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Everything posted by PASabreFan

  1. But 4-3-2 would all but officially eliminate them from the playoffs. They'd have to run up 35 points in the final 24 games to get to the magical (and fictional) 96-point requirement to make the playoffs. That's a 119-point regular season pace. (I know that I'm ignoring a road game that breaks up the homestand.)
  2. Ian Ott @IanSabresPR Buffalo Sabres PR staffer ... Champion of proper hyphen usage ... Once misspelled "reef" in a spelling bee.
  3. I've started tossing my garbage bags on the back porch instead of walking another 10 feet to put them in the can. I don't throw out a lot of food, and no one can see my back porch, so I don't expect animals to make a huge mess that would be offensive to my neighbors. I do it out of a sense of mercy for these poor creatures that are trying to survive the winter. I get possums and cats who dig at the bag and gnaw at the dried-out mandarin oranges and eat what little scraps are available. It makes me feel good. On garbage night I clean up a bit of a mess. No big burden to me or society. Am I going to Heaven or what?
  4. If it's a Kraft single, yes... burn in Hell. Your post is very Carlin-esque.
  5. Didn't Jason turn over half the roster his first two offseasons, and then do more roster surgery this past summer? And here we are. And saying it so very well! Of course they were. As has every team they're about to play. They're all good. I fight mightily against this idea the Sabres should win most of these games. These other teams are in playoff fights, fights for the future and so on. And the Sabres aren't very good either, ya know. Nine games? You're not a Sabres fan if you don't know in your heart of hearts 4-3-2 is on the way.
  6. I got through The Irishman. It didn't really feel that long. A very good film. Then I stumbled on another film with Ray Romano, this one much shorter. Paddleton. Romano plays a dim-witted man with a dull sense of humor, in other words, himself. Andy and his downstairs neighbor, Michael, are weird loners who have only each other, really, in this world. They're not gay, probably. It's just a bromance. If you think it's weird when your buddy wants you to help him move, wait until you hear what Michael needs Andy's help with. One reviewer called it Dumb and Dumber with tears. The resolution of the movie is powerful, and the final scene is full of hope.
  7. I think somewhere around 99% of NHL players still know who Wayne Gretzky is. The jersey snafus only reinforce an existing idea of what the Sabres franchise is.
  8. Neglec-she-own is a fine word. It was good enough for Billy S. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/neglection
  9. No mention of Kobe on CNN coverage. They must not feel comfortable with the sourcing of the confirmation.
  10. Agree, but give Rick that technology and he could not only take 15 years off his broadcasting age, he could do games for another 15 years. Because he can't ID players on the opposite side of the ice anymore.
  11. I'll disagree with your idea that the source of Terry's meddling is he doesn't trust his GM to get it right. (It's problematic on the face of it, because it's Terry who's doing the hiring, and he keeps hiring noobies who aren't ready for prime time, and why is that? "No monopoly on hockey IQ" "No emperors" "Flat management structure") The sources of his meddling are his desire to play fantasy owner and his overblown opinion of himself as a hockey guy, because, after all, he coached his son in junior (edit: youth) hockey in Olean. Terry has to meddle because he doesn't believe in his GM? He didn't believe in Darcy?
  12. Because, damn it all to Hell, we're not going to have a thread on the All Star Game.
  13. We're into present perfect tense now. I'm going to go suck on a tailpipe.
  14. Wieland, not far from death, becomes this generation's Rene Robert? No one else has the stones, apparently.
  15. Not to be repetitive, but Ted Black was right about how doing a lot of little things adds up to overall success. The Andreychuck story got out there. A number of pending NHL free agents probably heard about it. Does it make them 1% less likely to sign with the Sabres? 5%? This is how they treat alumni? This is how they run their team? Interesting. I would have thought the point was obvious. LEMUIEX takes his turn skating around PPG Arena ice, trailed by JAGER.
  16. I don't care who screwed up, the Montreal Canadiens wouldn't let BELLIVEAU onto the ice.
  17. The doctor should slap your post, not the baby.
  18. You beat me to it. Wieland is someone we should listen to. Of course, like most people, he's years too late.
  19. I find your ellipses... overwraught.
  20. I'll take a big breath and hold it and run into the room where the kids tap on their gizmos... are there fancy stats for groupings of penalty killers? I'd be more interested in how these two D and those two F function together. Probably scoring chances allowed, not goals. And breathe.
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