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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Those that say yes probably still hate ROR for the Tim Horton incident, Hate Darcy for offering Nolan only a one year contract, and hate Hasek for wanting out of Buffalo so he can win a cup elsewhere. long long ago in a era far far away. ?
  2. I agree with most of what you said. One does not get a CT scan for checking for foreign body metal. the protocol is ... have you ever worked with metal before? Have you ever got anything metallic in your eye? Do you have any metal in your body? IF either answer is yes, to any of it, you get an X-ray of the orbits. If the person has metal in the body elsewhere (like a joint), they will carry a card with them saying what the joint in comprised of. Titanium joints are nonferrous therefore pose no risk for an MRI. Small (very little) specks of metal will also pose no danger for an MRI as long as it’s not near a artery or organ. (Imbedded in the meaty part of a hand or thigh for example) A simple X-ray will clear this. Now, he MAY have gotten a CT scan for diagnosis and to give the surgeon a great view of structures pre-op. But it wasn’t for clearing him of foreign bodies. anyway .... all those imaging procedures and protocols could have been done in April, even with swelling (largely assuming there was any). I’m sure there was good reason as you alluded to. It just sucks (in general) it couldn’t have been done sooner. Oh well ... it’s done.
  3. I wonder why he didn’t get it done in mid/late April. Anyway ... that sucks. Hope he fully recovers.
  4. I’m flattered I’m the subject of such creativity. I’m quite surprised at the level of ability. What have I done to deserve the pedestal? I hope you aren’t suffering from something medical. Sabrespace posters are a funny bunch. Most I would gladly join for lunch.
  5. joking. Although truth be told ... I haven’t had a Stromboli of any size in about a decade.... mmmm ... I’m gonna have to partake soon
  6. Wife and I bought an English bulldog puppy and brought it home in August of 2006. He’ll be 13 in July. Yikes ...
  7. Can you maybe change the title? It’s way way too general. Kinda click-baity something like ... “Ralph Kruger? Thoughts?”
  8. Not to mention our “hit” and “miss” rate on draft picks is among the average. It’s not worse than the average no matter what negative nancy’s want to spew.
  9. I won’t mind STL winning because I’ve always liked ROR since he was drafted. And it’s a cool story of a team going from 31st to cup contenders. I won’t mind SJS winning because i’d Like to see Thornton raise a cup. And I’ve always liked Pavelski since he was drafted. I don’t want to see BOS or CAR win it.
  10. Yea ... I’m reluctantly rooting for the candy canes too.
  11. I can tell you of the games I attended at the Harborcenter ... it’s about 50/50 most games.
  12. A name is available until it’s official they are not. Am I missing the Tippett is hired by ______ ? screw any clickbait tweets, heresay or rumors.
  13. I don’t think Gronberg was first “brought up by the fans”. If one has the energy to do some digging and dumpster diving ... I believe it was a “source” or “sports journalist” tweet.
  14. Unless his development takes a significant uptick (one can hope) ... he’ll probably top off as a pretty good AHLer with some spot duty in the NHL from time to time. Very nice depth signing. Too many don’t pay attention to these type of signings because if they don’t make the Sabres, it’s off their radar and/or don’t care. These signings are important to an organization. And they all do it.
  15. So various “sources” and “journalists” interested in clicks ... put out tweets. Many believe the tweets or strongly think it has validity and merit. Then when tweet turns out to not be 100% true (shocking, I know!) then those same fans get upset because they believed the original tweet was true. Rinse, repeat. I find a lot of tweets of “hockey people in the know” and from “sources” are just red meat for fans that create clicks for them. To hell with truth.
  16. Yea I never saw that either. But it’s fun to assume negative stuff. Amirite?
  17. The ol’ tap on the wrist with a feather “becuzzz playoffs” for McAvoy. One game is obnoxious. Nice one DOPS. Nice one.
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