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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. I thought the Russian coaching was horrendous late in the Finland game but I didn't watch them much other than today.
  2. Did you watch the Russian game and more importantly the canada game? It's not as if canada was lazy out there. I'm usually in agreeance with most of your posts but you are way off base on this one IMO.
  3. Certainly not the goaltender but the forwards generated maybe 4 scoring chances all game and got outshot something like 60 to 15. I think each one of them owes the goalie a beer.
  4. Phew. Way closer than it should be but if not for their tender this is a huge canada win. In any event it's canada USA. Bring it on!!
  5. Canada, not sure who tho Did not know that, even more impressive
  6. What a save on perry how is this guy not in the nhl
  7. Damn yanks.... It'd be nice if Crosby did something this tourney
  8. Are there no other Canadians following along here??
  9. Tavares goes down, the tank lives on!! Have to give this Latvian tender credit, he's played well
  10. Now a Latvia pp...., Don't know how they don't remove it after this tourney
  11. Great start to this game, chances at both ends.
  12. Completely agree on moulson and ott but miller is a different animal IMO
  13. Wow I would take that trade in a heartbeat. That might be superior to the guastad for a first trade a couple of years ago!
  14. Nice, those enroth jokes never get old.
  15. Go canada go!! Three more to complete the repeat!!!!
  16. Yep and lets hope it's canada USA in the other semis after today.
  17. Can't believe the Russians are out after all their hype going in.
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