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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. This team is ready to play against, soft and non aggresive on all parts of the ice. They are easily my least favorite team.
  2. How many physical aggressive players are still playing in the NHL that Buffalo got rid of?? I know there has to be at least 3 or 4
  3. Frustrating game.... some quick thoughts and observations.... - This team is softer than charmin and they all need their man cards taken away. (I know this is not news of the world) - PP - ok we scored a PP goal, but our PP in the 3rd we had 5 guys all on the perimeter and not one player for the whole 2 mins on both PP went to the front of the net. That is totally unacceptable!! Especially when you are losing. - This team IS playing better!!! Unfortunately like last year, it is a little too late. - 6K is the real deal. Finally a starting minder!!!! If he was like this all season we would be in a playoff spot right now! - Granato had a right to be pissed, and the officiating totally blew that call. Benson was being knocked to the ice by a Florida player, he did not trip the other Florida player. That call was trash. - KA failed this team by being afraid to make progressive decisions to make the team better when it counted. Him waiting for the deadline is not helping the team this year. He is and will always be a status quo and will not be able to move outside his crappy plan. Again, more fun watching a game when there is nothing on the line. Lets face it, there is absolutely zero on the line for this team for the rest of the year. We may have a chance next year if 6K continues his incredible play, but it will only be because of that. It will not be cause of anything KA does or this team which will now be known as the Buffalo Charmin.
  4. A 3 game win streak?? Getting to .500??? Big time loss coming tonight. Bet the farm on that!!!!
  5. Not to mention putting 4th liners on your 2nd PP is kinda stupid
  6. Not necessarily just size, but the kahunas to live in the front of the opponents net and cause havoc. Tuch is a joke there. The rest of the pansy forwards are all perimeter players with the exception of the kid and he takes a beating there. Agree with most of the rest of the posters. GO TO THE FRONT OF THE NET!!!!!!
  7. Great teams are always looking to make them themselves better...... mediocre teams follow the status quo.....Even now this team is still in the hunt with a ton of trade capital to improve this team and we are status quo. That's why it will be 16 years until we make the playoffs.
  8. The Sabres are back to not crashing the net again... shocker I wish we had a goalie that looks as good as we make others look...
  9. He can bring a team to the promised land, but unfortunately the rest of the Sabres cannot.
  10. If it brings someone that we need.....skill and grit??? Bye bye easy to be pushed around and hurt Savoie
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