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Everything posted by steveoath

  1. Cool I’ll put a reminder on my phone. how long are we getting for picks?
  2. Thing with UPL is interesting. Who claims him AND can keep him on the NHL roster if he gets waived. I don’t think anyone does at this point.
  3. At the moment I would like to see him in Quinn’s spot. next year I’d love to see a tenacious scoring line of Savoie, Benson, Krebs (with Krebs being the centre).
  4. I'm enjoying sifu. Good martial arts game, sprawling levels and a unique death system. Games website: Seems to be available on most systems now.
  5. I see a lot of number 9 jerseys having new nameplates added.
  6. Could be. The sabres.com streams were for USA. I’m on my vpn just now.
  7. On the gamecenter there’s a pop out bottom to go to espn+ guess I won’t be watching tonight 😥 edit https://bufsabres.co/451nERb according to twitface
  8. Watch: Sabres.com (Dan Dunleavy and Rob Ray) Listen: WGR 550 (Dan Dunleavy and Rob Ray) I’ll be getting my VPN on for this. The Mike Babcock era is over. What next for the bluejackets? last chance saloon for some of the fringe guys to stay on the roster I believe cuts are happening on Sunday/Monday. Go Sabres Mike’s Weird
  9. That about sums it up. Disappointing we couldn’t get a better gt in to tandem with Levi
  10. Yes, they are not the quickest when it comes to putting the highlights online. also, we lost 1-5 to the flyers on Sunday 😞 next game is tonight
  11. Rather than ban fighting, can we not just have competent and fair refereeing?
  12. If not a weekend, I’m best on the Thursday 🙏
  13. In retrospect, he has that long stride that looks like he’s not motoring and being alongside Benson who is going 100mph accentuated it. I hope Greenway does well.
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