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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. If this is the price to get a decent player, NO THANK YOU!!!! I do not mind giving to get, but like most of us have said, DO NOT GIVE UP THE FARM.
  2. No freaking way!!!!!!! That cannot be right
  3. Even though we are doing better then we thought we would be, still hoping for some help. Loved what i saw the last 3 games from the Sabres, but teams around us are looking to improve. We either stay the course, and ride what happens or KA needs to address our problems. Not really seeing a minder come our way, but some defense and some aggression would be nice.
  4. As much as i wanted him on our team, that is way too much IMHO. The firsts enough (Although they will be picking higher) to be a ton. Hate that they are in the easy though. it is going to get harder and harder to make the playoffs with everyone stacking up!
  5. Sabres need to play their game and not get caught up in the Florida bs that will happen. They played with fire last night. They need to play with it again tonight. Match intensity and physicality and stay out of the box!! Have a good feeling about this game as i think they will be fired up still from yesterday
  6. There were a few of those last night, and some were not even close to the puck. I never really thought of Tampa as dirty, but they were playing that last night. Ohhhhhh we play them again in about a week in Buffalo.
  7. The longer the Sabres hang in the race, the more they should be trying to improve. I honestly was hoping we would hang around but they are a Vet or player away to get us over the that make the playoffs line, especially since both spots are within reach. There are players that could help for the next couple of years available. We have the capital to get almost whomever we want (If the player wants to come here). If all the prospects and picks we have work out there is not room for them all. Now is the time. I still want that aggressive player (offense or defense) and another scorer would help. My Wishlist at this moment: top 4 hard hitting dman that is ore defensive then offensive skill wise. Another scorer. I just think they are so damn close and to just sit on our hands (Not that i know that) would be absolutely a waste. Let me beat some of you to the punch...... Yes i know we were not expected to be here blah blah blah. I get it, understand, only partially agree. But goal is to make playoffs and try a win a cup before i die ...LOL I mean win a cup and the only way you can do that is make the damn playoffs!!!!!!
  8. Win tonight... plain and simple. Florida owns us. Play hard from puck drop! Do not let off the gas!
  9. I was definitely wrong about last night, but happily wrong. I never want any of my teams to lose, but damn!!! If they can pull it off tonight...... And if i am wrong i have no problem being called out!!! My wife does it daily....LOL
  10. I have to say, i absolutely hate not being able to watch the Sabres post game on ESPN+ (Only real complaint about ESPN+) but last night it was fun watching the Tampa post show and be able to drink some butthurt Tampa tears as they whined and cried over the non call, but never said a word on the Elbow to the head of Kyle. They did get a chuckle over the Bush goal though. They were saying how anyone but Bush should have scored, but not him...LOL Was great!
  11. Interesting list..... I think that is overall, not just current play as some in front of Tage should not be there as of current play.
  12. That was an awesome game to watch for both fans. I think we all knew that 2 goal lead in the 3rd was a goner as soon as that period started...LOL Some thoughts Comrie - actually almost all the goalies.... they either make some insane save or some seriously non saves on shots they should stop. Comrie gets it done though!! Tage - Is Tage, enough said. Looked pretty healthy to me! Tuch - I almost feel sorry for him that his linemates are definitely slower then he is and he is often left by himself in the offensive zone waiting for the rest to show up. Honestly did not realize how damn fast he is!! Bush - Hell we do not need any trades, we got Bush scoring OT shorthanded goals!!!! All i can say is Karma..... Great non call of his hook (That was a clear penalty) and make up call for the clear elbow in the face to Kyle! Krebs - slowly turning into a fave for me!!! He reinvented himself to a serious blue collar, checking and back checking/hitting fool!!! And he still shows flashes of his hockey talent in scoring! Yes please can i have another!! Ok, is it just me, or did Tampa get away with a serious amount on crosschecks in the back to players without the damn puck????? WTF!!!! Nice to see the Sabres grow a backbone and start roughing them up back! We can use that night after night!! Happy for the win, it was deserved (Even though the stripes tried to give to Tampa). Tonight will be that much harder as Florida seriously has our number and knows how to shut us down. Come out hard from second 1 and go for the Florida sweep! They should xerox last nights game and try that every night.
  13. At least you have not broken the following: Flat screen TV, (Twice) first was honestly accidental!!! A brand new Razor flip phone... I have learned to enjoy the games and when i get frustrated, shut it off and walk away.
  14. Because some of us do not see what other's see does not make us stormclouds... i have not changed my opinion of the Sabres in the last few years. They are not built for any playoffs run. Youth, size, non aggressive, take your pick. Are they better? Yes, but they are still seriously lacking. We all just saw as close as they are going to get to a playoff spot this year. I am not saying open your eyes, i am only saying what my eyes see. If your eyes see different, that happens. If you cannot handle reading what we say, then do not then take a hike. It is our opinion. Just like yours. As for the smart one, that may be my wife..... she wonders why we are all headfirst to 2 teams (Sabres and Bills) that will not win a championship before we die...LOL Again, i accept all opinions, but do not criticize them. So, that being said, will ready my hockey room for however long as i can watch tonight.... Let's go Buffalo!
  15. Hoping for a win, but..... not happening, the losing streaks continues tonight and tomorrow.
  16. I only see what i see.... I am 56... too old for fantasies. If folks what to "Believe" in fairy tales thats their choice. But there is going to be a loss tonight and tomorrow. We are just not as good as Tampa and Florida. We were not as good as Calgary, Toronto and the Lames. If you think they are, thats your opinion, but in real life, they are what i said they are. But like you, it is only my opinion.
  17. It has been like that for a long long time. One of the good things for STH, but absolute crap for the fans. I did hear this morning though that there were more then plenty of tickets at the box office available for Laffs fans to get. So, this one is not on STH. If the team keeps plays like crap at home though, it is not a ringing endorsement to bring fans back...
  18. A bit of all the above?? - Youngs kids but there are enough Vets in the lineup.... how many it too much or not enough (Vet wise) - not much in crowd support unless it is a special day, When they are there though, team seems to respond - Granato still has not figured out how to get the team to respond to a heavy forecheck (May link to team being young) Coaches need to learn too, right?
  19. I do not think the question is off, but the answer is IMHO, we wont know. A coach has a bunch of different jobs.... development is one and he is very good at it with the results we have seen. But, once they start becoming vets, then the coaching needs to change the way they do things to keep them improving. Can he do that, that remains to be seen. He is overall responsible for all his assistants as well. On the defensive side we are a train wreck. Definitely needs to improve there, but he may be still in development mode. Pretty much i am saying it is too early to tell ....but he is doing well with the kids and making the team better then the year before. Not many previous coaches we had before did that.
  20. Or, maybe they are not as good as the teams that beat the crap out of us.
  21. I believe this will be cemented after where we are next weekend. We We need to show we can hang with them. If not, then there is always next year.... and the year after that, and the year after that....LOL
  22. He is a decent stay at home defenseman if i remember correctly, seems like years since we drafted him...LOL
  23. I will make it easy for all to understand.... I am a fan, not a masochist!!! LOL I am not watching the same thing we see most nights of inept hockey. This is why i left the other Sabres board (RIP GOAT!!) ...are we are really questioning fandom here? I do not drink Sabres Kool aid and do not rah rah when the team is hot garbage. This is not a playoff team and not a contender for anything right now. Since day one of the Sabres i have seen too much rebuilding and not enough contending. I am not going to watch my team getting manhandled and outplayed night after night as it is forever frustration that this team will never figure it out. Like i said, i will be back next game, ready to go, but i know when the cause is lost and move on to other things. Last night, that cause was lost after 2-0 but hung on to 4-0. One last thing.... I am a thrower... so it helps me break less!! Maybe that explanation helps! 🙂
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