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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Do you keep one on each hand or a thumb and forefinger on one?
  2. Guhle looked much better. He still had moments he looked confused but he wasn’t turning it over and had some good plays in Penguins territory. Borgen is starting to really get physical and it’s getting me all flustered. He was in the process of dropping the gloves when MacWilliams threw that hit. Throw in Dalton too. Taylor likes to get rough. I like it. It gets teams off their game. Wedgewood was a force field. Nylander was meh. That delay of game was stupid, sloppy and not even necessary. They go again tonight in Binghamton.
  3. I would do the same thing. It is wierd too.
  4. Our winning stops when Pilut isn’t in the lineup. I hope Guhle is better than last home game. I can’t handle more blind pass turnovers. The less Tennyson on the ice the better. Yep.
  5. I’ve been wondering about this. My family picked mold from bread/cheese/etc all the time when we were little and no one ever got sick. My mother would make a huge goulash(enough to feed 7 for a few days) and leave it covered on the stove and just heat it back up really well the next night. Same results. Everyone was well.
  6. Mike Bossy and his damn Islanders.
  7. My poor little buddy Hobey had a big day. Took him to the wrong vet. 30 more minutes to the right place. Pain and suffering. Poor bastard went for a cleaning and became a medical oddity. Both sides lower jaw he has a double set of a particular tooth on both sides, somewhat fused together. The one that needed extraction was intertwined with one these abnormal teeth. He was the celebrity of the day, claimed to be famous for eternity..... They’re cereal in that mofo. They sent me home with X-rays. They were pumped.
  8. I personally know one survivor. Not to take away from these boys win but, it always seems like the most honest sincere peeps die from this disease. Kester, Joyce, Florence and Elaine. Now my MIL Tina is in a fight
  9. Pex is crazy easy. It’s also very forgiving. I’ve plumbed and replumbed the lines in my house for various different water treatments. Cut the band with a grinder and just reuse the fittings. They’re the real cost in a Pex project. If you don’t care about right angles though you can eliminate most elbow fittings and bring the costs down. A heat gun and some pre planning and you can really save some money.
  10. Clean. Fresh. If your eating young sprouts there’s a lemon twang in there that lights my sinus cavities with an all day flavor.
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