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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. I blame lack of boobs in the GDT. We really were on quite a roll there until the cops showed up.
  2. I know it sounds like an excuse, because it is, but it's really really really tough to jump right back in after 10 days off and be able to play at top speed. I don't know what the guys did over the break, saw some went to tropical areas to spend time golfing, hanging out at the beach, etc... it takes a while to get your legs, hands, eyes, mind moving at elite NHL speed after taking that much time off. They'll be better on Thursday. So now that's 2 major injuries where guys injured themselves, unprovoked by a teammate or opponent. LIke Olofsson screwing his leg into the ground. I have an issue with that. It's freak injuries, but if you're locked in playing on your toes, 100% focused, those things aren't going to happen to you. It's when you get lackadaisical, careless, lose focus, that you end up hurting yourself in those ways. These are young inexperienced players... tough lessons to learn, but they'll learn from it.
  3. this is silly, he doesn't need a nickname
  4. Their top picks the last 4 of 5 or 6 seasons are already playing on the team, counting Casey... So yeah the pipeline looks dry because they already graduated for the most part.
  5. So what? I'm not allowed to make the argument that his point production alongside Eichel is mediocre AND his effort is questionable? I can understand (sort of) paying 7.5/yr to a guy in his point range, but that guy needs to bring something else to the table besides just average first line point production. I'm still waiting to hear what else he brings, what is it that makes him a better asset than the myriad of other 50th ranked point producers.
  6. That sucks, he was probably looking forward to the California trip.
  7. Elite passing and seeing the ice very well.... yet he's only 64th in the league in assists. Do better. As someone who has played the game at a high level, I can tell you that simply watching a guy dangle doesn't inspire the team. What DOES inspire the team is going above and beyond what is expected effort wise. Not giving up on plays, 2nd, 3rd, 4th effort, never say die compete level, sacrificing for the team... THAT gets the bench fired up. Not having good eye hand co-ordination or seeing the ice well... all that does is make guys on the bench ohhh and ahhh... and wish they had those skills. Skinner shows much more tenacity on the puck than Reinhart.. eg, that goal against Columbus where he chased down the defenseman from behind the play, picked his pocket and buried. Skinner is notorious for hounding the puck on the forecheck and creating turnovers... that takes EFFORT. Have we ever seen that effort from Sam? When has he ever made a play where you thought to yourself.. "boy what a fantastic effort, he never quit on that play"... give me one example.
  8. It's interesting that when asked about Sam, the head coach chooses to praise the work he puts into himself off the ice. I, for one, don't see that killer instinct, or exceptionally high compete level from Sam on a consistent enough basis. He can get away with it because he has above average hands and sees the ice well... He could be so much more if he cared deeply about the team, but his style of play suggests that he cares about himself and his own stats, more than team results. That said, I do see him compete in spurts, at end of games if the score is close for example. But he doesn't bring IT every game, every shift... not many players do, but you'd like to it see it more often than not and for same it's more often lacking. Also noteworthy that all the Reinhart apologists can do is point at his numbers, because that's all he his. He doesn't bring any of the intangibles which make a team successful. His play on the ice doesn't inspire his teammates to be better. It's not necessarily a bad thing, there is a role for that type of player, but when investing in long term deal, you need to evaluate the entire package. Is this peak Sam? Is he going to be consistently around 50th in points playing alongside a top five +100pt player? Would you give similarly productive players like Jaden Schwartz, Dadanov, Vrana, Killorn that same kind of money to play with Eichel?
  9. I didn't say to get rid of him. He's a good good player. Good. Player. He's a second line winger on a Cup contender. Pay him accordingly and I'm good with it. To maximize Eichel's potential he needs to play with finishers, not setup guys. Reinhart isn't a finisher. Skinner is. Olofsson is. That's about it, they need more finishers, we all know that. Dew Batter.
  10. So you're going to settle for a middle of the road 1st line winger because he's tied for 42nd in assists? Thats THE guy you want to pair with Eichel for the next decade? Sorry... Not Good Enough do. better.
  11. If this is true then where are all the assists? With those skills he should have 60 assists on that line, he's nowhere close to that. He's averaging 0.3 assists per game in his career. Not good enough... DUE BATTER
  12. fixed... What you're saying he's Sam is holding Jack back? That I believe. DEW BUTTER
  13. Skinner is paid for what he can do next to Jack, that's score 40 goals on the regular. They should've stapled Skinner to Jack's back pocket this season, with the way Jack is playing he'd be on pace foe a casual 50 rips. JBOT should be fired for this alone.
  14. This is a good argument. 7.5 doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way. I might actually be OK with...... hahahahahah, nope! 7.5 is way too mich for a Derek Plante skillset. Tarasenko is a skilled ALL-STAR sniper, Reinhart is skilled at falling down if you skate by him fast enough. How many All-Star games is it now for Reinhart? Call me greedy but I want an All-Star next to Jack.... not a Fall-Star. DO BETTER
  15. Be careful what you wish for.... Speaking of strawman, can anybody tell me exactly what special skill Sam possess that makes him a 7-7.5m/yr player? Tarasenko makes 7.5, how many goals would he have playing next to Eichel? How many more points would Eichel have with a sniper like Tarasenko? Why do we have to settle for Reinhart on his wing? The standard should be higher if they want to contend for a Cup. They have their LaFontaine, they need a Mogilny on his wing, not a Derek Plante. Reinhart has averaged 0.63 points per game over his first 4 seasons. Derek Plante averaged 0.66 points per game over his first 4 seasons in the league. So yeah, so let's just go ahead and give Derek Plante 7.5m/yr. DO BETTER
  16. you have to shed your burdens, the pain, the shame. leave it all behind. strip it all away. only then you can speak your truth.
  17. Please stop with the cyberbullying. I've developed an extreme sensitivity to that type of stuff, I'm fragile, handle with care plz thanks.
  18. 40th? Do better. Any of those players would out produce him alongside Eichel, and it wouldn't even be close.
  19. In my mind's eye, Jan 28th will be the dawn of a new season. All prior transgressions will be forgiven as we look towards the future. I've outlined a seven step process to help fellow SabreSpacers achieve this same level of clarity. Identify your source of pain... Hutton, Bogo/Rodrigues, injuries to Skinner/Olofsson, dressing 7 D, lack of secondary scoring for long stretches, wasting peak Eichel years, a precipitous fall from grace after a scorching hot October, etc. Acknowledge your hurtful emotions... I can confirm, without any doubts, that the Sabres as an organization have inflicted emotional pain on myself and others. Forgive yourself and let go... I, pi2000, hereby absolve myself of any wrong doing for falsely believing this team was different than years past. Breathe in compassion... I understand the Sabres are trying to be better and any emotional trauma inflicted on their fans is in fact unintentional. Forgive unconditionally... Be grateful... Love again... need help for steps 5-7
  20. Hutton and Bogo are very well liked by other players. IIRC Eichel said Bogo is his best friend on the team. Like I've said repeatedly, this franchise cares more about players feelings than winning hockey games.
  21. Gonna miss thus one boys. Hitting the slopes at Bear with my 16yo. mouse wine
  22. If he doesn't get a shutout he's a bust.
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