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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. Take him to Wahlburger's to celebrate! He leads the AHL in save percentage at .929
  2. This might be the whackest fight for the last playoff spot ever... 8th place team has a legit shot of getting in with 88-89 points.
  3. Granato isn't going anywhere with an extension that hasn't even started yet. Now the assistants should be fair game.
  4. Supposed to be over a million people here to watch it...essentially for a few days our Population will double in size
  5. From the biggest Dyngus Day celebration in the world in WNY... We don't need much of a reason to party, so it's not surprising ours is even bigger than the ones in Poland. Everyone is Polish today here...I am sure the Polish Falcons hall down the street from me will be packed from like 11am thru well into the night...luckily I don't need to drive past it... Anyone else have any celebration plans or to go see the parade?
  6. Well...the Sabres have more home wins already than they did last year when they had one of the worst home records in the NHL... 18-18-1 this year, so basically slightly under .500
  7. Factors in my wife collecting on mine as well, so I guess it would be combined.
  8. I live in the Buffalo area. Lest you forget many places are far closer to Canada than they are across town. I don't need to read about Fox news propaganda, I live in the areas where you see it happening and talk to people that are from the area about it. I also go to Canada fairly frequently. So you are getting the equivalent of American Social Security except far less than what Americans get? As of right now when I retire, if I only earn the same and never increase my income, which likely will happen, I will be getting roughly $4900 thru Social Security a month. I believe the "research" I did says the max benefit in Canada is like $1365 a month? Which when adjusted to American Dollars is more like $1011 or so as of today? Did I miss something?
  9. Yeah, it's so great that some who don't feel like waiting a year or two for procedures since they are so backed up pay to have it done in the US. Tax dollars at work...back up the system so much that people have to pay crazy high taxes AND out of pocket in a different country for a medical procedure that should be free. Cool on the happiness studies. What exactly does that mean? I am pretty happy and since I really am not interested in how much others are happy or not, since that's largely a choice they make, these don't mean much to me.
  10. Canadian taxes are ridonkculous... Imagine taxes being so high that it is cheaper to pay to go on organized bus trips across the bridge to Buffalo/Niagara Falls and hit up the malls there to buy clothes, losing 1/3 of the value of your currency, if not more, and it is STILL cheaper than buying those items in Canada due to taxes being so high.
  11. It's being done to balance out the lines.
  12. Guess they accepted that he is good to go after he recovered and didn't need to sit out for no reason.
  13. Yeah we will be...last time this happened I was in Saint Louis visiting some friends and on vacation with the fam. We were at the zoo on a bright, sunny, 96 degree day there...that 3-4 minutes of darkness was a welcome relief...was so weird when all the lights turned on at the same time due to the darkness
  14. If not, it's still a good place to experience a Total Eclipse of the Heart... Just don't forget to "turn around...wide eyes..."
  15. He also leads the entire NHL in PPG with 27...think we could use that here? He has as many PPG by himself as the top 6 Sabres do this season. SMFH.
  16. That just is like a kick in the nuts. Where was that production here?
  17. Oilers doing exactly what we did last game against them. Go down 2-0 at home in the 1st and come back to win.
  18. So you don't think players who play 10+ years in the NHL and a bunch of years in juniors and high school get checked 20K times? How many times does a player get checked in a single game? Multiply that times the number of games they have played in their high school, junior, tournaments, college, AHL, NHL career.
  19. I'm talking from your childhood thru your NHL career. That number might be low for some of them.
  20. What is with this team scoring with 3 minutes or less left in both periods and then letting the Oilers score with a minute or less left both times? C'mon guys...no excuse for that. Especially not twice.
  21. So you think these kids playing pickup hockey in their backyards with their friends aren't checking each other? You never played sports much growing up did you?
  22. That's what I am saying to you actually...suggest you do more reading and less judging. The greatest cause of CTE are from the accumulation of subconcussive impacts over time. What do you think caused more subconcussive impacts...100 fights or 20000+ body checks from your head hitting the glass or rattling around in your helmet from the time he was a kid? There is a reason why CTE has a high prevalence in bobsledder too...last time I checked they were not getting in tooany fist fights.
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