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Wow, what a weird game so far. A ~2:00 fight, a linesman goes off for repairs, followed quickly by a Devil in almost the same spot, and Zubrus finally finds the scoresheet...

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My opinion of that period: <_<

I was thinking just the opposite. After watching 7 periods of this trap hockey, this is the first one where the Sabres are at least getting decent scoring chances. The Devils aren't as fast as the Avs or Wild and that allows the Sabres to get to the puck. I didn't expect a great deal of flow in this one, but it is definitely better than the other two games.


My concern is that the tired legs should start showing up for the Sabres now... We need another goal quick....

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We're done.


What the F is with giving up goals in the first and last minutes of periods????


Not liking the way we are playing. Injuries Sminjuries. We are not working hard enough.

I wouldn't say we're done. However, I would say that they're consitent with being inconsistent. :thumbdown: :wallbash:

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Nope. We are DONE!


This pattern of giving up early goals is horrendous.


They cannot get behind teams that specialize in Boring Everyone To Death. If we come back and win this then I'll gladly eat my words, but getting behind to the BETD teams is not conducive to winning hockey for the Sabres.

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You know, guys, I'm getting to the point of packing it in altogether.


For the most part, I love the Buffalo sports scene. I grew up in the area, and I will remain loyal to my teams.


However, there are some things which need my attention right now. Even IF the Sabres did win the Cup, there are other pressing things in my life. So, maybe I'll come back from time to time. However, sports is not #1 in my life. If I'm in the mood, I'll show up.

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