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Camp Talk: Can Gragnani make this team?

Two or less

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First off, nobody can be considered a bust after being drafted in the 3rd round. His chances of making the club were 50/50 at best.


Secondly, Brian Campbell had 22 points through his first 102 NHL games. Not terribly unlike Sekera's career path.


Thirdly, soupy's penchant for play in his own end was far worse than anything Andrej has displayed thus far.


Lastly, Sekera is not nearly as bad as most would make him seem. He'd be picked off waivers immediately by half the teams in the league.

You just don't see the use of "Argh" enough these days.

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Should make him an easy waiver clear though. I didn't there a claim was very likely anyway, but this certainly lowers that risk.


Good point to make. However i think the injury is going to derail all his progress and now, soldify him as, at best, the emergency 8th dman.


I quess he will be condemned to portland again.

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