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As always great points.


I expect at some point the youth of this team may catch up with them. I feel that the old 'carrot and stick' method of motivation works well. Beating Ottawa will eliminate a huge obsticle for this team. I would prefer that this game be played and won by the Sabres the first game back from the break. It's not a lack of faith on Ruff's part. It's just youth is always unpredictable.


Any idea on the rules of the break. Can the team practice? Will the players stay in WNY?


Just wondering.

As far as I know, the only rule is that there is a roster freeze, I think from the 13th to the 27th. I don't know at exactly what time the freeze kicks in. So I don't know if a player like Roy who doesn't have to clear waivers can be sent down right after the Carolina game ends on the 12th and called back up on the 28th. I don't see why teams wouldn't practice.

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I don't like DELUCA. At the beginning f the season he was very hard on Buffalo said the team was crap and the players are crap. Knocking my team is like knocking my country. I am actually suprised people put up with that crap.

I love it. Their is always entertaining banter between you two and others as well. Let's face it, if everybody was singing the praises of the Sabres to top bottom it would get a little stale around here.


p.s. Deluca seems to be into wrestling so maybe we can set up a steel cage match(whatever that is).

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I don't like DELUCA. At the beginning f the season he was very hard on Buffalo said the team was crap and the players are crap. Knocking my team is like knocking my country. I am actually suprised people put up with that crap.

Highlight of this thread #1: Watching Toddkaz butcher the word "psychology" various times, to varying degrees, throughout this thread.


Highlight of this thread #2: Toddkaz's wonderful misinterpretations of DeLuca's original post. "YOU WANT THE SABRES TO COMMIT RITUAL SUICIDE?! BUT... WHY."


Highlight of this thread #3: Redneck posters, such as Toddkaz, thinking that being critical of the team, despite success, means you want them to fail.


In conclusion, Toddkaz is the worst human being to ever live.

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Highlight of this thread #1: Watching Toddkaz butcher the word "psychology" various times, to varying degrees, throughout this thread.


Highlight of this thread #2: Toddkaz's wonderful misinterpretations of DeLuca's original post. "YOU WANT THE SABRES TO COMMIT RITUAL SUICIDE?! BUT... WHY."


Highlight of this thread #3: Redneck posters, such as Toddkaz, thinking that being critical of the team, despite success, means you want them to fail.


In conclusion, Toddkaz is the worst human being to ever live.

Hey AG, sure wish you'd register before you say stuff like that...


Besides, the worst human being is Ed...

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Hey Deluca - Are you pissed we got two points tonight or does the fact that the Sens still got one pacify you?

Why would it? If you read my original post you would see I wasn't cheering for the Sabres to lose but was only concerned that all the early success would make them a bit full of themselves and lazy.


The fact the Sabres got the two points, and didn't play all that well in doing so, is a good sign. But a point I don't think anyone brought up, if they did and I missed it I apologize, being so close to the Division lead may be the 'carrot and stick' I was fearful they would be missing.

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I don't like DELUCA. At the beginning f the season he was very hard on Buffalo said the team was crap and the players are crap. Knocking my team is like knocking my country. I am actually suprised people put up with that crap.

You see Tood in this country you are allowed to have differing opinions based on your feeling or assesment of the facts at a given time. I understand that many years of being badgered by the Archie Bunker of hockey Don Cherry that many fans have developed narrow minds.


To put it in more simple words for you Todd, we the paradigms change so do our opinions. Being of a free society we can choose to alter our opinions based on the facts and not be pigeon holed into a position.


My opinion of the Sabres has become more positive as the Sabres have achieved positive results. As my faith in the direction of the team grows I feel my posts have reflected such.


Many (on this board) have predicted the Sabres to make the playoffs when the season started. Many of them would have no matter who was on the roster. That's OK. If blind faith works for you then great. None predicted that the Sabres would be within arms reach of the Division's #1 spot at the Olympic break.


So, like many, I will remain pleasently suprised and enjoy the rest of the season no matter how it ends.



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I have kept my mouth...er keyboard(?) on this subject but I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents. One has to wonder if losing to Ottawa would have adversly affected this team. Losing a hard fought battle (like last night) probably would have been okay and I can understand dangling the proverbial carrot out in front of this hungry team. That being said, last nights game was a perfect momentum and confidence builder for this team.


Had this team gotten it's doors blown off it would have been a huge set back. An emotional victory like that was awesome and we should expect a huge let down for Tuesday. Maybe they will start off slow and get it going late in the game. Although, I would expect Marty to get the start and he could compound the slow start.

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It was not blind faith to know the sabres were going to be good. They were about 10 games over .500 in the second half last time their was NHL hockey. With the addition of Vanek, Connelly and Miller. They were going to be great.


Second I couldn't care less for what you people have to say. About me, my spelling or my personality as you see, I have friends in the real world. I am not a four eyed geek or some fat dumb american. So shoot away at what you have to say.

This place is pure entertainment and it is great at that. Talk about psychology, To get maximum entertainment all you do is just pick the most opininated man here ie. Deluca and you fire away with gold old fashion fun!


See you later :blink:

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I guess you never had success so you don't know how it could go to a persons head. 


Sitting around for a couple of weeks hearing what a great job they have done is not a good thing.


DELUCA like i said Winners win and losers lose.


Let me explain, in any element, in any situation winners find a way to win. By the sounds of it you have never won.


I am 28, I play teny of the nis in tournements, Hockey, poker and golf. Now i would consider myslf pretty good and as long as you have the CONFIDENCE to win your mind never goes the waybeen on of the gutter.


By the sounds of it you don't sound like a very confident man. If you are the man that goes out and gets what he wants then you don't have to worry about anything. You just do it and get it done.


Do you understand this?


NHL winners or teams like Calgary or Tampa Bay winning the cup, do that. I garauntee you although I wasn't their, they said we et our minds to a goal and we didn't stop until we achieved it.



Now only people who don't understand success would think that losing games is healthy.


Losing is never healthy and winning cures everything. Maybe one day you will know what that feels like. Maybe here you are a winner?


Just curious are you one of those guys who says I hope we don't sweep a team so we sit for a few days and think about what if we lose?


Most teams I have played on when we win we sit and say how great we ar and go out and kick ass!

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Highlight of this thread #1: Watching Toddkaz butcher the word "psychology" various times, to varying degrees, throughout this thread.


why do you poeple make fun of spelling???


I know i am not perfect but...


Didn't your 2nd in command spell potato....potatoe?

Mr. Quayle???


How can any american make comments on spelling when that happens.


lol now i know wh the rest of the world dislikes americans. You people are pretty ignorant to think that you are so perfect but your own vice cant spell and for that matter re-electing a crack addicted mayor to washignton afterbeing taken down by an FBI sting.


So please lets focus on the goal and not lose focus

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I have kept my mouth...er keyboard(?) on this subject but I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents. One has to wonder if losing to Ottawa would have adversly affected this team. Losing a hard fought battle (like last night) probably would have been okay and I can understand dangling the proverbial carrot out in front of this hungry team. That being said, last nights game was a perfect momentum and confidence builder for this team.


Had this team gotten it's doors blown off it would have been a huge set back. An emotional victory like that was awesome and we should expect a huge let down for Tuesday. Maybe they will start off slow and get it going late in the game. Although, I would expect Marty to get the start and he could compound the slow start.

They have four games until the break. They need to take the positives from the Sens game and put that game behind them. It's up to Lindy to preach focus.

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Deluca you call me clueless but you have your fingers crossed that Buffalo loses? :o


Don't call me clueless i remember I said Connelly would be good, wait I said BRIERE and DRURY would have more playoff goals the SATAN wait I said Buffalo would make the plaoffs before the season even started. I didn't say lets release the wolverines into the crowd......I would say who is clueless???


Ever think that maybe hasek and Ottawa can stew over how we whipped their ...stew over that!


and if you want to compare our posts before the season started we can see who was more right then wrong DELUCA aren't you the guy giving Connelly away for a bag of pucks???


My point us i think i have been pretty right on with what the sabres and individual players have done the proof is in the archives and you have been clueless t what our team has done.

you lucked out on a lot of those statements....just like me picking hasek as my starter in my fantasy league... lets face it... if he goes down in the 2nd game of the season with a groin injury... im screwed... however it panned out... just like the sabres did for your lucky comments... go away todd... no one likes you.

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I hope everyone is not too obsessed with flaming each other to appreciate that outstanding victory. That was a playoff-type game, with both teams bearing down and playing great defensive hockey. (BTW, anyone who thinks Ottawa is all offense and no defense is crazy.)


That team is great, and Dominik is still really effing good. But the Sabres showed -- to themselves, their fans, the Senators, and the rest of the NHL that we can beat them. And I'll put myself in the camp that says that Peters putting the hurt on McGrattan was a substantial positive factor. For that matter, Lindy is in that camp too -- check out his press conference in the "multimedia" page on the sabres' website. Peters was one of the first guys he credited for the win.


While I think a bit of a letdown vs. the habs is to be expected, I'm still very happy that we won that game (and I suspect DeLuca is too). There is no doubt in my mind that we can make a deep run in the playoffs this year. Of course there is no guarantee, but we are certainly capable of it.


Holy mackarel Miller is great.


Prediction: Miller starts on Tues. and Thurs. vs. the habs and Marty starts on sat. vs the Panthers, resting Miller who then starts the next day vs. the Hurricanes.


Prediction #2: we finally beat the Panthers next sat.


Prediction #3: we go at least 3-1 in the next 4 games.



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why do you poeple make fun of spelling???


I know i am not perfect but...


Didn't your 2nd in command spell potato....potatoe?

Mr.  Quayle???


How can any american make comments on spelling when that happens.


lol now i know wh the rest of the world dislikes americans.  You people are pretty ignorant to think that you are so perfect but your own vice cant spell and for that matter re-electing a crack addicted mayor to washignton afterbeing taken down by an FBI sting.


So please lets focus on the goal and not lose focus



What exactly does the spelling prowess (or lack thereof) of a man who has been out of office for over 13 years have to do with anything discussed on this board?


Also, how many posters on this board would you guess have ever voted in a DofC citywide election? My guess is, it stands at a grand total of 0, but either way, I again doubt that it has anything to do with any of the hockey discussions on this board.


Please follow your final bit of advice. Thank you.

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Sorry i figured if you can't spell potatoe then how do you make it in politics?


here is another "useless peters" blog.


Andrew Peters wasted no time, as he abused Brian McGrattan early in the first. Peters played his best game as a Sabre, and he helped his team to set their tempo. McGrattan ate so many rights he started begging for a left!! after a half dozen haymakers, McGrattan left the game for a nap The Sens could not break Buffalo`s stranglehold from that point on.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


The Buffalo Sabres were for real going in against Ottawa. Now they`ve elevated their status in Eastern Divsion. Winners win the tough games. Buffalo won this game with another vulgar display of defense and backchecking. They smothered all four Ottawa lines.  They grabbed the playground bully by the throat and they didn`t stop swinging til the Shootout was over.


The Taylor Pyatt, Paul Gaustad, Andrew Peters line rocked Dom`s world all night long. It was a textbook performance by a Buffalo team that does not know its limits.lindy Ruff has his rookies playing like ten year vets, and, his vets playing at Playoff level.


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If i sat here and talked hockey with te Buffalo Posters well...


1. The Sabres Fans here seem quite uneducated when in comes to hockey.

2. Their is not much fan support here so the topics move quite slowly

thus having to create my own entertainment

3. Their are about 500 posters on the average message board compared

to Buffalo's 30 or 40.

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If i sat here and talked hockey with te Buffalo Posters well...


1. The Sabres Fans here seem quite uneducated when in comes to hockey.

2. Their is not much fan support here so the topics move quite slowly

thus having to create my own entertainment

3. Their are about 500 posters on the average message board compared

to Buffalo's 30 or 40.

You are starting to remind me of my Canadacentric boss. All he ever does is complain about U.S. this and U.S. that. I put up with it because I like my job and they pay me well. If he doesn't like this country, he can stop collecting his paychecks here and go home.


As he does, you paint this country's populous with a very broad brush. I don't like, enjoy, recognize or even think about this country's political state after the sham of elections I've witnessed recently.


As far as Buffalo's posters on message boards: This is not the "official" posting sight for the Sabres. I, as many others, post here because their is a little less moronity than the other board. If you want a board with heavy traffic go over to Sabres.com and jump on the tard coaster over there.

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If i sat here and talked hockey with te Buffalo Posters well...


1. The Sabres Fans here seem quite uneducated when in comes to hockey.

2. Their is not much fan support here so the topics move quite slowly

thus having to create my own entertainment

3. Their are about 500 posters on the average message board compared

to Buffalo's 30 or 40.

uneducated eh.... why don't you look in the mirror... we will run you out of here... its only a matter of time... only a matter of time.

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Guest Guest_toddkaz

I realize the rule is changed but i am sure it wasn't always that way.


Second after looking at some poeples posts, atleast mine are my own. Half you guys plagerize ESPN and TSN along with the print news. Shame on you

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