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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Soooo the knee jerk reactions based on 9 mins of play 
. Clifton sucks and Olofsson rulezzzzz 😂 Seems about right
  2. As of Oct. 6th, there are 
 more days until the Sabres season!
  3. On Sept. 22, 2021, what defenseman signed a three year, $18 mil. contract with the Sabres? Who replaced Marcel Pronovost as coach of the Sabres in the 1978-1979 season? How many games did the Sabres play in the 2020-2021 regular season, shortened due to the Covid-19 pandemic?
  4. I would put money on Sabres getting 96 or more points. But I don’t know the first thing about online betting 😎
  5. Oh, the hand wringing and vitriol over him going to LA was funny to witness.
  6. Then why are posters ignoring that fact? Why do they make it seem like KA is the bad guy by not keeping Boosh? Whipping boy syndrome? Can do no right-itis? Ignorance is bliss-asteria? Why i ask, whyyyyyy? 😂
  7. I think I read that Lyubushkin wanted more mins and have a more important role on the blue line. KA wasn’t gonna give him that in Buffalo. Maybe I’m wrong.
  8. And I don’t take any line combos in preseason games as written in sand let alone in stone. Just like every year. It’s just a bunch of “let’s see what this looks like” screwing around until the regular season.
  9. As of October 3rd, there are 
 days left until the Sabres season!
  10. See I disagree
 The French connection and Hasek and now RJ. Full stop. I think Tim Horton should not be in the rafters. He played for the Sabres for such a brief moment. didn’t do a whole hell of a lot that made him “rafter worthy” for the Sabres. I understand he lost his life as a Sabre, and that of course is a tragedy. But IMO not “rafter worthy” for Buffalo.
  11. Paydays in 2023-2024 are much different than paydays in 2017-2018. What were “huge deals” 6 years ago, are pretty average or slightly bigger than expected in 2023-2024. Plus as always and repeated ad nauseam, you pay for youth, most productive years, and expected development and production. I am not surprised at all on the projected “larger” numbers for most players.
  12. Is there “love” though? I certainly could have missed it, but I just see a general liking as a depth guy, but nothing passionate or love for him.
  13. Freebird 
.. Devils Rejects Night Fever 
 Saturday night fever Eye of the Tiger 
 Rocky III Can you feel the love tonight 
 The Lion King Don’t you forget about me 
 The Breakfast Club
  14. So glad we didn’t go after Marky mark for that term. What a stupid contract. For what he brings, I would have offered 2 years max.
  15. I wouldn’t. Not every single Sabres fan would love a Marchand on the team. His offensive skill? Yes please! Everything else he brings? F no! but that’s just me I guess.
  16. I suppose the hit on Hunt from Kero was a “great hit” because hey, he showed grit and sandpaper. 
. Scumbag hit. Unnecessary.
  17. What’s Washington’s roster today? Probably equally void of current NHLer’s too.
  18. Yea for that reason and others 
. Kane can go toy around somewhere else. NYR, NYI, or NJD would be a good fit for him.
  19. IMO the league fully transitioned away from one dimensional pugilists when they made it “illegal” to rip off your own helmet or rip off another players helmet during a fight. Or maybe it was when they made it “illegal” to try to pull a jersey over the opponents head. Ot perhaps even earlier than that. Grit and sandpaper I certainly like and appreciate. One dimensional pugilists will never return. And the league is better for it. And lastly, a fight in a preseason game doesn’t indicate “the official beginning of hockey”. It’s just two players fighting for a roster spot or to be noticed by their respective clubs. Nothing more. Yawn.
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