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A disturbing interview


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You all know that I am anything but a doom and gloomer, usually looking for the good in the situation. However, Pommer's interview on SabresTV (go here, click on "The Locker Room" and then "Jason Pominville Interview (3/16/09)") really bothers me. I believe it was Bucky said to him "on the shorty, it looked like you stopped skating." Jason gave him a confused look. He said that he'd have to watch the video, but didn't think that they could have caught even the second guy. I didn't just have a problem with the fact that he didn't think that he could have caught the guy (they were close enough that they should have kept going hard until they were sure that the play was broken up, even if it were just to stop Reasoner from getting his own rebound if Lalime stopped his first shot), but also that they hadn't even seen that video clip. If I were Lindy, I would have played that clip (the one that Robie showed after the game) for the team and said that "these are the type of half-ass plays that are killing us." Pommer going low and Spacek choosing to fire the shot with two defensemen on his side of his four teammates was bad enough, but Spacek played the first guy well; it was the two backchecking forwards who let up that gave Reasoner a free, unmolested shot on Lalime. How are these guys not shown these things?!

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You all know that I am anything but a doom and gloomer, usually looking for the good in the situation. However, Pommer's interview on SabresTV (go here, click on "The Locker Room" and then "Jason Pominville Interview (3/16/09)") really bothers me. I believe it was Bucky said to him "on the shorty, it looked like you stopped skating." Jason gave him a confused look. He said that he'd have to watch the video, but didn't think that they could have caught even the second guy. I didn't just have a problem with the fact that he didn't think that he could have caught the guy (they were close enough that they should have kept going hard until they were sure that the play was broken up, even if it were just to stop Reasoner from getting his own rebound if Lalime stopped his first shot), but also that they hadn't even seen that video clip. If I were Lindy, I would have played that clip (the one that Robie showed after the game) for the team and said that "these are the type of half-ass plays that are killing us." Pommer going low and Spacek choosing to fire the shot with two defensemen on his side of his four teammates was bad enough, but Spacek played the first guy well; it was the two backchecking forwards who let up that gave Reasoner a free, unmolested shot on Lalime. How are these guys not shown these things?!

They played that clip on WGR.


Very disturbing indeed. I guess he never heard the term whistle to whistle.

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Troubling. He's either full of it, and knows exactly what Bucky was talking about. Or Lindy has lost it. Because if I were Lindy, I would make VHS copies of that play, give one copy to Jason, one copy to Connelly, and make them practice with those copies in their jocks.


I think they both had a chance to catch the trailer.

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Troubling. He's either full of it, and knows exactly what Bucky was talking about. Or Lindy has lost it. Because if I were him, I would make VHS copies of that play, give one copy to Jason, one copy to Connelly, and make them practice with those copies in their jocks.


I think they both had a chance to catch the trailer.


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I heard it played on the breaks after his show. I don't believe he commented on it.


If that is how Pominville views that play I may be taking a few steps closer to the Lindy must go camp.


Lindy was too busy taking blame for the monumental cluster#%^$#! of having four forwards on the PP in that situation, and above that playing it so aggressively, to have another film session.

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If you really want to hear funny, listen to Vanek try to step around the question in his interview. It sounded pretty clear that he was pissed that it happened. He said that some players need to step up, including himself (he took blame for missing some golden opportunities), but when asked about that play, he said "yeah, that's why some guys need to step up ... but I'm not here to call out other guys." I can't say for sure what I saw boiling up under his collar, but I'm guessing that, if he gets his game going consistently next year, Vanek might stop biting tongue and we may see a captain emerge, after all.

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If you really want to hear funny, listen to Vanek try to step around the question in his interview. It sounded pretty clear that he was pissed that it happened. He said that some players need to step up, including himself (he took blame for missing some golden opportunities), but when asked about that play, he said "yeah, that's why some guys need to step up ... but I'm not here to call out other guys." I can't say for sure what I saw boiling up under his collar, but I'm guessing that, if he gets his game going consistently next year, Vanek might stop biting tongue and we may see a captain emerge, after all.


God I hope so.

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If you really want to hear funny, listen to Vanek try to step around the question in his interview. It sounded pretty clear that he was pissed that it happened. He said that some players need to step up, including himself (he took blame for missing some golden opportunities), but when asked about that play, he said "yeah, that's why some guys need to step up ... but I'm not here to call out other guys." I can't say for sure what I saw boiling up under his collar, but I'm guessing that, if he gets his game going consistently next year, Vanek might stop biting tongue and we may see a captain emerge, after all.


I don't want to be that guy that says the highest paid player should be the vocal leader in the dressing room, but WTF!!!


Somebody, anybody, needs to start calling guys out. I remember seeing the first replay of this and screaming unspeakable things about Jason. It's just uncalled for. Even moreso when discussing someone who is not living up to their potential. It makes me believe the whole "funk" label is not accurate. He's just not into it.


I think these guys might be "too" close. I thought Rivet would change that, but we were all obviously wrong about that. I don't know, but this team's heart and character isn't even a topic anymore, because it died, and it isn't coming back until someone starts holding guys accountable for going out on the ice and giving 30-60%. I'd rather see Matt Ellis, at least his effort can't be questioned....

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If you really want to hear funny, listen to Vanek try to step around the question in his interview. It sounded pretty clear that he was pissed that it happened. He said that some players need to step up, including himself (he took blame for missing some golden opportunities), but when asked about that play, he said "yeah, that's why some guys need to step up ... but I'm not here to call out other guys." I can't say for sure what I saw boiling up under his collar, but I'm guessing that, if he gets his game going consistently next year, Vanek might stop biting tongue and we may see a captain emerge, after all.



..... "This is a recording".

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..... "This is a recording".

But the team is still angry about its last loss. :rolleyes:


For love of the Pete - please, just STFU and play some winning hockey already. Memo to Lindy and the Sabres - we're tired of hearing it. We're tired of hearing how you have to play better, eliminate mistakes, come out better prepared, not take games lightly, yada yada yada. Just shut up and show us on the ice.

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But the team is still angry about its last loss. :rolleyes:


For love of the Pete - please, just STFU and play some winning hockey already. Memo to Lindy and the Sabres - we're tired of hearing it. We're tired of hearing how you have to play better, eliminate mistakes, come out better prepared, not take games lightly, yada yada yada. Just shut up and show us on the ice.


I thought the sabres tuned lindy out long ago. IMO that's why they keep making the same mistakes over and over. The bad clearing passes from their own end...over and over. It's too much of an effort to say what they need because management is stuck in the mud and is never going to address anything real until a new owner comes along.

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me too.


to have invested so much of my time into it and to see him give a nonchalant blow off answer is unacceptable. Even if he goes on fire for the next 14 games this will not be forgotten!! Pommers needs to go along with Hecht. I am sick of these floaters everything either of them turns to shat.

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my constant rejoinder to the pommer bashing has been to link to his OT series-clincher in 2006.


but after watching that thrasher shortie on replay (i left the room for a bathroom break on saturday and didn't see the replay), i can't just say (again) "a guy who eliminates ottawa on the road, in overtime, short-handed, going around alfredsson can always play on my team."


i'm not willing to grab a torch or pitchfork, but i have to admit that this has just been a lost year for #29, and that play sums it up perfectly.

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But the team is still angry about its last loss. :rolleyes:


For love of the Pete - please, just STFU and play some winning hockey already. Memo to Lindy and the Sabres - we're tired of hearing it. We're tired of hearing how you have to play better, eliminate mistakes, come out better prepared, not take games lightly, yada yada yada. Just shut up and show us on the ice.




Talk is cheap, but in the case that is the Buffalo Sabres, it's not only cheap it's also a broken record that people are sick of listening to in the worst way.


This team talks the talk alright, but makes no effort to actually walk the walk.

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my constant rejoinder to the pommer bashing has been to link to his OT series-clincher in 2006.


but after watching that thrasher shortie on replay (i left the room for a bathroom break on saturday and didn't see the replay), i can't just say (again) "a guy who eliminates ottawa on the road, in overtime, short-handed, going around alfredsson can always play on my team."


i'm not willing to grab a torch or pitchfork, but i have to admit that this has just been a lost year for #29, and that play sums it up perfectly.


I think we're going to find out he played with some kind of injury that affected his skating. Maybe a dreaded sports hernia.


My other postseason prediction is that Lindy does the noble thing and falls on his sword. Quits.


Just putting them together so when I go 0-2, someone can point it out.

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I think we're going to find out he played with some kind of injury that affected his skating. Maybe a dreaded sports hernia.

an injury in his abdominal area (the "core" as trainer-types call it nowadays) would explain the fact that he's still getting open and getting shots to the net (leads the team, no?), but just doesn't seem to have a shot that's as heavy and accurate as it once was. and, as you point out, that sort of injury would also explain why he doesn't get up and down the ice like he did when he played a game that justified the contract he received last summer (i just don't buy that the guy has lost his heart or will to win).


My other postseason prediction is that Lindy does the noble thing and falls on his sword. Quits.

i don't think this happens, but i can't say it would surprise me if it did. i heard him interviewed this morning for a bit on GR -- he sounds deeply tired, burned-out.


Just putting them together so when I go 0-2, someone can point it out.
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