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Post your ideas on how to help the Canes sell out game #2.


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Canes should be thankful that Game 2 is on a Monday. It should limit Sabres fans to those in the Raleigh area. However, I would expect that Game 5 (if needed :D ) will have the Sabres faithful well represented.

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Have a drawing for a Grand Prize winner of a free trip to the Mason-Dixon line.


First 10,000 fans get their very own KKK outfit with a Hurricane patch on the forehead


Set up free private booths for fans to sleep with any woman they want ( sex limited to their family members only)

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However, I would expect that Game 5 (if needed :D ) will have the Sabres faithful well represented.


Here's an even better tidbit about game 5. That Sunday is one of the two big NASCAR races in Charlotte, which will probably reduce the number of 'Canes fans. More room for Sabre's fans!!

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Brilliant thread. Are you kidding me? And lets start with the fact that I am a Buffalo girl that happens to like both the Canes and Sabres all year. Actually, in the Sabres case, make that the last 20 years.


I've interned for the Sabres. I've gone to hundreds of games in this lifetime. I've written about them for publications in Buffalo. I get them, admire their season this year and think they have something special on the ice. I'm thrilled Buffalo has something to cheer for, because the Bills left a lot to be desired this year.


But the Canes have my support in this series. And this year, for a lot of reasons, my alliances will lie there first and foremost. May the best team win. And I mean that.


But after the performance the Buffalo fans put on in Raleigh, a lot of people in Raleigh wanted to assume this whole WNY region was a mess. That Buffalo was a bunch of idiots, and that those that went down represented all of us who have cheered this team on for years. Personally, I think those fans that went down there shouldn't have the right to wear a jersey with a Sabres crest on it. They shouldn't be allowed to wear a symbol of my city and act like dangerous, moronic fools.


On the Canes board, they quelled their rants on these fans to get back to hockey. I'm sure it doesn't feel good to shut it and not be able to vent about those morons, but you know what? They did. And you know what they get? This stupid thread. Welcome back to stereotyping.


No, the Buffalo fans are not all morons, not all drunken jerks, not all fat, lazy, unemployed slobs. But Raleigh, the population of which is probably at least 20% from WNY, isn't a bunch of rednecks either and I'm sure everyone here knows that. There's more to life there than NASCAR, and in the case of this thread - they apparently have some Sabres fans beat on ethics, morality and the ability to be decent human beings to one another.


Thanks for making me proud to be from Buffalo. :roll.


Think maybe we could stick to hockey and come off a little more intelligently? Or do me a favor, like Erik Cole did in practice today when he wore an "injured" denoting jersey - clearly mark yourself in HSBC when I am there on Wednesday. Wear a sign so when I walk around, so I'm clear on who exactly thinks this is funny. I have a feeling if you had to show yourself, you wouldn't spout this garbage.

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Holy mackerel. When you moved, did you leave your sense of humor in the U-Haul? You condemn stereotyping, but you read one post here and conclude that we are not intelligent and don't stick to hockey. We are and we do. And you clearly do some stereotyping of your own -- "after the performance the Buffalo fans put on in Raleigh." "The Buffalo fans"? Are they Stepford Sabre fans? Did they all behave the same? Hard to believe. Your first post here? Please, make it your last. You support the Canes? Take it to their board. Bye now.

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The first 500 tickets sold will receive a $100 voucher to the dentist of their choice for a free tooth cleaning and the latest copy of Goats Gone Wild! on either DVD or VHS.



What is a DVD???


sincerely, redneck.


Brilliant thread. Are you kidding me? And lets start with the fact that I am a Buffalo girl that happens to like both the Canes and Sabres all year. Actually, in the Sabres case, make that the last 20 years.


I've interned for the Sabres. I've gone to hundreds of games in this lifetime. I've written about them for publications in Buffalo. I get them, admire their season this year and think they have something special on the ice. I'm thrilled Buffalo has something to cheer for, because the Bills left a lot to be desired this year.


Do you wanna cookie now???

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Brilliant thread. Are you kidding me? And lets start with the fact that I am a Buffalo girl that happens to like both the Canes and Sabres all year. Actually, in the Sabres case, make that the last 20 years.


So you have liked the Canes for 1 year(?) and the Sabres for 20 but you choose to root for the Canes? :blink:


I hope your husband or son plays for the Canes, because that would be the only exception.

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Appeal to NASCAR fans and sell the pre-period skate around as go straight and turn left.


they'll pack them in 100,000 strong !


At the 'Hawks games they have "Zamboni races" on the scoreboard... Maybe they can actually get 3 Zambonis on the ice and have a real race, not just a virtual one?


Deck them out in all the favorite sponsers so people can pick their favorite product and root for it to win... I hear the "Little Debbie" NASCAR is a big hit with the kids... Sure to be a favorite with all the little tikes in attendance.


Then the sponsers can pay the owners of the 'Canes money for advertising... Hence, the owners can give a break to the season tix holders... Then the season tix holders can run right to the store (with the extra money they saved on playoff tix) and load up on Skoal, Little Debbies, and Tide.



:D :D

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Brilliant thread. Are you kidding me? And lets start with the fact that I am a Buffalo girl that happens to like both the Canes and Sabres all year. Actually, in the Sabres case, make that the last 20 years.


I've interned for the Sabres. I've gone to hundreds of games in this lifetime. I've written about them for publications in Buffalo. I get them, admire their season this year and think they have something special on the ice. I'm thrilled Buffalo has something to cheer for, because the Bills left a lot to be desired this year.


But the Canes have my support in this series. And this year, for a lot of reasons, my alliances will lie there first and foremost. May the best team win. And I mean that.


But after the performance the Buffalo fans put on in Raleigh, a lot of people in Raleigh wanted to assume this whole WNY region was a mess. That Buffalo was a bunch of idiots, and that those that went down represented all of us who have cheered this team on for years. Personally, I think those fans that went down there shouldn't have the right to wear a jersey with a Sabres crest on it. They shouldn't be allowed to wear a symbol of my city and act like dangerous, moronic fools.


On the Canes board, they quelled their rants on these fans to get back to hockey. I'm sure it doesn't feel good to shut it and not be able to vent about those morons, but you know what? They did. And you know what they get? This stupid thread. Welcome back to stereotyping.


No, the Buffalo fans are not all morons, not all drunken jerks, not all fat, lazy, unemployed slobs. But Raleigh, the population of which is probably at least 20% from WNY, isn't a bunch of rednecks either and I'm sure everyone here knows that. There's more to life there than NASCAR, and in the case of this thread - they apparently have some Sabres fans beat on ethics, morality and the ability to be decent human beings to one another.


Thanks for making me proud to be from Buffalo. :roll.


Think maybe we could stick to hockey and come off a little more intelligently? Or do me a favor, like Erik Cole did in practice today when he wore an "injured" denoting jersey - clearly mark yourself in HSBC when I am there on Wednesday. Wear a sign so when I walk around, so I'm clear on who exactly thinks this is funny. I have a feeling if you had to show yourself, you wouldn't spout this garbage.

She's right. :(


Alright, you guys. Stop it with the teasing. People have feelings, you know. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a jerk.

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She's right. :(


Alright, you guys. Stop it with the teasing. People have feelings, you know. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a jerk.


The thing that gets me is that she interned for the Sabres and grew up in WNY... Now she is a 'Canes supporter... I guess to each their own... But, the questions begs to be asked:


Do you work for the Hurricanes (CanesChic)?


And yes, people should be respectful... This stuff is teasing and it does cross the line sometimes... But, the 'Canes fans brought it on themselves... It isn't out of line what mangmt was asking... Like someone said on the stadium wall (OTW)... 'Canes mangmt has been seen in the airports of other cities (all joking aside)... Do you really trust them?... They already "two-timed" Hartford... :angry:


Maybe they are testing thier fan base... Which seem proud and overly sensitive...


Nobody is to blame but the fans... If they didn't forsee this happening going deep into the playoffs, they are naive... Sure you gotta buy tickets for the game... From what I hear, some went up by a 100 bucks... That is a problem with the families...


Family hockey in Illinois is a Chicago Wolves game... That is where you take family... Come playoff time in the NHL, the owners push it up a notch...


They should retract the league and the teams like the 'Canes should become a minor league team then.


Some fans of NHL teams would kill dearly to see a game... And if there is a void created by obstinant fans unwilling to shell out extra money because they bring the whole family... Too bad.


I do feel compassion for the fans... They should just stop whining about the other fans over taking their home...

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Brilliant thread. Are you kidding me? And lets start with the fact that I am a Buffalo girl that happens to like both the Canes and Sabres all year. Actually, in the Sabres case, make that the last 20 years.


I've interned for the Sabres. I've gone to hundreds of games in this lifetime. I've written about them for publications in Buffalo. I get them, admire their season this year and think they have something special on the ice. I'm thrilled Buffalo has something to cheer for, because the Bills left a lot to be desired this year.


But the Canes have my support in this series. And this year, for a lot of reasons, my alliances will lie there first and foremost. May the best team win. And I mean that.


But after the performance the Buffalo fans put on in Raleigh, a lot of people in Raleigh wanted to assume this whole WNY region was a mess. That Buffalo was a bunch of idiots, and that those that went down represented all of us who have cheered this team on for years. Personally, I think those fans that went down there shouldn't have the right to wear a jersey with a Sabres crest on it. They shouldn't be allowed to wear a symbol of my city and act like dangerous, moronic fools.


On the Canes board, they quelled their rants on these fans to get back to hockey. I'm sure it doesn't feel good to shut it and not be able to vent about those morons, but you know what? They did. And you know what they get? This stupid thread. Welcome back to stereotyping.


No, the Buffalo fans are not all morons, not all drunken jerks, not all fat, lazy, unemployed slobs. But Raleigh, the population of which is probably at least 20% from WNY, isn't a bunch of rednecks either and I'm sure everyone here knows that. There's more to life there than NASCAR, and in the case of this thread - they apparently have some Sabres fans beat on ethics, morality and the ability to be decent human beings to one another.


Thanks for making me proud to be from Buffalo. :roll.


Think maybe we could stick to hockey and come off a little more intelligently? Or do me a favor, like Erik Cole did in practice today when he wore an "injured" denoting jersey - clearly mark yourself in HSBC when I am there on Wednesday. Wear a sign so when I walk around, so I'm clear on who exactly thinks this is funny. I have a feeling if you had to show yourself, you wouldn't spout this garbage.


Proud? Proud enough to turn your back on "your city" and your team?


Maybe instead of trolling the internet you should be seeking some medical help to remove that stick from your a$$. If you can't take a joke maybe you should stick to your 'Young Republicans' meetings talking about how you hate minorities, how GW is a genius and how we are "winning" the War in Iraq.


For now, I am going to get ready to go to work and pay taxes in MY CITY. I will also contiue to care less about those who couldn't bother to stay and contribute to the future of WNY. ;)

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Maybe instead of trolling the internet you should be seeking some medical help to remove that stick from your a$$. If you can't take a joke maybe you should stick to your 'Young Republicans' meetings talking about how you hate minorities, how GW is a genius and how we are "winning" the War in Iraq.


If this person is who I think she is, you couldn't be more off base. Then again, I've been wrong before. :rolleyes:

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Y'know I can't be-grudge the Canes' fans their disdain for drunken Sabres fans. Their games are probably very different down there. Canes games may be a lot more family-friendly, and they might not have the same kinds of long-standing contentious rivalries like we do with the Flyers or Leafs.


I'm not going to disparage them if they are used to a more well behaved crowd. We can crack on NASCAR all we want, but I've heard that they have some of the best behaved and supportive fans around. That's cool, and that might be what they are used to.


They just aren't used to the kind of fan that comes from up here and I can understand them really not liking it. Yeah, I wouldn't bring my kid to a playoff game at HSBC, but that might not be the case down there. In that context, drunken rowdy Sabre fans would be "embarassing".


That being said, again, if you don't want as many Sabre fans at the game, then sell your arena out in 12 minutes like they did up here. And, you have to accept the fact that long-time hockey fans up north, here are a very different animal than what you are used to seeing down there.

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I realize that some people in Carolina are complaining that the ticket prices are more expensive but consider this: if the Hurricanes don't make it this far into the playoffs again for a few years, you'll be kicking yourself for not ponying up the extra bucks to see them now. If you have to, just work some overtime at the Krispy Kreme or Walmart to cover the cost. You won't regret it, believe me. Some memories are worth the extra sacrifice. ;)


NHL playoffs are the best!


NASCAR? NonAthletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks :lol:

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From the Canes website:




The Southeast Division Champion Carolina Hurricanes return to the ice this evening, hosting Buffalo in Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Final at the RBC Center in Raleigh, NC. The Sabres withstood a tremendous Hurricanes rally Saturday afternoon to hang on for a 3-2 victory, giving Buffalo a 1-0 series lead. Puck drop is at 7:30 p.m. tonight, and great seats are available.



And they weren't kidding. As of 9:30 AM you could get 8 100 level seats next to each other!

Here's proof:



Carolina Hurricanes Playoffs: Round 3, Game 2, Home Game 2,

RBC Center, Raleigh, NC

Mon, May 22, 2006 07:30 PM

Your Ticket(s)






Section Row Type Ticket Price Convenience Charge Description

106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00


106 VV Regular priced admission US $175.00 US $13.00



This is the EASTERN CONFERENCE FINALS people!!! Sell out your damn arena, at least, AT LEAST by the day before the game! Or, you know, in 12 minutes.


UPDATE: Almost 11:30 and you can still get 8 consecutive seats in Section 105. The last time 8 consecutive seats were available for Game 3 was, I bet, never.

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