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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. Not into self mutilation, I get annoyed elsewhere
  2. Shut game off, they are done like dinner.
  3. We will lose by 21.... Our team is not good enough to beat them
  4. Best is our player can flip puck out of zone but instead puts puck behind the net where no Sabre is even close to, ducks get it and score
  5. Everyone is playing as individuals not as a team. Stop trying to pass to Tage and stop trying to come in the zone 1 on 5..... so frustrating this team is
  6. This team needs to get their collective heads out of their *****. So tired of playing down to our opponents.
  7. was looking forward to this game as a huge Miller fan, but in NJ MSG is still freaking in blackout mode here and no espn + for me!! Jerks! LOL Even through our crap stretch, the other teams in front have been sucking as well. This team needs to show the hell up tonight
  8. I still believe the expectations of this team changed when they showed a higher ability to play against the better teams. Unfortunately same problems this team has had for years also still exists. We are forechecked and we fold. Play aggressive with us and we fall apart. Play down to other teams. The team/coaches cannot adapt when other teams adapted against us and shut our best scorer down. This team needs to adjust and they need to figure it out soon, or they will be right back in the place they were last year.... just another team to fill a slot after the top 16 go play additional hockey.
  9. What a crap effort. Losing 5 of 6??? They play their minds out in Nashville and lay serious eggs in the rest. I do not want to hear about what their expectations were supposed to be... They are on the cusp, so better than expectations. This is on coach and players. Coaches need to adjust their play to free up Tage again. The GM should be active to look for the piece that this teams needs. The players need to get off their ass and show that they give a *****, cause they really look horrible and not attached to the game. They are slow, sloppy, non energetic. The excuse that a playoff battle was not in their expectations is total BS. The excuse that they are playing above their heads is also BS!
  10. Another stinker playing an aggressive hard hitting team..... shocker. We are not ready for playoffs or playoff hockey
  11. This team needs to lose and just get it over with. Next game would be a blowout
  12. Krebs needs to stay up and play.... he has been playing well. Thats a huge stupid thing to do unless he is just being moved back tomorrow
  13. Just made a comment on him in another thread. He plays hard..... ALWAYS! not afraid to hit and or be hit. has a scoring touch, and even some playmaking too. Maybe move him up with some skilled quick wingers and see how he fairs. For what he is producing, he is a steal as a waiver pickup
  14. Like i said earlier, there may be some more physicality that needs to get some size and experience, but i am not betting the farm on it. We have been drafting non physical for awhile and more playmakers. We are going to have to look from the outside for this. I do love Jost's play though. He seems to not mind crashing the net and he ALWAYS seems to skate with speed. At times it looks like our team coasts and does not play with urgency. (Maybe overplaying by Granato?) One last note - Other teams have caught on to our Thompson PP and blanket him hard. Team needs to adjust to open him up and make other players more dangerous that they have to pay attention to. Right now the PP is a one trick pony.
  15. The reason we lost is we are not as strong defensively and cannot get close to clearing the front of our own net. We also seem afraid to go to their front of the net.
  16. Team needs to work on beating a forecheck and clearing the front of their own net. Maybe how to stay in front of opponent's net
  17. Another big forechecking team shutting us down.... I have heard that before......
  18. LOL HA!!!! They are freaking everywhere..... Took my pup outside and she runs loose. I called her, i thought she had a stick in her mouth, it was a deer leg!!! Now i know what the turkey vultures were circling for!!!
  19. Just one that i can think of..... but i am well north of the pinelands but i do live in a forest...LOL
  20. Going to burn my bad juju candle and sacrifice a deer, (Dont worry, there are millions where i live), wear my lucky socks and not change my dirty underwear and hope they win. My good news is that i love hockey and the Sabres and wont freak even if they lose. I only break things on the Bills...LOL
  21. Ughhhhh... another physical forechecking team. Hoping for a a good team play and a win, but if Achilles heel holds true.... We lose by 2
  22. Do not think this is the first whiff of weakness. Lack of physicality has been here for years. Now, to be fair, as some have said, we "may" have that in house as the kids get stronger, but from first glances, i do not see it as of yet. Definitely agree on building long term, but, the team is close to making the playoffs, and any experience we can give the team the better. I am sure we can solve some the needs now without mortgaging the farm.
  23. Talent does not need to be bigger, just more physical and tenacious. I would not mind another more physical defensive dman. Hoping that Power turns more physical as he gains some strength. Bush needs become a 7th D as he has been terrible on all aspects since he has came back.
  24. I think that point zoomed on you, let me clarify. Dahlin is NOT a physical defenseman, he is a playmaker. You would expect more of that from Bushman and Muel. Pronger and Chara were VERY physical dmen. If our team is going to rely on Dahlin to be their physicality, then we are in trouble. I AM happy when I see a great hit, no matter who on the team is doing it, but would like to see players on this team more like Pronger and or Chara, and hell maybe a forward or two that can do it REGULARLY, not once in a blue moon. We need our physical pest.
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