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Jävə Keith

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Everything posted by Jävə Keith

  1. On the positive side, Colorado has only been able to score with a man advantage. We still are playing well.
  2. Let's keep this energy and tenacity all 60 min boys! This is an effort that wins games against good teams.
  3. Great to see some scrapping against the Pens. Why can't we see this team spirit, grit, and execution all season long?
  4. Double minor for such a ticky tacky penalty? Since it's Eichel, that means our entire team is in the box for 4 minutes!
  5. Excellent insight on NHL stick shortage because of Corona Virus. (shows how epicly poor the on ice action is to call actual play by play). The only thing that sucks worse than our team right now is NBC Sports.
  6. It will be a tough uphill battle with the way the rest of the teams ahead of us are playing (Philly, Leafs, Canes, Lightning), but still lots of time for anything to happen. If we can play like we did tonight on a consistent basis, we will get hot and streak some wins together, while some of the other teams get key injuries and have a losing streak. If we are ramping up with consistency in play at just the right time, that with the eventual return of Skinner and Goaloffson, and 8th or even higher is possible. My bet is Wild Card is our best hope. But as an eternal Sabres optimist, my hope tank is still full and am routing for a solid playoff positioning. Let's GO Buff-a-lo!!!
  7. Buffalove all the way around. Aud Club is such a great community! Grateful for all of you, and special props to Oliver_Cromwell for his initiative in transparency and contrition. All is well. Go Sabres! Go Bills!
  8. Encouraging to hear.... Hating us means they think we are good!
  9. Love idea of planting Risto in front of goalie on PP. I've been calling for us to acquire a Dave Andrechuck type who is big and can live on the goalie doorstep and not get pushed aside. Need that on more than PP though. Risto's comment during intermission interview, (in classic Ivan Drago monotone voice) "I love playing in front of the net. I can create chaos, hit people, and make the goalie angry." Great to see, now lets see more of that!
  10. Agree PA. Living in the Metro DC area I see how a major sports franchise (Redskins) has finally completely lost its always loyal fan base. I thought I would never see it, but born & bred multi-generational Skins fans have turned hostile and now completely apathetic. My fear is that is what could happen in Buffalo soon if something doesn't change soon. I don't think we can wait until the trade deadline either. #DoSomethingNowJason
  11. Watching tonight's game and it occurred to me... I really miss Dave Andrechuck. Huge and always planted in front of the net on the goalie's doorstep. We sure could use him on this team that has a major void in that behavior and resulting goal scoring. #50thSeason #MissingGloryDays
  12. Not a turn on Jack, just disappointed. Not like him. But then again, trying to hard and making a bad decision...
  13. This 3rd Period will definitely show the spine of this year's team. Potential on Sobotka's 2P ending goal to have a locker room rally along with HCRK's positive wisdom and adjustments and a 3P played with passion and execution, taking ownership of this game playing "Sabres Hockey." Also possible we fold and say "It just wasn't our night" Looking forward to the final period. Time to refill my bourbon.
  14. Maybe I spoke too soon. How crazy would it be if Sobotka was the goal that was the hinge that turned the game in the waning seconds of the 2nd period?
  15. Not seeing the passion. Imposing our will on them. Too many no look and back hand passes.
  16. Wow! Just Wow! What a great home opener, Once again... Who are these guys?????!!!! I was emotionally prepared that with all the pressure and the pomp and circumstance of all the pre-game ceremony of the 50th anniversary and Captain's Night. What a team win. Keep the focus boys. Its a looong season. Keep it up. Buffalove!!! NEW COACH, NEW SEASON, LET'S GO BUFF-A-LO!!! Clap!Clap!...Clap!Clap!Clap!!!!!!!
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