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Everything posted by Ctaeth

  1. Let me climb down from this ledge before I continue typing
  2. saw this one pop up on twitter.. looks like neuchev is back on the mhl team for the playoffs. coast to coast & taking on both defenders 😮 edit: looks like this is the third game of the series, but elite prospects also shows that he had a hat trick + assist in the first game. idk how the second game went.
  3. I don't like the look of that greenway, krebs, mitts line. Who scores the goals there?!
  4. Thank you for the rational post. Have seen a lot of doom and gloom here which isn't accounting for the larger picture
  5. That was kind of a tongue in cheek comment - seems obvious you have goaltending issues when you give up 10 in what was a must win game
  6. I'm enjoying all of the "goaltending needs to be fixed" comments
  7. I believe "he was awful" is referring to risto
  8. 7-1 is embarassing no matter who is injured. i know, it was close for half the game, but still. no moral victories in a 7-1 loss..
  9. Someone doesn't want to get sent down to Rochester 😄
  10. It makes your posts extra dramatic because I scroll down expecting something more 😄
  11. I'd be surprised if it is not Vinny Hinny back to the NHL. Granato really believes in the guy
  12. Oh it was for sure a penalty, but it's tough to make that call with the Lightning already on the pp in OT
  13. oh my god. why can't it be in buffalo?! we want gummy bear!
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