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Everything posted by sabrefanday1

  1. If that is really all we get then this is damn near as bad as the now infamous ROR trade. Heck maybe JBotto can feel better now knowing he is no longer the answer to the question: who made the worse all time trade in Sabre history?" Absolutely f##king pathetic. Iguess if he gets a high 1st and two so-so propects for Jack KA will think he has done a great job apparently. Whatever...I give up with this team. Enough is enough...
  2. guess they figured time to draft a Russian. Let the rebuild continue...
  3. there is absolutely no reason to keep Jack now...if they thought we was miserable before imagine now after trading two key players on the team for nothing that can help the team now. I can just hear it: "geez Jack just hang in there we may be better in 3 or 4 years". Sure Jack'll be real impressed
  4. agreed...in fact it makes absolutely no sense to even remotely consider keeping Jack now as you might as well go all in with the rebuild (and this is now offically a rebuild) as Jack will have no one to play with (unless you consider Skinner). Sad to think we went through the"tank" years for absolutely nothing as we have now given away what we gained from those terrible years and have not much to show for it. Gonna be long years ahead with no scoring and no superstars or even anyone close (Jack still is considered this and Sam was pretty darn close) either on the team or anywhere in the system. I don't think Power will ever be a superstar d-man like Hedman. Safe to say there is no future superstar anywhere in the system so I have no idea what the plan is here. Be different if this year's 1st overall was a clear future superstar like McDavid or even Jack. Boy after following this team since day one this is depressing...
  5. I truly hope it is far better or more then a goalie prospect and a late 1st (Florida was very good without Sam and will be even better with him). I guess I am one of those rare followers that actually liked Risto and Sam very much and was not all geddy about trading either. I also hoped that we'd keep jack too and have a pretty good team next year. Now we have to trade jack as keeping him would be rather silly as he'd have no one to play with (I know we still have Skinner). Boy sure gonna be a long year next season. I can hardly wait haha...
  6. I love the return but trading our only aggressive experienced d-man kinda makes me think we are trading for the future which is a good thing but if that's the case then we might as well trade both Jack & Sam and continue to build for the future. It certainly looks as if we are re-building and if that is the case we might as well go al in. I was one of the very rare people on here that actually liked Risto and I think we need to get MORE aggressive and physical and trading our only real physical player for me makes me think we are clearly going for youth (which is a real good thing but why keep Jack and/or Sam if we are re-building?).
  7. I find it hard to believe they got that much for Risto but then again I always liked him and think the team will sadly miss his aggressiveness. We are a far too easy team to play against and without Risto there is no one to hit anybody. It is a good return mind you and I have no doubt Risto will do really well in Philly (and we have to face him a bunch of times which won't be fun)
  8. I also heard on TSN that the Leafs have only 6 picks total in the next TWO drafts! No 1st this year of course. Absolutely crazy. As they said Dubas gives away picks & propsects like there's no tomorrow. It would all make sense if they were a big contender who were winning cups but they haven;t won a playoff series in a million years. And yes Edmonton are desperate and going "all in" on Hyman but in the end it will be defense that wins another cup for Tampa next year (there is still no one who can beat them in a 7 game series)
  9. so Edmonton is going to throw some crazy offer to Hyman while losing the only half-decent d-men they had last year. They, like the Leafs do not seem to understand that a team has to build around their defense and goal tending and one only needs look at Tampa. They are excellent on defense (both their d-men and the team in general). Hedman is simply a beast (and hopefully Power can become something roughly anywhere near as good as him). The Oilers and the Leafs are not very good at team defense and their actually defense is suspect at best and now Edmonton will throw all kinds of money and term at Hyman which signifies they won;t have money for any d-men.
  10. totally 100% accurate. Anybody wishing the Pegula's sell should be careful what they wish for...new owners will look to move team no doubt. Just as Quebec lost their team and now regret that and are trying desperately to get another team, Buffalo may be in the same spot if Pegula's sell. Once a team has left it is hard to get another approval for a new franchise. Be thankful the Pegula's seem to love Buffalo and have no intention of moving wither team.
  11. Thanks for reply...while we are back in that division at least the teams that make the playoffs are taken from two separate divisions I believe so we just have to be in top 8 in our conference I think. Mind you there are some good teams in the other division within our conference too no doubt. I don;t know maybe just wishful thinking but I really thought we played well under meatballs and hope maybe we can finally sneak into playoffs. I like to think we wil have a newly signed Sam and a healthy Jack and we will be quite competitive. I can dream I suppose!
  12. so seeing how everybody knows everything on here and only they are right with their opinions (when in reality there is no such thing as a "wrong" opinion)does anybody know if the NHL is returning to the normal old divisional set up? That division we were in last year was tough for sure. Maybe we can try and hope we can sneak in the playoffs next year with a new fresh attitude and meatballs coaching.
  13. As a Canadian (sometimes proud, other times just kinda in the middle) I do think our whole situation is with COVID 19 is entirely different then that of the US. Here (Canada) we are blessed and lucky to have an amazing health-care system that is basically free and there for us top use whenever and however we please. I suffered a nasty massive heart attack back in 2010 (complete 100% blockage which they like to call the widow-maker). Our healthcare system was and continues to be so efficient and looks after me anytime I need anything. Conversely, many Americans cannot afford the health care they really need but their government does not really care as they do not pay for their healthcare as Canada's does, Here raising cases means many more in hospitals and that costs our government tons so in some senses it is cheaper to lockdown and lose that revenue then it is to open up and have to contend with massive heathcare costs. I read somewhere that they figure many many US citizens died of COVID at home as they simply could not afford to go to the hospital. We do however have a Premier here in Ontario that is trying to look good and open up when it may be very dangerous and silly to do so at this time. This whole bloody COVID thing is such that no matter what any government does they look stupid or wrong. Anyways back to the Sabres do you all not think Seattle would be better off with Borgen then Miller? Of course if Seattle takes Will then tries to send him to their AHL team he would have to clear waivers I believe and we could claim him back as we'd get first dibs (I also believe).
  14. this actually makes sense...Risto is exactly what Philly likes and he would be a absolute monster playing for them. Meanwhile Konecny has fallen from grace with Philly for whatever reason and has loads of upside.
  15. you really think that is a good trade seems to me Sam is worth more
  16. Was reading The Hockey News mock expansion draft and they have Seattle taking MIller and also taking Matt Duschene from Nashville which begs the question...why take Duschene and have no one to play with him? Would Skinner not make a good line mate? Of course then Skinner would go on to score 20 or 30 goals... OH do we have any interest in Jake Allen who Montreal cannot protect?
  17. of course not...I am sure KS has agreed to send a high pick or whatever it takes although I would not mind seeing Seattle taker Skinner which I highly doubt will happen but we can always dream!
  18. I suspect KA has already talked to Seattle and knows (and has assured Sklnner) that they have no intention of taking him. This really helps though! Either way it is a win-win so good move by KA..
  19. should the team not contact Tampa like yesterday to enquire about a bunch of guys they (Tampa) will have to move to get under next year's cap? Not sure how thrilled they'd be about going from a back-to-back cup winner to moving to the Sabres but Tampa sure has some guys that would look awfully good in the team's jersey.
  20. Yep real class from douche bag Kucherov...what he should have been doing was praising Montreal for all they accomplished. Totally agree Montreal was running on empty but have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of...hell we'd be happy just to maybe make the playoffs at some point before I die...
  21. You just reminded me that we are in serious need of a goaltending upgrade...hopefully KA is making that a priority cause as we have seen in the playoffs you gotta have a good goalie for sure
  22. I agree with whoever stated they will NOT trade Jack...I do think that the team could actually be very good under DG with a healthy Jack and Sam signed long term as well. With all the young guys we have now the team will actually have a really good future with a healthy & happy Jack and a likewise happy Sam. There is absolutely no way I believe they can get anywhere near return value for either Jack and/or Sam. The old saying as Punch will know the team who gets the best payer wins the trade. Clearly there is absolutely no hope in hell we get a better player then either Jack or Sam in return if we were to trade either player.
  23. apparently Arizona has one for 11? They are set to announce their new coach...
  24. wonder if Sam would take this deal? I prefer to re-sign Sam and not trade Jack as I think we can all agree that the return will not be anywhere near what these guys mean to this team and it's future. I happy and healthy Jack and a signed Sam would make such a big difference moving forward with DG coaching. Jack should be able to really excel and pile up big numbers under DG...
  25. Of course Jack would fetch more IF healthy but will any team take the chance with his health so uncertain? One of Sam's greatest assets is his ability to stay relatively healthy year-after-year. I do agree that any trade will almost certainly leave most (if not all) Sabre fans greatly disappointed. Ditto for Sam too. We will not get back enough to come close to replacing Sam's numbers last year and a healthy Jack's numbers as well. I am still not convinced either will be traded. Jack is signed and maybe Sam is not as discontented as some think (or maybe that is just wishful thinking as IO prefer to keep a happy Sam signed for another 5 years and a healthy Jack).
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