. He then retired for good on November 24,1986 with 512 goals and 814 assists for a total of 1326 points.
  11. Had to adjust my ball cap. My hair got too big. ??
  12. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/nhl-boston-bruins-covid19-positive-1.5609782 Bruins player tested positive COVID-19. Seems he’s better
  13. No beer bout I had two doubles twice this week. ??
  14. You’re high. Text again when you’re sober
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