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Don't worry, our aptitude and skill will prevail!


I didn't watch the game until late in the third. Most of the games I saw between the two were well officiated. This one may be the exception.


Methinks that players and coaches are NOT allowed to protest the officiating as part of their contract with the NHL. There is much about the workings of the NHL and the Board of Governors that are off limits to us. Who are the Board of Governors. Are they elected? If so, by whom?


Also, how is the officiating kept to a standard of quality control? Is there a standard of quality control? Do the officials take an oath of honor? If NOT, why NOT?


These bad calls or non-calls are on video. Methinks we should compile them and document every instance. It will be the only way to pressure these wizards of oz if in fact the players and coaches have their hands tied contractually.


Officiating can change the momentum of any game. I for one have witnessed it time and again. Some of the announcers have spoken to some of these instances of officiating mediocrity (to say the least!)

Sometimes aptitude and skill cannot overcome momentum shifts created by subpar officiating!

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".... This is a recording.".

For some guys on this team, it's like picking a scab. They have to keep re-opening certain issues, but they have to wait until the time is right. Miller is famous for it. Of course he can't say it during a winning streak, but usually after the second loss in a row, the floodgates open. Issues, people, this team has issues!


I still say Miller's quizzical "WTF" gesture at Lalime when Ruff didn't pull him earlier in the Montreal game was very telling.

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With the attack, the young winger Sergei Kostitsyn illustrated himself on his return to the play after an absence of a match because of a wound to the bottom of the body. “Serge K” obtained a goal, in addition to piling up a master key.

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Miller scares no one. I can guarantee you that.


And this: if the Sabres don't figure out their breakout plays -- and stop passing the puck back below the dots -- they're one and done in the postseason, against whoever.


A very typical Lindy Ruff effort tonight.



excellent observation. astute!

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Miller scares no one. I can guarantee you that.


And this: if the Sabres don't figure out their breakout plays -- and stop passing the puck back below the dots -- they're one and done in the postseason, against whoever.


A very typical Lindy Ruff effort tonight.


How can you say that??


This is the guy who went after Billy Smith!!


/sarcasm off

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