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Everything posted by miles

  1. It feels like the sabres should just forfeit the season. Next season too
  2. the sabres will win a couple in a row or like 4 out of 6 or something and then be horrible again.
  3. i really liked RK, even if they were having a terrible season. I really hope RK lands on his feet quickly, and i really hoped the sabres would have put him in a different position in the org. i think he really has something to offer, even if it wasnt the head coach
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/buffalo-local-paper-intentionally-ranks-sabres-32nd-in-31-team-nhl-013342577.html
  5. I didn't bother to even watch a second of the game. Glad i didnt. 6 goals. Really
  6. I got mine through cvs. They made me schedule both shots at once. If i had to cancel rhe second for some reason, i wouldn't know what to do i guess just make another 2 appointments and cancel the second
  7. I just got my second shot of moderna and other than a minor headache.and a REALLY sore arm, i dont have any issues. I am tired today, but i think thats from the time change because i got up earlier than normal. I am catching my wife's cold though. Im not a dr and i dont play on tv, i am just sharing my experience and really i think you should ask your medical professional for the answer to this. The cdc has also commented on this but i cant find the article now
  8. My wife tested negative, so we have just 2 weeks to go before we are safe. I am catching my wifes cold now. I hate getting sick
  9. Its odd that every gm and every coach has been garbage for the past 10 years. The players have some fault too. They are all paid professionals
  10. my mother is finally leaning towards getting a vaccine. i think my sister has been talking with her a lot. she is 71 years old and had lung cancer years back and had to get 1/2 of one of her lungs removed. besides that, she isnt in the best of health after breaking her leg years back. i have been hoping for months she would get a vaccine and hope she decides soon before its available to everyone and impossible to get
  11. i know its the canadian governments decision to do this, but has moderna and pfizer tested their vaccines with just a large gap between the doses?
  12. got my second moderna shot today. my wife got hers already a few days ago. unfortunately, friday night she got a small head cold, we dont think its covid or anything, but she got tested just to be safe. all she has is a stuffy head. no cough, no loss of smell/taste or anything like that. just a stuffy nose. the kind of thing you would ignore, if it wasnt a pandemic. hopefully she gets the results tomorrow. we live in a small apartment, so if she gets covid, im sure to get it too
  13. I made a fart so bad the other say. It was rank. I said to my wife, wait until it hits you
  14. I hope that the tickets don't sell. This way they can understand that putting this garbage out there year after year is not acceptable
  15. i didnt think the sabres would make the playoffs because they are playing only the east teams. however, i didnt think they would be this bad. i mean this is tank level bad
  16. this will be an excellent game. sabres all the way
  17. i respect the request for a negative test to show up to generally keep everyone safe, but who would pay to see them at this point. they are worse than tank, bad
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