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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. That does not bode well for our next 2 games...... 2 more embarrassments coming up
  2. Dahlin would not have helped.... any forechecking team shuts us down. Dahlin included. Would he have helped offensively? Absolutely. We have sucked against heavy forechecking teams for years if not the last decade. This team is no different. They just cannot seem to figure it out. Instead of skating harder and faster they get it in their head and slow down and allow themselves to get bogged down. But either way, we can agree to disagree. I would have loved Dahlin back though
  3. I would not touch any dmen from Philthy! There is a reason they suck
  4. Either way (including all the dmen posts) we need 2 defensive defenseman that can clear the crease and be responsible. If stillman can do that, awesome, we still need another. Even if we had Dahlin, he would not have helped much all the open Cbus players right in front of the goalie!!! The bottom 2 dman right now are terrible defensively! They need to go.
  5. Have you ever seen such a stacked conference before with this many powerhouses? Boston - Best team in NHL Carolina - A very very close second and actually more scary then Boston. Rags - Maybe the best 4 lines in hockey right now with one of the best dmen and goalies to boot Toronto - ok, a first round hot mess, no goalie, but the trades helped them where they neeeded. The ass kicking by them was not a fluke. New Jersey - The best surprise of the year IMHO. insane speed and skill. and they got better getting Timo! A lot of those teams gave up a ton to get better, but they got a ton better!! I love our team but i just do not see them as a monster in the east, even with our great pipeline of kids waiting to come up. Not saying that we 100% cannot, but we have a major mountain to climb to get to consistent playoffs.
  6. I get what you are saying, but that should be more embarrassing for them. They got rocked by a larger forechecking team because they did not show up. Not because they were better.
  7. The reason they will not make the playoffs this year will be because of a few reasons: - Young group. They have zero on the consistency side. They are learning and growing, eventually that will come. - KA missed a chance to fix glaring needs. Whether we are ahead of the plan or not, his plan should be to always fix what is needed. A defensive dman with size, a power forward that will crash the net and not be afraid of a forecheck and a GOOD minder. - Injuries. We took some big injuries to key players. Not like we lost Jost, Claugue etc. We lost our top 4 Dmen at one point and now when we need them most we lost one of our top forwards and also our best dman. This group can still get in this year, it is in their own hands. We are playing a rough schedule. If they win 3 of 4 consistently they are in. Losing to team below them does not help. If KA does not bring help in Friday, they are also done. This group just cannot hang the rest of the season with the big dogs (Which are all in the damn east) But we shall see what they can do. They beat boston already, Tampa, etc.....
  8. This is garbage play. No energy... they are done and so am i.... until next game
  9. Heavy forecheck ....our Achilles heel. Killing Sabre teams for the last 10 years.
  10. We are choking. Making a crap goalie Hasek, and they are 15+ points better.... ugh
  11. Ok, not sure if already mentioned..... Locke & Key - great job and great adaptation of the books. Umbrella Academy - 4th season will be its last. For you Disney/Star wars... Bad Batch. Love it!
  12. Play your ***** off and win the crowd back! They are dying to support this team, they just need some consistency to bring them back and keep them in the seats!! Lets go Buffalo!!!
  13. I honestly do not think KA is going to bring in anyone other then fringe depth, and we are going to go with what we have. Not that they do not have the ability to play with the best as they have shown, but their youth has shown we can suck with the worst. Here is to hoping we get someone!!
  14. I honestly cannot even lie that i know enough about either player to gauge. From what i have seen the analytics for Stillman are not horrible. You need to add at least some bump with the way the kids improve under our coaching. Jost came in as a waiver claim and seems to fit well as a 3rd/4th liner. I will have to give the benefit of the doubt to the Sabres as they are paying people who know a ton more about hockey players (Even obscure ones) then i do.
  15. Wow..... that did not take them long....LOL Dont you have to get them in the building to raise the prices?
  16. I love the Goatheads.... i have 3 from the first time.... but.... NO!!! love the B&G first.... Goats second. Rater keep them as the 3rd.... great tandem!
  17. I think the team winning some games against harder opponents in their building helps build the confidence that the kids need. We are still going to see the boneheaded mistakes that kids make and only hope they learn as fast as they are learning to score. Love the spice the kids are showing as well. Although i prefer Quinn not dropping the gloves...LOL But, he held his own.
  18. I believe he is another LHD, I think we are a bit stacked there. I do like his game though and he can be long term locked up. Really hoping for someone defensive responsible. Although, I do like winning and scoring 6+
  19. I believe he is another LHD, I think we are a bit stacked there.
  20. Ok, so, who is left that can actually help and most likely not be an overpayment?
  21. If this is the price to get a decent player, NO THANK YOU!!!! I do not mind giving to get, but like most of us have said, DO NOT GIVE UP THE FARM.
  22. No freaking way!!!!!!! That cannot be right
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