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Listening to GR


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What is it you didn't like?


Not that I don't enjoy the show. Barnone the best Sabres info station out there. But he was talking about his mortality fr an extended period of time, I was just wondering if anyone was listening in the time?.



shoop a dup-a-dup-shoop-a-dup-a-dup.

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Not that I don't enjoy the show. Barnone the best Sabres info station out there. But he was talking about his mortality fr an extended period of time, I was just wondering if anyone was listening in the time?.

I listened and enjoyed the show although I felt he might have gone a bit too far with it. He was putting himself in the place of flight 3407's passengers, and what it must have been like in their last moments. Truly gruesome thoughts.

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I listened and enjoyed the show although I felt he might have gone a bit too far with it. He was putting himself in the place of flight 3407's passengers, and what it must have been like in their last moments. Truly gruesome thoughts.

It came across as a sincere opinion on a tough subject. I thought he had a great show. I agree 100% on his take about Lynch. It was hilarious when he said he didn't know where Lynch found the room to carry a gun with all the booze he hides in his jacket.

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I agree 100% on his take about Lynch.

I don't remember his exact words about Marshawn, but I did get an "outrage" type of opinion from Schopp. At this point, I'm completely indifferent about pro athletes and their culture. Whatever they choose to partake in, never surprises me. Guns, drugs, ho's, bling, promiscuity, etc. It's pretty mush how they do, nothing surprises me.

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I don't remember his exact words about Marshawn, but I did get an "outrage" type of opinion from Schopp. At this point, I'm completely indifferent about pro athletes and their culture. Whatever they choose to partake in, never surprises me. Guns, drugs, ho's, bling, promiscuity, etc. It's pretty mush how they do, nothing surprises me.

That was Jerry Sullivan's take as well. He would have been shocked if it were a Whitner or Schoeble. Being that it was Lynch again surprises no one.

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I know its supposed to be "Sports talk" and many of you get your panties in a bunch if its not ALL sports, but Christ, he was talking about how he feels a sense of guilt about having his head stuck on how horrible the last 26 seconds of the lives of the poor victims of the plane crash. I don't know where you're from, but the proximity of this event has touched a number of us who live here.


If you're upset that you missed out on 15 minutes of talking line combinations or guns in trunks, then sorry, call a friend for a while and talk sports with him or her. But I can tell you that there are a lot of people who appreciated and related to his comments.

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Its Schopp.


I have some general thoughts about Schopp, from many the years I have listened to him. This includes when he had an afternoon show in Rochester. He then moved to WGR pairing him with "The Coach", which was pretty ironic, considering how he ripped him when he was in Rochester. Finally he was paired with "Bulldog", and that's where we sit now. I find as the years go by, Schopp has shown that he is not interested in "Sports Talk" anymore. He only seems interested when he is addressing things like Movies,Music, and other Off Topics. This would be fine if he was "AM Drivetime" personality, but he is not. He also likes to go out of his way, to tell his listeners about the "Sporting Events" he did not watch, because they are too boring. These include Bills and Sabres games. If you hosting a "Sports Radio" show in Buffalo, shouldn't you watch the games, if they bore you or not? That being said I would like to thank Schopp for one thing, he makes me appreciate Bulldog twice as much.

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I know its supposed to be "Sports talk" and many of you get your panties in a bunch if its not ALL sports, but Christ, he was talking about how he feels a sense of guilt about having his head stuck on how horrible the last 26 seconds of the lives of the poor victims of the plane crash. I don't know where you're from, but the proximity of this event has touched a number of us who live here.


If you're upset that you missed out on 15 minutes of talking line combinations or guns in trunks, then sorry, call a friend for a while and talk sports with him or her. But I can tell you that there are a lot of people who appreciated and related to his comments.


Consider my panties bunched.


Also i take umbridge with you using the lords name in vain.

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He only seems interested when he is addressing things like Movies,Music, and other Off Topics. This would be fine if he was "AM Drivetime" personality, but he is not. He also likes to go out of his way, to tell his listeners about the "Sporting Events" he did not watch, because they are too boring. These include Bills and Sabres games. If you hosting a "Sports Radio" show in Buffalo, shouldn't you watch the games, if they bore you or not? That being said I would like to thank Schopp for one thing, he makes me appreciate Bulldog twice as much.

Women's tennis and baseball are his favorites. He has made it clear how much he dislikes the Bills and their organization and the only reason he doesn't rip the Sabres more is because the games are broadcast on his station.


From my perspective, satellite radio has made him obsolete. I rarely listen anymore.

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Women's tennis and baseball are his favorites. He has made it clear how much he dislikes the Bills and their organization and the only reason he doesn't rip the Sabres more is because the games are broadcast on his station.


From my perspective, satellite radio has made him obsolete. I rarely listen anymore.


Must disagree on the hockey part of this. He has been a season ticket holder for a few years and has been a hockey fan since his youth, albeit a Leafs' fan. There is no doubt that baseball is his passion and he is a huge tennis fan ( his wife is one of the top local women's players) but it is incorrect to say that his station's affiliation has anything to do with his feelings with regard to the Sabres.

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He must still be a Leafs fan because every now and then he says things that anyone who follows the Sabres would never say. (like Dennis Persson making the opening day roster) :doh:


The perils of live radio. You make one mis-step and some relive it over and over. Both of us know, Ink, that we have both been caught posting incorrect information and had to admit our errors.

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The perils of live radio. You make one mis-step and some relive it over and over. Both of us know, Ink, that we have both been caught posting incorrect information and had to admit our errors.

Sure. I like their show. Mike even seems like a decent human being. I know some of his high school buds, but I think the WNY sports grunts relate more to the Bulldogs of the world than the Schopps of the world. I suppose Mike is needed from a professional standpoint. I don't know all the behind the scenes info but I'm sure Schopp does a lot to get the on air product where it is at.


Mike also needs to distance himself from the callers. Almost every caller yesterday was a moron. The show was about Max, for the most part. Every other caller wanted to package Max or see what they could get for him. As Bulldog appropriately pointed out, that ship has sailed a long time ago. Schopp added that if Max starts putting up points when he gets back in the lineup, his vlaue is going to be with the Sabres, not a trade. I agreed completely.


I also completely disagreed with the fact that Mike wants to see Max back in the lineup to see what he can bring. We already know what that is. It's skating like the wind, putting himself offsides, putting everyone else on the ice off sides with dekes at the blueline, it's the stupidest stick penalties you've ever seen, it's taking penalties when the Sabres are on the PP, it's skating into the zone 2 on none and shooting the puck 7 feet wide of the net, it's skating into the zone weaving in and out of defenders only to put the puck directly onto an opposing players stick headed full steam in the other direction for an odd man rush. I know what Max brings. Nothing good. Go away already.

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