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I don't want the Sabres to beat Ottawa tomorrow.


They only have a hand full of games left before a long break. I don't want these kids sitting around for three weeks thinking they accomplished anything. Three weeks is long enough to get a full of themselves. Friends and family patting them on the back. Strangers saying great job.


I just think having that carrot of beating Ottawa will help keep them focused. The hardest part of the season is yet to come. I want this team to hit that stretch with something to prove and not resting on what they did the first 2/3's of the season.


Just haven't seen this angle brought up. Any thoughts?

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I think I have enough confidence in this team from top to bottom for such a thing not to happen...and we really really have to see how we match up against Ottawa. I think it would be a huge confidence boost but not so much as they would get a big head. I think the importance of beating them outweighs the worry of getting full of themselves, I just don't think people like Drury and Briere and Ruff would allow them to get that unfocused. They have to know they can beat them, and if they don't, then that certainly would be incentive to work harder or make some adjustments even, let's see what they can do right now...

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I don't want the Sabres to beat Ottawa tomorrow.


They only have a hand full of games left before a long break. I don't want these kids sitting around for three weeks thinking they accomplished anything. Three weeks is long enough to get a full of themselves. Friends and family patting them on the back. Strangers saying great job.


I just think having that carrot of beating Ottawa will help keep them focused. The hardest part of the season is yet to come. I want this team to hit that stretch with something to prove and not resting on what they did the first 2/3's of the season.


Just haven't seen this angle brought up. Any thoughts?

Yea, I've got a few thoughts... you're an idiot. The last thing we need is a loss to Ottawa tomorrow and then have the guys thinking in their heads that they just can't beat Ottawa.

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I don't want the Sabres to beat Ottawa tomorrow.


They only have a hand full of games left before a long break. I don't want these kids sitting around for three weeks thinking they accomplished anything. Three weeks is long enough to get a full of themselves. Friends and family patting them on the back. Strangers saying great job.


I just think having that carrot of beating Ottawa will help keep them focused. The hardest part of the season is yet to come. I want this team to hit that stretch with something to prove and not resting on what they did the first 2/3's of the season.


Just haven't seen this angle brought up. Any thoughts?

You are scaring me. I've been thinking the same thing... If they win, they aren't going to surprise anyone, and teams will crank it up a notch in games with the Sabres.


On the other hand, people like Timmy, Miller, Vanek, and even Quiet will have to watch their teammates playing for the gold. That may a motivation itself to come out and show they belonged in that tourney too.


In the end, nothing would please me more than them chasing Hasek from the net, and the sooner, the better.

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Yea, I've got a few thoughts... you're an idiot. The last thing we need is a loss to Ottawa tomorrow and then have the guys thinking in their heads that they just can't beat Ottawa.

I guess you never had success so you don't know how it could go to a persons head. ;)


Sitting around for a couple of weeks hearing what a great job they have done is not a good thing.

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I don't think it will go to their heads because the media will not give them due credit. The media will say that they only one once in three games against them. Even during the nice run they had earlier this season, they kept themselves in check. I think they need the win more then the loss.


I'll give ya credit, it is an interesting thought.

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I don't think it will go to their heads because the media will not give them due credit. The media will say that they only one once in three games against them. Even during the nice run they had earlier this season, they kept themselves in check. I think they need the win more then the loss.


I'll give ya credit, it is an interesting thought.



Sometimes I get tired of hearing the same old thing. ;)


Just trying to mix things up a bit. ;)

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Please quit smoking the crack pipe....


why would you want them to lose??? So they build up a complex that they can't beat hasek????


Don't you want them to win? Don't you want them to think like winners??


They are professionals when they win they will come back feeling strong and keep winning. Teams aren't going to turn it up a notch and win against Buffalo we are to good. Miller is too good.



Deluca always seems to say things that seem like he really doesn't know what winners do....winners win losers lose.

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It's always interesting to play "psychologist'" but I'm not buying your argument Delucca. I understand what you're saying, but there are two ways your scenario plays out. There's your take and then there's the possibilty that losing to Ottawa puts an albatross around a young team's neck. I don't want this team thinking Ottawa OWNS them. If they go far into the playoffs, there is high probability they'll meet Ottawa along the way. They need to know they can stand up to them.


Besides the pyschology, there is the reality. Two points now is two more points at te end of the season. Could be the difference between home ice and traveling.


Interesting thought, but I'll take the points and not speculate on the what ifs.

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Please quit smoking the crack pipe....


why would you want them to lose??? So they build up a complex that they can't beat hasek????


Don't you want them to win? Don't you want them to think like winners??


They are professionals when they win they will come back feeling strong and keep winning. Teams aren't going to turn it up a notch and win against Buffalo we are to good. Miller is too good.



Deluca always seems to say things that seem like he really doesn't know what winners do....winners win losers lose.

Again you prove you are unable to grasp the point of a post.


There are many different ways of looking at things. You shouldn't be so afraid of thinking outside the box.


And by the way. Psycholoy = Coaching. Any coach will tell you that.


Do you think the difference in the play of a Tim Connolly is physical? Or has his game clicked mentaly?


You think in hindsite the Colts would have prefered not to go 13-0?


I know this may be way too much for you to handle. Maybe you should stick to listening to the simple minded ramblings of a Don Cherry. :lol:

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please do not preach to me about psychology.


I understand your point about losing and the team not becoming bigger then themselves. It is always something that coaches have to keep and eye on



But do you not have faith in your team to win?


Also when you start playing psychological games then where does it end?

why not bush sit lose to Ottawa everytime and then bang you smash them in the playoffs because they think they own you.


Like i said psyology is too complicated for hockey players.


Win every game becuase winners don't have to play outside the box.

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I want to beat Ottawa. I want the good people of Buffalo to come to the arena tonight and watch our guys slay the beast in front of a rocking house. I want to send Dominik home with a 5-goal loss and maybe get in his head a little. I want Miller to have a great game and not get lit up by that GD all-star team they have up there.


If we are going to get to the conf. finals or beyond we are going to have to beat this team. It will help if both we and they know we can beat them.


DeLuca's point about motivation and getting complacent is well taken. However, the schedule is plenty demanding. There are still 4 more games after tonight before the break. The 4 games are over 6 nights, and include Florida, which has beaten us twice this year, and Carolina, which is in 1st place in the whole league right now. If we beat Ottawa and then slack off, we're going to get pounded, and I think that will wake us right back up.


Go Sabres.

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please do not preach to me about psychology.


I understand your point about losing and the team not becoming bigger then themselves. It is always something that coaches have to keep and eye on



But do you not have faith in your team to win?


Also when you start playing psychological games then where does it end?

why not bush sit lose to Ottawa everytime and then bang you smash them in the playoffs because they think they own you.


Like i said psyology is too complicated for hockey players.


Win every game becuase winners don't have to play outside the box.

You should change your name to "Clueless".


How did you end up with the point of the Sabres throwing the game from reading my post? I would be facinated by the logic behind that.


It kinds of funny how people think. I am listening tio Darren Pang on the NHL on ESPN Radio and he made almost the same point about Carolina. A young team sitting around

growing too comfortable with what they have done.


I'll look forward to your panic post if the Sabres do lose.

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I want to beat Ottawa. I want the good people of Buffalo to come to the arena tonight and watch our guys slay the beast in front of a rocking house. I want to send Dominik home with a 5-goal loss and maybe get in his head a little. I want Miller to have a great game and not get lit up by that GD all-star team they have up there.


If we are going to get to the conf. finals or beyond we are going to have to beat this team. It will help if both we and they know we can beat them.


DeLuca's point about motivation and getting complacent is well taken. However, the schedule is plenty demanding. There are still 4 more games after tonight before the break. The 4 games are over 6 nights, and include Florida, which has beaten us twice this year, and Carolina, which is in 1st place in the whole league right now. If we beat Ottawa and then slack off, we're going to get pounded, and I think that will wake us right back up.


Go Sabres.

It is just one game. If the win they don't get handed the Cup and if they lose they don't get eliminated.


Either way it will be a tough job for Ruff to pull everything together after such a long break. It will be a race to the end of the season. Who gets healthy or gets injured. Who trades for who are all things to watch for.


Here let me start a rumor.


Olli Jokinen to the Sabres for a deal that will include Biron. Florida will decide to move Luongo and will need a goalie. Though Olli is a UFA they will acqurie him with the intentions of signing him long term.

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Deluca you call me clueless but you have your fingers crossed that Buffalo loses? :o


Don't call me clueless i remember I said Connelly would be good, wait I said BRIERE and DRURY would have more playoff goals the SATAN wait I said Buffalo would make the plaoffs before the season even started. I didn't say lets release the wolverines into the crowd......I would say who is clueless???


Ever think that maybe hasek and Ottawa can stew over how we whipped their ...stew over that!


and if you want to compare our posts before the season started we can see who was more right then wrong DELUCA aren't you the guy giving Connelly away for a bag of pucks???


My point us i think i have been pretty right on with what the sabres and individual players have done the proof is in the archives and you have been clueless t what our team has done.

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  I didn't say lets release the wolverines into the crowd......

Still my favorite line so far this year.



Let's all buy Sabre tickets out of spite? That way they won't finish in the bottom eight in revenue and collect revenue sharing.


Do you think if ticket sales are too high they would do something to discourage fans? Maybe release wolverines into the crowd in between periods? Or maybe trade Vanek and Miller straight up for Corkum?


Hey. It's just a thought - DELUCA67 Aug 28th 2005 07:16pm

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at you say in the past represents your knowledge and credibility in the future ;)

Two more words you need to look up. Context and Sarcasim.


How can you be "right on" when you don't say anything? And when you try to it's such a garbled mess. The only thing you have proven is that you're an idiot.


It's amazing how the level of conversation (I know big words are hard for but try to keep up) drops when you post. I'm the only one who stills responds to you. Most everyone else justs ignores you. Maybe I just feel sorry for you. Since you spent most of your life listening to Don Cherry maybe it has retarded you some what.


But again we are way off topic talking about the same old crap.


Lets try something new? Shall we? Go back to the top and read my first post again. Take your time, read it slow and really try to understand it this time. Then do something you've never done before. Give a well thoughtout response that actualy includes a counterpoint. I feel like Anne Sullivan working with Helen Keller.



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I guess you never had success so you don't know how it could go to a persons head. ;)


Sitting around for a couple of weeks hearing what a great job they have done is not a good thing.

No, No, you're just a complete moron for even suggesting that we should want to lose to Ottawa tonight. No team should ever take ANY game and 2 pts for granted.


This team is made up of players that won't let success get to their heads, because really, they haven't accomplished anything yet. We're not talking about a team thats been in the playoffs the past 5 years. Players like Drury, Briere, Miller etc are going to go out every night and fight for the 2 pts as if it was their last game, and thats exactly what we've been seeing all year.


BTW, are you going to pass that bowl or what?

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I don't want the Sabres to beat Ottawa tomorrow.


They only have a hand full of games left before a long break. I don't want these kids sitting around for three weeks thinking they accomplished anything. Three weeks is long enough to get a full of themselves. Friends and family patting them on the back. Strangers saying great job. 


I just think having that carrot of beating Ottawa will help keep them focused. The hardest part of the season is yet to come. I want this team to hit that stretch with something to prove and not resting on what they did the first 2/3's of the season.


Just haven't seen this angle brought up. Any thoughts?

I really like the character of this team and do not believe that beating Ottawa could possibly be a bad thing in any way. The way Ottawa has been in a funk lately (8-6-1 since the calendar flipped), I think Lindy will make sure that they know they did not beat the same team that kicked their butts back in November should the Sabres actually skate with the Sens for once. I don't see this team losing its focus in 16 days, even if they were to somehow sweep these last 5 games before the break.


Getting drubbed by Ottawa won't completely mess this team up nor will losing a close one, but I want them to think that if they work hard that they CAN compete with Ottawa. The only way they truly believe that is if they actually win one against them preferably with Dom between the pipes.

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I really like the character of this team and do not believe that beating Ottawa could possibly be a bad thing in any way. The way Ottawa has been in a funk lately (8-6-1 since the calendar flipped), I think Lindy will make sure that they know they did not beat the same team that kicked their butts back in November should the Sabres actually skate with the Sens for once. I don't see this team losing its focus in 16 days, even if they were to somehow sweep these last 5 games before the break.


Getting drubbed by Ottawa won't completely mess this team up nor will losing a close one, but I want them to think that if they work hard that they CAN compete with Ottawa. The only way they truly believe that is if they actually win one against them preferably with Dom between the pipes.



As always great points.


I expect at some point the youth of this team may catch up with them. I feel that the old 'carrot and stick' method of motivation works well. Beating Ottawa will eliminate a huge obsticle for this team. I would prefer that this game be played and won by the Sabres the first game back from the break. It's not a lack of faith on Ruff's part. It's just youth is always unpredictable.


Any idea on the rules of the break. Can the team practice? Will the players stay in WNY?


Just wondering.

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