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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. Hopefully this will filter to the kids in college and will sway them to want to join the fun. If the 3 of them came to the Sabres, it would help shore up our defensive defenseman that we need and add 2 talented minders to the mix as well.
  2. He has been seriously on the upswing since the end of last season into the Worlds..... He has talented young speedy wingers to compliment him. That line is going to be amazing as they all mature
  3. I heard those disappeared just like he did after 5 games
  4. I was hoping for one of the young guns as well.... but i like Asplund so happy. The Tage one is definitely my fave as i have loved him since we got him.
  5. I do know who it is..... It is Asplund. I just thought the way he signs made it very difficult. Was just curious if anyone else has gotten any and who they got. I love the mini helmets and will collect them until they stop doing them.
  6. We have some great talent in the pipeline!!! Even with out college kids we are stacked if we can keep them all! Need a bigger defensive dman, another power possession forward and a solid better then average minder and we are good to go for years to come!
  7. Just curious if anyone else has gotten one. I donate every year and i get the signed mini. Last year i got lucky and got Tage. I got mine from this year yesterday and i have to say, it too me about 30 mins to figure out the second one..... Has anyone else got one? Can you guess the second siggy?
  8. This is going to be ugly......Hope the Bills have better luck tonight
  9. Get that vibe with a bit more upside to him still in the tank me thinks. The speed, skill and physicality will help that line bloom and maybe improve.
  10. Ok, so all these magical stats do not mean crap as our defensive positioning and goaltending really really suck!!!
  11. Ok, too lazy to go through all the pages. Even with the Flu i was able to get into this game, both with the highs and lows. My thoughts and observations: - Tage is worth every penny and then some! - Our defense is way the hell too passive on the Pk. We need another defensive minded Dman in the worst way. - We do not need grit, we need players that are not afraid to lay the body and be smart enough to know where to go on the PK and stay there and not wander! - The kids are getting better day by day! Cozens, Peterka and Quinn look awesome! Love that line. - This team is filled with pansies that are afraid of the front of the net, or maybe it is being coached out of them. TAKE NOTES FROM TAMPA!!!!! Even smaller players going to the net helps!!! - 6K did not get much help on most of his goals, but he did not really help himself. He needs to play about 6 games in a row so we can see if he can find a rhythm. If not then he gets buried in the AHL, experiment done. Bring on the college kids!!! (If they will come here) All in all it was a fun game to watch, but damn i would have loved 2 points there.
  12. I guess it was his fault that our wonderchild Dahlin slammed a player right into him and almost full speed and could not have waited for that hit until he cleared the crease.
  13. I do not care.... i want a player taller then 6' and who will weigh more the 200 lbs when grown who is not scared of the offensive crease. Anything other then that, they can keep! LOL
  14. I hear this about 10 AM on the "extra Point Show" surprised it took so long to get on the board.
  15. Ok, another stinker.... Like i said, heavy forecheck team and we are a paper tiger. How many crushing hits did we take last night? How many times did we go in front of the net? How many times did we clear our own crease? This team is not willing to go into the dirty areas and play only on the perimeter. Both in our own end and theirs. Getting Muel back will help our end, but we are not going anywhere unless this team grows a pair and gets in their goalies face. We make the opposing minder so comfortable that they must love playing us. (With the exception of TT blistering rocket of a shot) We have been hitting a ton of posts and have been getting our chances, but we do not make it hard on any goaltender but our own. This team also looks lazy going into the offensive end. I am sure this is not what Granato teaches them.
  16. Not putting much faith into this game. Another heavy forechecking team. Hoping for a Bday win, but not banking on it. Just make it fun!!! Almost every game we have relatively kept it fun. lets keep that up! Have faith they will eventually figure our problem and Staple or crazy glue someone in front of the opponents net.
  17. Small grit does not keep you in front of the net. (ours or theirs) I am not saying fill the team, but our bigger players are like Pyatt was. Big but worthless. If you are just watching highlights or reading the results, then i see your opinion. If you are watching, then you are not watching the Sabres. We get pushed around taken off the puck easily. Our guys that go to the net front get thrown around like rag dolls. This team does need it, and they need to learn how to handle being forechecked other then being scared.
  18. I partially agree, but neither minder has gotten any help. From pucks going off of mispositioned Sabres or point blank chances cause we do not cover the high percentage scoring areas on the ice, to we do not have the size or strength to clear the front of the net.
  19. Well, that game was disgusting. Some thoughts and observations: - This team is a bunch of panzies. With the exception of the off "Get mad" moment, we are pushed around like a 10 year old playing against men. - This team seriously misses Muel. Also, we need another LARGE PHYSICAL defenseman who knows what the hell he is doing. - When was the last team we out on the ice that could handle any kind of forecheck??? - If we draft another undersized skilled forward....... Do we see a pattern here? Do not need replace the team, just add some size and someone "who is not a glass Joe" that can handle the bigger and more aggressive teams. This team is going to be very bad unless that is addressed.
  20. So, i did not get a chance to watch..... I know i asked you folks to hold the fort and not let Vegas win.... You all failed me!!!!!! 😁 I felt bad checking my phone at a wake, but i still did anyways! But some thoughts.... - We have had hot starts before, but we all know we are not on the same level as VGK, the Canes, and Lightning, it should not surprise you we lost. Expect another loss against Boston - We have a lot of young kids and they need to gel. We need to give them time. We are not expected to make the playoffs and there was a reason for that. - Comrie has some crappy luck and another goal off of a Sabre??? I did hear he made some insane saves, but not having Muel and Joki is really hurting the D. It also sounds like Bush is playing hurt. The replacements are smaller non defensive so results are expected. - Again i will say, TT Boy is for real! I think we need to stop getting non physical players and add some grit, and yes even on the defensive side. I honestly believe they are playing hard as a team, but we are just not there yet. Yes i thought the hot start would be different this year, but reality just gave us all a slap in the face to wake us up. Just be patient, new kids, and they are growing. We have more bright spots then dark ones. If you want to worry, worry about the Bills! They are the ones that are really screwed.
  21. You can still get your bundle changed.... just call disney + they will do it over the phone. Its very easy and worth it
  22. I have the bundle..... love it. My issue is i am in the Devils, Isles and Rags area (just barely) so i cannot watch as xfinity and MSG are warring so not able to watch if we play any of those teams
  23. Wont be able to watch this one.....have to go to close friends wake. Cannot even monitor on my phone as i destroyed that watching the Bill's game last Sunday. You folks need to hold the fort and not let Vegas win!!!!!
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