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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. If the sabres were not consistently going 4-7 for weeks at a time, this would not matter.
  2. We all know in our Sabres hearts that this is 100% not going to happen in Buffalo. We have to stick to the plan!!! (The failing one) Stuff like this makes me sick. At least some teams take a risk to try and get better. We are going to stick with status quo, and not have room for the prospects and lose them for nothing, because KA has no clue.
  3. I am enjoying the no games. No disappointment or Frustration! LOL
  4. If he is out long term then KA needs to find a solution. Make a trade and get a scorer in here that he should have gotten during the summer! This team will not come close to making the playoffs as is. They need help and KA needs to get off his ass and do his damn job. Status quo is not progress.
  5. Only if he comes 6'2 220lbs. But do agree that we need that tenacity.
  6. Trade the pick then. Do not need another Benson
  7. I love the conversation, and it is nice to see, but lack of effort (Ducks game) is not a system problem. It is a coaching motivation problem. Players not doing their job (Mitts on the first goal) would be a system/freelance/effort issue. The current Sabres system is flawed. Perimeter hockey in the offensive zone is not going to produce many goals. Same goes for the PP. It is a grossly flawed offensive system which everyone sees but the Sabres coaches. Thats a huge coaching Issue. A team that cannot handle any kind of defensive structure or forecheck is also a Coaching/System issue. In some cases you can say player issue but most of the players on this team are built skill wise similarly. They are mostly not physical, nor do they like to finish checks and be "Hard to play against". Until these are addressed and corrected this team will go nowhere but to the laundromat. Wash rinse, repeat, in this case , lose, no playoffs On another note..... Zemgus needs to go. His body just cannot handle the style of hockey that is in his head. Would say the same for Muel, but he is here for another gazillion years.
  8. I just watched the condensed version and i was not impressed. Ok, we scored 5, but 3 of them were due to a horrible goalie. Just not excited about this win....
  9. Ok, some of my opinion on this: - Either Pegs needs to be an involved owner or we need a POHO. Someone needs to hold KA responsible. As of right now, now way either KA or Granato are feeling any heat from Pegs. That is not acceptable. - At the end of the season when KA does his end of the year meeting with Pegs, if he says anything towards "Another year will make this team better" he needs to be immediately fired. Status quo is not helping this team - Team is built wrong and we have plenty of capital to fix that. Anyone thinking the answer lies within, needs to be shown the door. What is on the Sabres is pretty much what's in the farm system with the exception of 1, 2 players. - A reactive leadership is a failed leadership. Staying reactive is saying that mediocrity is ok. If that's their true thinking i hope our attendance drops below 5K. - Coaches need to go. There is no reason for a team to sleep 50-55 mins of a game and only show up for small spurts. That team needs to be bag skated as soon as the fans leave the building until they all puke. The play is totally unacceptable. Also, coaching perimeter offensive and defensive play is totally bad hockey sense. When announcers and fans and everyone else sees that and comments but the own coaches do not, thats a monster issue. This is not going to be anything close to an easy fix. We took a huge step back and most likely added 2 more years of non playoff hockey to this team. even hardcore fans are going to turn away eventually. But sitting and doing nothing is just poor business decision and sense by all involved. A poor crappy ice product does not make money. Accountability needs to be held on all positions in the organization from Owner to the players as there is absolutely zero right now. I was definitely a very hardcore Sabres fan, but 13 years has sapped even my love of the sport. Watching other teams play pisses me off more, wondering why we are so inept. This team has found a way to kill my love of hockey. Until there is accountability in the Sabres organization, i am done getting frustrated with this team. I cannot even support a tank as they will draft more useless players like all the rest instead of what's needed to move forward. I am done.... rant and opinion over.
  10. I just cannot with this team anymore. I am glad they are on the west coast so i wont even think about watching them and getting pissed off at their ineptness. I am just Sabres Numb. In 13 years they could not even make the playoffs once and will not be proactive to do anything. The empty seats in the arena mean nothing to them. The players are going to go to real teams where they will flourish.. This is the worst team in 13 years
  11. This year they are not even proving they are regular season caliber
  12. Sad that cannot be a Buffalo sports team other than our Lacrosse team.
  13. I would wait until we see what the rest of this dismal year looks like. If he plays like this the rest of the year then a nice bridge contract is in order. If he goes back to Sabre suckatude then a lot lower.
  14. But still shutting it off. One team adjusted we cannot. Always next year, for both teams. Later all
  15. Great game but all our injuries will cost us this win. Cannot stop KC. Still proud.
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