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Post your ideas on how to help the Canes sell out game #2.


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I think you officially are getting less respect in this forum than I do, and that is saying a lot. :huh: (although I'm starting to think it's warranted) :(

Now that's funny - good work ink.


Like George Castanza in that Seinfeld episode, maybe we should just let this thread end on a high note.

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In playoff hockey, teams often have resorted to using 4 or 5 defensemen. It's called "shortening the bench" (some new vocabulary for you newbies). If Teppo's out, and it looks like he is, the Sabres will play Janek 7 or 8 minutes tops. Depending on the situation, they'll mix and match their D men throughout the game. Both teams are well rested right now, so fatigue is not a factor.


Not really all that big a deal. They put the game away against the Canes with 5 d-men in game 1.


And I wouldn't count on this being a 7 games series. Canes lose tonight, they'll be lucky to extend it to 5. Don't make the mistake of comparing the Sabres to the Canadiens, tonight is crucial for your new favorite team.



;) I'm not a newbie, thanks. Simply asked for some discussion on this. I'm aware of what "shortening the bench" is. I was interested in long term sustainment here for the Sabres, because Game 1 was a lot closer than just putting "away" the Canes. Until the empty netter it was a close one goal game that could have gone either way.


I know tonight is of extreme importance, but it's not impossible to come back even down 0-2, so I wouldn't write off my "new" :rolleyes: favorite team no matter what the outcome is tonight.


I think you officially are getting less respect in this forum than I do, and that is saying a lot. :huh: (although I'm starting to think it's warranted) :(


So I consider a point made by one of your posters, and agree to disagree and it's "warranted". That's rich.

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;) I'm not a newbie, thanks. Simply asked for some discussion on this. I'm aware of what "shortening the bench" is. I was interested in long term sustainment here for the Sabres, because Game 1 was a lot closer than just putting "away" the Canes. Until the empty netter it was a close one goal game that could have gone either way.


I know tonight is of extreme importance, but it's not impossible to come back even down 0-2, so I wouldn't write off my "new" :rolleyes: favorite team no matter what the outcome is tonight.


There was no empty net goal in game 1, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.


The story of game 1 was Carolina's inability to control Buffalo's transition game. They beat them with a 4 man breakout in the first, a three man pass through the nuetral zone in the 2nd, and McKee joined the rush out of the box in the third.


The story of that game, as it is with all the Sabres games, was speed. You Cane fans might not get that yet; it took the Ottawa fans a few games to get it, but it's the Canes defense you should be worried about. They look slow.


Oh, and if Canes go down 0-2, at home, they're done.

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The Sabres D is banged up pretty badly, but roating 5 will be fine if there is more offensive play. The thing to watch is whether Lindy is able to keep Janik and Fitzpatrick from making stupid mistakes, like going after a big hit while Brind'Amour gets a 1-1 with Miller.

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The Sabres D is banged up pretty badly, but roating 5 will be fine if there is more offensive play. The thing to watch is whether Lindy is able to keep Janik and Fitzpatrick from making stupid mistakes, like going after a big hit while Brind'Amour gets a 1-1 with Miller.


The thing that impresses me most about the Sabres are all the SH goals in the playoffs so far. Teams just get caught, and I have seen that from my Canes this year. During our "skid" we were getting killed on the PP, almost to the point where we dreaded them. Plus, some of our new guys - like Recchi, didn't have the stamina to keep up the attack AND cover D so we would come up short. Combine that with the fact that our PP wasn't effective and well, wasn't good.


But I think Carolina will come out firing tonight. I saw some hesitation from them in Game 1 that I don't think you will see in Game 2. There was a lot of hype leading into this series, and I think the high powered way Buffalo but away Ottawa was fresh in the Cane's mind. Now that we have that first one done with - I think they will come out fast and furious right from the puck drop.

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I think you are a fascinating person.


X... Get with the program my old friend... I call it "Vichy Buffalo"... If you know what I mean... You can't be on both sides of the fence no matter what... ;) ;)


My 7 year old son is still trying to figure out the proper "rooting" order that I use because I am an ex-WNYer... :lol: :lol:


At the 'Hawks-Coyotes game he was asking me the whole game (still does): "Who would I root for scenarios"... What if Boston Bruins were playing the 'Hawks? Coyotes? Etc... He would even cross hypothetical sports boundaries, say would you root for the Dolphins or BlackHawks... :lol: :lol:


He went to the Chicago Wolves-Toronto Marlies game and rooted for the Marlies (farm team to Leafs)... I quickly informed him of the Leaf connection...


One time skiing at Holiday Valley this year, he seen a guy wearing a Matt Sundin Leafs' jersey... He whispered to me on the chair and began to chuckle...


When the Cubs were in the playoffs a few years ago, he said to his kindergaten teacher: "My father doesn't like the Cubs"... :o


And the Bears... Forget about it... Only in certain situations (ie: vs. the Dolphins, Jets, Colts, or Pats).


I can tell you one thing... It is gonna take him years to figure it out!


She is like the clowns here in Chicago that root for both the Cubs and the Sox... You gotta pick one!... Or you will catch double hell for straddling the fence...

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I was just reading on the wall (OTW) how players are actually compensated (money wise) in the playoffs if they are eliminated... The money they receive is based on gate receipts... So...


If 'Canes fans support their team and the team gets eliminated... They are actually HELPING the players get more money... A sort of thank you I would say...


Now... It seems that a lot of Sabre fans are buying tickets for the games in North Carolina... So, if the Sabres eliminate the 'Canes... Our fans are helping their players get more money... Go figure!


This little fact makes the 'Canes fans look like bigger pompous ... While "holding out" for the Cup finals.


I hope the Sabres eliminate them THIS ROUND!


:lol: :lol:

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