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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. My kid saw him riding the teacups at Disneyland yesterday.
  2. It's great to have Tim Kennedy in a player development role. He's a shining example of how developing a player properly can lead to a long and prosperous career with the organi..... wait.
  3. The good news w/ these prospects is they're lined up nicely... UPL is 22, Portillo 20, and Levi 19. If UPL flames out, Portillo will be ready to get his look, and then likewise with Levi. No need to rush any of them.
  4. His falls per game (fpg) will increase from 3.5 to 5.5.
  5. When they came out with the seatbelt law, a large number of folks protested "you can't force me to wear a seatbelt, because.. RIGHTS"... or "look this guy died BECAUSE he had his seatbelt on....". Even tho the data showed they saved lives. Those types of people will always exist, and decades later there are still folks who don't wear seatbelts. You can't cure stupid.
  6. They don't have time to wait, a medical grievance hearing could take 6 months or more.
  7. That's his twin brother Tom Murray.
  8. ...which is important to player who values money over anything else. Consider how much Josh Allen could've saved on his $258m deal, about $15m if my fuzzy math is correct.
  9. Just a thought.... but the longer this drags on with no news from either side, I believe the less likely it is that he actually needs surgery. KA mentioned he'd have no problem with Jack being at camp. How could he confidently say that if the medical staff has come to the conclusion that surgery is required? If he absolutely needs surgery why wouldn't he have filed a medical grievance by now? A 2 month recovery from today would mean he misses the start of the season.
  10. "regular old Fluery" just won the Vezina. IMO he's a franchise goalie, and he was traded. That's my point.... franchise goalies can be had via trade. Nothing to do with generational level talent.
  11. you can look these guys up, they seem legit... Head Team Physician (both Sabres and Bills): Marc Fineberg, M.D. https://www.ecmc.edu/our-doctors/marc-fineberg/ Team Physician: Michael Freitas, M.D. https://www.highgatemedical.com/freitas Team Physician: Rajiv Jain, M.D. https://www.sheridanmedgroup.com/meet-our-providers/physicians/rajiv-jain-md
  12. Fluery just won the Vezina and was traded to CHI.
  13. I was responding to the post that said "trading for a franchise goalie is a huge mistake every single time it's done". This is false.
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