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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. He basically said in an interview that the start of the season was an adjustment but he’s certainly coming on. He looks faster and more confident on ice.
  2. He had 3 assists last night.....
  3. JC. Comets pull Demko with 5:30 left.
  4. Ever seen him fight? Wierd goal but I’ll take it.
  5. How the hell is that a penalty? Boarding? Ha!
  6. Nice save Thatcher...you still gunna lose...
  7. Tennyson to make it 2-0. Let’s run Demko out of the net tonight. Just for fun.
  8. I’ve seen that hit from a few different angles and every time it looks like a late shoulder to shoulder hit. Wilson clearly saw him coming. I think there was some “addition of decorative detail” for sure.
  9. Julien for me. He reminds of the crazy uncle from that Flintstone episode where they had to spend the night in the haunted castle. He also has a constant look of smelly fart on his face.
  10. A cold breeze blew down my spine as I read this part.
  11. I’m trying to understand your point of view here. Let’s use a ten game block to make our case rather than almost measurements. Coincidentally that ten game block brings us to little more than a month. Last ten they have 5 reg wins, 1 OT win and 1 OT loss for 13 pts. The previous eleven games(which brings us all the way back to game 1) they have 5 reg wins, 2 OT wins and 1 OT loss for 15 pts. How is 2 less points in 1 less game a sign of demise? I get that your not happy with the team, I just don’t understand why. The only game they weren’t in all year was that 9-4 loss to Springfield and that one didn’t run away until well into the second period.
  12. I’m not sure they’re slipping at all. They have 7 wins in October and 6 wins in November. They are 6-3-1 in the past 10 games. They scored 4 goals in the 3 games prior to the last 2 where they scored 1 goal and no goals. To put that in perspective, they lost the first 2 games of the season scoring 2 goals in each. The other 4 regulation losses are evenly spaced in the season. There’s 4 games all year with 2 goals, one with 1 goal and one shutout loss. The rest of the games had 3 or more goals. I’m guessing opinions are being based on knee jerk reactions to a loss coupled with a surging Crunch, who are 8-0-2 in the P10 and are gaining on us. It’s not an objective way to judge their performance...IMO of course.?
  13. I’m not judging their worth on 3 games. They completely botched their first two games and went on to lead the division since. And they 1-0 on Friday. I believe sog were pretty darn even too. I know. I seen it.
  14. JC Focker.....it’s just a game! Seriously though, Olofsson 19 pts in 18 gp CJ Smith 17 pts in 21 gp Nylander 17 pts in 21 gp With Redmond and Pilut that’s 5 players playing at ppg pace. Then you have... Bailey O’Regan Criscuolo Guhle Dougherty Malone Simpson.... All producing around 1/2 pts per game and Porter producing slightly higher with 14 pts in 21 gp. Goaltending has been shaky but..... Maybe we are just watching different teams or something?
  15. I like your thinking but... how about a thumb on one and a forefinger on the other? Just so you could still hook a belt loop on both sides to pull your pants back up?
  16. I wouldn’t say they were terrible tonight. I said ugly. You wouldn’t tell an ugly friend they looked terrible, would you? I wouldn’t even tell them that they’re ugly. That sheet is relative. To some I’m an Ogre. To others I’m a prince. They have regressed a bit on offense. Getting some bad bounces right now. Wedgwood on the other hand deserves first star in the last two games IMO. I’m still not sold but he has been on fire. They have a tough fight with the Crunch surging but I’m not worried about playoffs.
  17. Today would have been my maternal grandfather Kester’s 102nd birthday. He was an amazing man. He lived within walking distance and was a daily part of our lives. In reminiscing with my brothers I recalled a story about Grandpa and me. I went to work with him in the woods cutting for the pulp mill when I was 12. He fell and limbed the trees and I skid and cut them into 4’ logs. He had wrecked a truck the season before while lighting his pipe so when he wanted a smoke he would hand his pipe and matches (the strike anywhere type of course) and have me get it rolling for him. My mom found out and he got into trouble. His fix? I drove. He smoked.? God Bless you man. Kester Rupert Wood
  18. Ugly. Four straight scoreless periods.
  19. Down 2-0 and outshot 36-18 is not a winning formula. Just sayin.... When y’all goin to be done with Pilut? Just sayin...
  20. Or the two thumbs for when they’ve won the Cup...
  21. I realize I’m only spending $7 to watch this game but I swear some of this feed is being shot with an iPhone.
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