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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. I would like to say that i care...... i will watch if only to waste 3 hours of my life.
  2. Can we please stop this playoff foolishness...... not going in at least another 2 years. I figure that is how long it will take for KA and Granato to be fired.
  3. I am so sorry this team has been so negative......
  4. One bad game does not mean he is crap..... Really?? He has been one of the best goaltenders since Jan 1st.
  5. No way we get a goal this game... nice effort but not good enough against one of the best teams in NHL
  6. Tage looks super slow!! Late nights with the baby?? The rest of the team looked good!! LIttle J looked like a vet on the backend, and the top 3 lines were skating their ***** off. Do not like the 4th line at all minus Krebs. I have liked 6K since he was in tearing it up in Juniors. I thought the double surgery was going to kill him, looks like he just needed time to get comfortable again. I hope he keeps this up!!! Our year is done, but this is time to set this team up for next year! Get what we need to make the team better as a whole! Get more physical and get the players that live in the blue paint!
  7. Their chili cheese dogs used to be the bomb back in 1985!!!! Lol
  8. Used to get coup Used to get coupons for 2 chili cheese dogs and a small fry for .99 good for 10 orders! LOL Sunday tradition! Bag of fries, dogs and chocolate milk!!!
  9. Used to be a great Hot dog place in California!!!! LOL
  10. As this season burns to the ground...... gotta love status quo Adams. I will not be watching anymore games this year. Just monitoring game day chat is more entertainment!!!
  11. So just chalk it up to 14 years without a playoff berth and not a damn thing done. Fu sabres.
  12. Well I recorded the game, guess no need to waste my time watching
  13. They played a good game. Have to give them credit, they should have won this game easily. They were the better team with the exception of: - Go to the freaking net!!! You crash a hot goalie and make him uncomfortable!!!!! 100 shots were not going to go in the way he was playing!! Even on the PP, Tuch looked uncomfortable going there and was doing a ***** job at screening the goalie. - Faceoffs.... ughhhh. God we are horrible!! - Refs - some crappy calls at the end. The good: - Offensive zone pressure was great!!!! - PK. with the exception of the 1 PP goal our PK was money!! 2 5 on 3 and no goals. - Lots of hard skating and pressure!! You will win 8 out of 10 of those games!!! This team needs a gritty scorer and a gritty dman! If we get that this team can possible make a run! 6K and the defense are doing their job, time for the offense to do theirs!!!!
  14. This team by far. They are built wrong, show little heart and effort and were supposed to be a playoff team. At least the others were not expected to do well, but this one is embarrassingly horrible to watch. Even the tank teams played harder!!!
  15. Mehhhhhhh unless this team shows something and shows up with some fire and heart, i just cannot get into them. I would rather play Fallout 4.
  16. Gauthier on waivers for the islanders, interested?? Speedy typing kid. Maybe a change of scenery....
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