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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. UPL is bust. Sunk cost fallacy let it go New shiny toy is shiny. He was passed up because he’s not 6’5” like every other failed goalie prospect.
  2. We don’t need defense. That only becomes part of the equation to make salary work and also means we’re sending an ELC back. Our defensive pipeline is all in college. I still don’t see it. I still think for salary purposes Tuch is a piece of the puzzle. The deal is probably hung up on trying to include William Carrier in it so the hero can return home.
  3. Two lucky wins in a row. Shininess has worn off. Last place here we come. They looked gassed but they didn’t look like they were on their heels. That’s a big deal to me. Hinostroza looks like a defensive liability.
  4. Wow these refs so rigged. Giving Buffalo every benefit of the doubt. What a joke league. Their star players never get calls against them.
  5. This game is wide open. Could have had ten goals each side, somehow only one. Should be losing honestly, gave up too many good chances. 777 line is easily our best. Cozens/Hinostroza keep getting hemmed though Skinner looks possessed. He’s skating so much faster and he’s passing the puck. Not sure it’s actually him. Hockey is entertaining. I haven’t made it past first period in these games in years.
  6. Oh, no wonder the league is welcoming this coming out.
  7. Leadership matters. And they could have disagreed with X and Os.
  8. I don’t think there’s many similarities. Granato is all about closing gaps, constant pressure, and forcing action. Similarly the breakout stresses short passes with the only rule seemingly being one forward going forward a Hail Mary in the center of the ice immediately upon every breakout to make space. Every system likes to spread the ice some but it’s a little more exaggerated with Granato. They have connected on those passes too in plenty of games forcing teams to be honest. In the past coaches would have the high rider along the boards and they were easy to defend against. This style is going to wear on them as the season goes on. As other teams get in better shape it’s success is going to wear off. Last night against a talented Lightning team it wasn’t nearly as effective. But it’s hard to play against and that’s the main goal. There’s no part of this system relying on the other team to make unforced mistakes. Those were the snoozers. And maybe we build up enough of a lead early in the season to wedge into last seed. Or the chemistry builds and Eichel trade return talent joins the fold. There’s hopium to spread around and that’s a success for a team that couldn’t be in much of a worse spot.
  9. Karma for the Boston game we should’ve won by 3.
  10. Is there something with Dube that makes him a trade target? I’m not seeing it. Monahan has issues being a net positive player and only two years left. don’t get me wrong anything is better than Eichel retiring and no return.
  11. We play really well and lose anyway for two straight games. Follow up by getting out played half the game and beating a good team. I’ll take that.
  12. He is on a sugar rush with his new environment. The non sense will kick in by year 2. levi is a good goalie hedge, and lack of goaltending is our biggest risk to getting out of the slump.
  13. He didn’t have excuses. He had points. Good prospect.
  14. Started with two bad penalties but good penalty kills. They started slowing down though and opening the ice for New Jersey to skate. Got ugly from there. The spunk is wearing off.
  15. Mad hard didn’t even hit him. He pushed him one handed when he was in an unsafe position. It’s ***** disgusting he isn’t suspended half the season every year
  16. Eek one of those games. Of course it’s against the bruins and our ex players too. Even if they lose there’s no reason to feel bad after these efforts. We expected to be out skilled but we sure as hell weren’t out husseled
  17. 15 shots. Owned the play. Can’t complain about anything other than the refs and they gave us two calls. I hope they can keep it up and get a W. They deserve it
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