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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. How could the laffs afford him with their cap situation?
  2. In his 5 seasons Jack has played exactly as many seconds in a meaningful game as I have. That doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon and at some point if the nonsense doesn't end the penny will drop.
  3. Since you failed to comprehend what I said: If the Sabres end up trading Eichel the team relocates shortly thereafter and are as dead as my Whalers.
  4. Anyone fine with Tampa winning it all needs to go watch that footage of Dahlin laying unconscious in a pool of his own blood after an elbow from one of their troglodytes and hang their head in shame.
  5. Fans in Kansas City, Houston or some other city will be concerned with this because that's where the Sabres will be shortly thereafter.
  6. Of the several I've talked to (and were my reps) they all quit. They are really really ***** to work for.
  7. It widely know he was being shopped by Botts in the middle of the season which probably affected him. Basically they created a self fulfilling prophecy.
  8. You think when we reach the historic Ten In A Row after another season of being a league punching bad it's going to help that bottom line? And the Pegulas aren't like freaking Karmanos or something, they are like the 5th wealthiest owners in the league. I'm sick of the neverending failure.
  9. How does that explain them failing harder than any owners in modern NHL history the past 9 seasons? They literally did a powerpoint presentation telling their own freaking employees that a pillar of their organization was maintaining their lifestyles. Talk to anyone who has ever had the misfortune to work for them, there's a reason PSE has a higher turnover than a McDonalds.
  10. Unless you are just waking up from a coma you have been in since 2011 you are probably aware of the fact they are just about the least successful NHL owners of the modern era and that this is just the latest strike against them. "Nine Years, ***** All!!!" #PegulasOut
  11. I wish someone would have the stones to walk up to Terry and tell him "Do you realize that if you were to tragically pass away and they did a moment of silence for you before the next home game it would get the Old Man Wirtz treatment?" Maybe that would end up being a moment of clarity and cause him to pull his head straight out of his ass and start behaving like a serious and credible owner
  12. But don't worry: We've got a goalie who needs a seeing eye dog so we're good 👍
  13. "Evaluation Year". You just know it's coming...
  14. The Sabres players and coaching staff seeing Dahlin laying in a pool of his own blood after being hit with an elbow by some troglodyte punk that would've been illegal in MMA and doing ***** all about it was just about the single most shameful moment in franchise history. That was the point where I really turned on Kreuger and want him to piss off back to that third rate league in Europe where he belongs.
  15. Giving Hart a warning for a blatant violation of the rules was just about the most Calvinball thing ever.
  16. Other than the Skinner unicorn I can't think of any since we became the undisputed laughingstock of the entire sport. Remember how Berglund had to get sharked by Armstrong for him to get traded here? Simmonds, who is so washed up they may as well pulled Rayzor out from his announcing gig and used him instead.
  17. Cap space isn't nearly as useful to have when you are on every single no trade/no move list in the entire league.
  18. The only positive thing he did was put together a team so putrid they won Dahlin. He is on the list of all time worst GM's with Ed Johnston (The undisputed worst of all time, only GM in history to literally kill a team through his idiocy), Milbury and Chia. If there was a grade lower than F that is what Botts deserved. Came into a bad situation and managed to somehow make it ten times worse. Put together a team that failed to qualify for a 24 team playoff despite Jack having just about the greatest season in team history. A chimp throwing darts at random names on a dartbord would've produced better drafts. Left us with a shockingly poor prospect pool and a terrible NHL roster that requires a coach who is a magician to get something out of them. Hired a coach who is anything but a magician, an improvement on his previous hire who was among the worst and most inept coaches in league history who was comically out of his depth. After lucking into playoff contention but falling apart at warp speed refused to fire said incompetent coach, let a once promising season go down the toilet and belatedly fired him the day the season ended. And of course the strong contender for worst trade in league history, that too.
  19. Why don't people understand that Dahlin looks bad in comparison right now because those other guys play for credible NHL organizations with NHL quality coaching and NHL quality rosters while he has the misfortune of playing for what is an NHL organization in name only?
  20. They are going to trade Sam and it will end up another ROR level disaster because this organization and it's rancid and inept ownership never learn from their own mistakes, they NEVER NEVER learn.
  21. Stop and think: Do you realize just how crazy of an overpay we would have to make to land Pieterangelo? If the dog somehow caught the car it is all but certain we would be regretting it very soon thereafter.
  22. I am of the belief that this whole rumored trade goes belly up because the other team has playoff success and backs out.
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