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  2. Weather isn't the best, but not -40. More poor people. Not as much to do as a larger city. But for 1.2 million people there's plenty going on. Pro athletes that are more family focused than nightlife driven love it. Schools are pretty good in the suburbs. The nice parts are really nice.
  3. I still think we won the Reinhart trade but I doubt Florida even remotely regrets any part of it.
  4. Depends on where you live...the areas south of Oklahoma are part of tornado alley and typically see tornadoes regularly. Wichita Falls was leveled by one in 1979. Basically if you live in those areas you are playing Russian Roulette and while there might be a thousand chambers in the gun and only one bullet, one day their luck is going to run out. Especially considering most of those places have no basements and newer homes have no storm cellars either so there is nowhere to go when one comes through. Not sure who thought it was a smart idea to stop building storm shelters in those areas so people now have nowhere to go if they are caught in one. And the weak ass F1 and F2 at best tornados that WNY might see are nothing compared to the F4 and F5 1.5-2+ mile wide monsters that they get out there.
  5. I know this thread is about trades, but as @Thorny does a good job reminding us, it not really about winning trades and making great picks, as much as it's about the roster. This is what Adams has done in terms of transforming the roster Kept: Thompson, Skinner, Cozens, Dahlin, Jokiharju (Bryson?) Out: Eichel, Reinhart, Mittelstadt, Hall, Staal, Eakin, Asplund, Lazar, Sheahan, Reider, McCabe, Montour, Ristolainen, Miller, Ullmark, Hutton (Okposo, Girgensons, Olofsson?) In: Tuch, Quinn, Peterka, Benson, Greenway, Krebs, Power, Byram, Samuelsson, Clifton, Johnson, Luukkonen, Levi (???) I don't think there's any question the five or six best players who left are better right now than the 5 or 6 best players he replaced them with.
  6. Wow look at all the political content. It puts WNY Dems and libs in a bad light, so we're good to go. nfreeman, this is the problem many posters have with your moderation.
  7. Also I don't care what other posters think. Nor do you. I was told FOR YEARS I was wrong about Terry. Give him time. He's the owner. You don't make billions by being dumb.
  8. Using the Internet to see how many draft choices we have is not the issue. You could do that on AOL in 1995. The weakness of the responses is telling. Looking for Werthers? Got it made? Sloppy drunk posting?
  9. If anyone wants to look at the tax stuff: https://www3.erie.gov/ecrpts/sites/www3.erie.gov.ecrpts/files/2023-01/erie_22-23_tax_comparison.pdf
  10. He reminds me of a Quinn type emerging player. Not necessarily his game, but the rapid way the perception of him changed in his draft year. I love that he is a high IQ player with great hands and a willingness to drive the net. He seems like a perfect for the Sabres and a long-term replacement for Skinner.
  11. No you don't, but apparently it makes you feel better when you shout at them because you are 'owning them'. I shouldn't be surprised as it seems to be a condition of many humans, but I swear when it comes to politics people will convince themselves to follow a policy they initially didn't agree with because "their side" supports that issue and it is more important to cheer and scream for 'your team' than it is to do what is actually good for you (and this applies to both sides.). The worst part is, and I think we are all seeing this more and more..is when people shout at you, people make jokes, people cause confrontations NOT based on an issue they truly believe in, but rather they want to support an issue simply because it makes 'the other side' mad. They would rather hurt or anger people who don't agree with them over doing what actually is good for themselves.
  12. Yep, wasn’t affordable anymore! Taxes at 8,000 on a house built in 1976 and we have a new house similar size with a tax bill of 2200
  13. All I was really getting at was that I don't know if publicly available numbers reflect my perceptions or not but I'm not sure they'd have to because I expect the Sabres to be using different (and better) resources to collect data. But I think your last sentence reflects my perception of Yakemchuk's game too. And I think likely the Sabres priorities. Entries and exits are a far more important part of an NHL defenceman's game than goals and hits.
  14. I enjoy JFresh's content. But if #fancystats are extolling McDavid's performance in the SCF, then they don't square with the eye test, IMO. From where I sit (and watch most of the games) and excepting the Game 4 blowout, McDavid has not been able to step forward and assert himself in the way that the Oilers need(ed) him to. I concluded a while ago that he's injured -- something seems to be inhibiting his shot (a core injury? a wrist injury?).
  15. I am going to make some guesses. You are over 55, my guess is over 65 but at least 55 so all the teachers you know are probably 20 or more years in the profession so I wouldn't be surprised if they made around 100k. I've lived a couple of different places including outside of NY for a time. Specifically in the southeast and teachers and educators didn't make a lot, unless again they had years on years in the system where they could get up to those higher levels of pay. I know quite a few teachers, none of them make anywhere close to 100k, most are in the 55-65k market.
  16. I'm looking at entry prevention% defensive play, retrieval success rate, controlled exits, etc... so idk what an NHL could be looking at other than having more complete data. I don't like Yakemchuk btw, I think his defensive zone play is poor and his ability to move pucks up ice mediocre.
  17. My neighbors all teachers making 100k on my taxes while I’ve been around teachers my whole life. They make a ton I’ve lived all over the country have you?
  18. Today
  19. Someone might just give him a Foligno-style 4x$4M... and regret that contract happily ever after. The Jay Beagle Special. (And I like the player. I'd gladly do a Zemgus-style 2x$2.5M and then replace Zemgus with a lesser deal.)
  20. I was married to a teacher my ex father in law taught at Springville. My step daughters are special Ed teachers. I laugh their out enjoying their summers and laughing how much their making.
  21. Great my taxes are 6000 less in the south than WNY. I tired of paying teachers 100k. We split
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