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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. That i am not sure with. But you are going to have to give to get. I would not part with Kulich, thats for sure. Savoie i am not sure about. He has talent but is oft injured. So most likely him.
  2. KA needs to add another top 4 defensive Dman and a physical forward that can pot 20-25 a year. We have the trade bait, there is not going to be room for all of them. Time for him to move. Not wait until the deadline. We are in a stretch of a lot of very winnable games. Make the damn moves!!!
  3. Was a weird game to watch. Buffalo pretty much dominated possession, and controlled the game for most of the 60 minutes. Even when Hawks were controlling the puck in our end, the Sabres boxed them out well. 6K made the saves when he needed and was calm and cool. Overall our defense has been pretty rock solid the last 4 games. Our offense should get a slight boost when we get Cozens and Skinner back. Like to see our offense get a bit more consistent and start scoring a bit more. The Sabres played well against the teams we should beat. They need to keep this up and be consistent as even though they are winning more, they are not making up ground for the playoff race. They are not losing ground either as the games in hand are finally catching up and that is a very good thing.
  4. Power played a pretty solid game the last few games. Not to where he was last year but slightly improved
  5. Well Little J will be in for sure, and i am assuming Olaf will be in the lineup as well
  6. Unless this kid is 6'2, 220, hits, forechecks, and backchecks, he is not going to help this team. We do not need more "speedy" "skilled" forwards. We need someone to go to the freaking front of the damn net!!!! Trade bait for a manly NHL player he should be!!!!
  7. Please move the whole team. owner, management, coaching for an expansion style team. I bet they would do better!!
  8. Not snow for me.... insane wind gust blew through. My garage shook and I knew I was screwed. Supposedly power back by noon, just need cable fixed shortly afterwards. Fingers crossed
  9. I had enough of this garbage. There season is done. The unintentional tank is on. Going for a top 5 pick and a lot of firings. We all know that won't happen and if will be deja vue next year and we will work on 15 years no playoffs. I don't think I have ever disliked a Sabres team as much as this one
  10. They will only shoot when covered. So tired of this crap team
  11. This team are a bunch of idiots. Power perfect spot... wait waits until covered
  12. You would think we were leading with how slow our forwards break. Getting pathetic
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