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Jävə Keith

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Everything posted by Jävə Keith

  1. That may be true. But he is in a position of responsibility. He is our CAPTAIN. He has not earned this role or displayed ANY Leadership qualities. Not necessarily his fault that he was given the C purely on hockey talent. That is the underlying problem though. He has never learned to lead men through adversity. He is not capable and hurting the team (and the city/community he "loves"). His immaturity as a man & more importantly as a leader of men is speaking so loudly that no one can hear (or cares) what he says. We need to remove the C and the player before we can remake this franchise.
  2. Wondering if a 3 team deal has been introduced and the complexity is mucking up the timeline to pull the trigger???
  3. Pure POSTURING. They wouldn't leak that if was otherwise. Minny is still all-in!
  4. At a minimum, that person can NOT be the team's Captain.
  5. Strategically looking at where this team will be for the next 2 seasons - Not yet ready for prime time, but developing a young talent prospect corps growing up together over time. Any UFA we bring in here, there is only one quality I want - Leadership. We need someone at the tail end of their career who has proven his leadership chops, and is not here for ego, but for the main purpose to MENTOR our next round of future Letter-wearers (to be earned by proving leadership in adversity, not given letters b/c of talent - see Eichel). Cozens shows early promise, but needs to sit as a Padawan learning under a Jedi-Master Leader of Men. We need to find that Leader/Mentor to train up a select few of these kids in the way they should one day soon lead.
  6. WOW! We actually drafted a RUSSIAN! Anyone have comment/details on Prokhor Poltapov?
  7. The pre draft presser they said it was all about how they rate the players PROJECTION longer term. Adams and Co. must have really liked some specific projection (also character/compete which is high on their list for building culture). We won't know for a few years. I'm giving Adams the benefit of the doubt on this one until he proves me wrong. Go Sabres!
  8. Hope they pull off a trade (perhaps including the new 13th pick) to get another pick in top 3-5. That way we get Eklund too!!!
  9. I hope the Sabres Media Team have multiple cameras recording the drama right now inside the Draft War Room fielding all the calls for trades (Jack & Samson). Would make an EPIC "Blue & Gold" Episode!!! Oh, to be a fly on that wall right now.
  10. I hope the Sabres Media Team have multiple cameras recording the drama right now inside the Draft War Room fielding all the calls. Would make an EPIC "Blue & Gold" Episode!!! Oh, to be a fly on that wall right now.
  11. Good to know we aren't all drinking alone. We are all glued to our screens and raising a glass to our beloved SS Community! So pumped for tonight and all that could happen in the next 30 minutes. Go Sabres!!! Love to you all!
  12. No on that for Eichel. Throw in Philly's 1st and I'm OK with Reinhart package.
  13. Would also require us to throw in our 1OA pick plus lots more futures. Intriguing to dream though about revisiting the McEichel days of what could have been.
  14. Just had the hopeful thought that the reason we haven't seen news of a Sabres trade yet is that Adams is pitting multiple teams/offers against eachother at this very moment. He has a deal that he likes, but is talking/taking calls with other teams to see if they can beat it, letting them know this is last chance before he pulls the trigger. One can dream.
  15. Since 1pm I am sitting at computer hitting refresh on this thread hoping to see a trigger finally pulled on a Sabres trade. ANY trade will do. Please!
  16. That's because he is a bad Captain. He has never learned or been mentored/developed on how to lead (especially how to lead through adversity). He has always been the Golden Child. The most talented on every team he has played on since PeeWee. He should have never been given the C until he EARNED it. Talent does not earn it. Leadership earns the C. (Not Jack's fault necessarily, but that is the position he has been put in). He is spoiled goods/talent and needs to be removed from the team for the best possible return. The only other option is to remove the C from him and just let him be an elite talent. It takes an extremely mature man to handle that demotion well. I don't see that maturity. Sad, but it is the right thing for GMKA to do with the cards he has been dealt if he wants to build a team for success.
  17. Beautiful! Where abouts in the 1000 Islands? My grandfather was born there and we have a family island in Eel Bay (just off Wellesley Island). Water level is low this year. Bass fishing a bit off, but abundant perch.
  18. We are at our family cottage between the Bell Tower & Prendergast Point! We should do a Chautauqua SabreSpace meet-up sometime. CHQ Cheers. Happy Independence Day!
  19. Last Game of the Year Cheers! Praying this is not RJ's last. Eternally hopeful for next season. Love to all of you fellow forever fan kin here at SabreSpace Aud Club Go Sabres!
  20. OK, I have to share some DJ-Keith 80's inspiration. (Yes, I was a radio & club DJ back in the glory days) This song goes out to the current Buffalo Sabres roster as you take on the Bruins tonight! I'm so excited to see Will Borgen back in action alongside Bryson, Samuelsson, Dahlin, Joker D-Corps. Our future Captain, Dylan Cozens. The emergence of the Middlestadt, Tage "Giraffe" Thompson, Rasmus line. Maybe even the long awaited debut of UPL in net! Go get 'em kids!!!!! Perhaps this song should be considered for our new Goal Song to replace that wretched one we have now and reminds everyone of a losing culture. This live video version even ends with him saying "Let's raise the roof and make some noise!" https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg9dhr7h6yI&feature=share
  21. I'm with you brother curmudgeon! Leadership has been wanting - actually vapid on our beloved team. I believe that is the problem with Jack as our Captain. He has shown zero leadership skill sets. Elite hockey skill sets, but that does not a leader make. My biggest desire for the offseason is for management to bring in a proven LEADER of a team who can wear the C for a year or two and mentor those precious skill sets in our next Captain (Probably Cozens). That is why I could live with an Eichel trade (assuming a solid return on asset). If he stays on the team, but gets his C taken away to give to a new vet leader we bring in, how could it not sour his already questionable attitude. It would take an extremely mature man to handle that well. (But that's probably a topic for another thread) Go Sabres!
  22. I was impressed with his size & strength for being so young. A solid dude who will clear anyone who tries to get in front of the net. Yes, I was also impressed with his calm/not panicked play. Looked mature beyond his babyness. Excited to see his future unfold. He and Borgen will be solid "stay at home" yet excellent puck-moving defensemen (especially that first pass out of the zone). Bright days ahead.
  23. Congrats to Tokarski's 1st win. What an enjoyable game against a top NHL team. Keep it up kids!
  24. Agree on Exposing Olofsson over Borgen. Specifically because of the Identity GMKA keeps talking about wanting Sabres to possess. Olofsson is a one-trick pony with his elite shot, but spends ALL of his time skating around the perimeter. Does he even know how to hit? How to out-compete the guy across from him? He is useless in 5 on 5 because of this. And is why all of his goals come on the power play (which are also trending down as most teams have figured him out). Borgen on the other hand is a solid reliable D-man with some jam & is a real compliment to be lined up with the more offensive D-men. I see more compete & a stronger future role in Borgen than Olofsson. (I still like VO, just see him as more expendable/replaceable)
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