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Broken Ankles

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Everything posted by Broken Ankles

  1. Love their philosophy of shooting at the empty net from their D zone
  2. South Orange County CA. Originally from North Buffalo. Left in the mid 90s and like Swamp, coming up on exceeding my time in the 716. My wife has 7 more years until a full pension. So stuck in the 949 for a few more. Successfully raising one of my sons as a Sabres fan. Thank God Anaheim and LA are struggling too, otherwise he would be taking so much more shite than he already does. We are going together with my father (visiting) to the game against the Ducks this Thursday. The Centre Ice package brought me back about 10 years ago, after watching casually from 96-11.
  3. Shoot more? He needs to be able to get pucks through before he increases his attempts. Too often blocked.
  4. Speaking board records, this thread is in 4th place overall, behind Complaint Thursday’s, Things that are Awesome (my favorite $25k pyramid category) and Bills 2015 (WTF - unacceptable). No more off topic threads on John. Post all updates here to move into third place before the trade happens. @Thorny your contribution of content to this is invaluable and we need more of it. Show me your leadership skills.
  5. Monks Wait I signed up for the bundle. We already had Disney + so what's another $5.99 for Hulu and ESPN +. Need to watch this game. Don't let us down Donny Meatballs!
  6. The entitlement of children, including college aged students is slowly wearing on me.
  7. I hope not. So far nothing stands out. Where would he project two years out? Fourth line guy with speed who is on your PK?
  8. Is this a number you have seen or heard that the Sabres are paying and the remaining salary is paid by Insurance? I’ve read somewhere that after 30 games lost Insurance kicks in but I don’t think I’ve seen anything specific regarding Jack. If so would you share?
  9. They beat a ‘real’ goaltender tonight. Baby steps. Asplund continuing great play. PK is surprisingly good. Dahlin was a +2 tonight and is +3 on the season. #futilestats
  10. Agreed. This change should impact their running game. If the Bills don’t have 3 turnovers and shite special teams like 2020 the offense should put up 30. I mean, the Jets hung 27 on them, so there is that.
  11. Agree with his lack of physicality. He seems to be using his reach much more effectively this year, which nice to see. His face off % is off the charts winning over 60%, taking the most on the team. He is also averaging the most time on ice amongst all Sabres forwards. Bad teams, heavily protected zone starts but it’s not doom and gloom.
  12. Prices are ridiculous. I paid under $60 for the CI package on Direct, which includes HNIC and I can record and watch in HD. I look forward to Amerk updates from the those who are watching.
  13. I can’t see why the Sabres are not considering this seriously if (and only if) Hague, Krebs and others are included. If Jack is on the payroll for this entire year and unmoved, the cost is $10m (less escrow). If you you can extricate yourself of the contract immediately, and you retain $2m, it’s the exact same cost, only spread over 5 years. Leaving only the concern of $2m in dead cap per year for five. But with a pending cap explosion and so much youth on this team, is $2m going to affect them in 2024? Definitely not next year. And the year after, KO and Z come off for $9m more. If the cap moves north of $90m in 2025 it’s just an insignificant amount. Retain $2m, Krebs, Hague, Tuch and a conditional pick based on games played next year.
  14. HINOSTROZA is rewarded for his pace of play today. Book it.
  15. Most of those guys on Entry level deals (Linus, Pekar, Murray, UPL, etc.) have a minors salary under $100K. And those vets like Malone or Fitzgerald have a higher but reasonable minor salary like $125-200k.
  16. But what about The Sugarhill Gang, or Kool Mo D, or Kurtis Blow?
  17. Anyone grinding you at the bar….like this young lady?
  18. Where was this when he played in Buffalo? Dare I say grit?
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