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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. If you win, you're still going to have to work with a house of people who take money for favors.
  2. I'd like to see the governor's reaction if the president proposed closing all the military bases in Texas and moving them and all their civilian jobs to other states.
  3. My point was to refute your attempt to correlate Maryland's problems with Democrat leadership, when in fact there are Republican led states in worse shape. The issues of jobs and inner city blight are tied more to corporate greed and moving jobs out of country that used to be done by blue collar workers.
  4. Of course Maryland has the 2nd highest per capita income among all states, and therefore can afford higher taxes to help those less fortunate. Meanwhile the vast majority of the states with the lowest income are run by Republicans, yet those states keep voting them in. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_income
  5. Max Afillygenov Joe Daley Double Christian Ehrhoof Grant Fuhr Long Patrick La Lame Anders Swayback Peter McNagg Out of the Gates Orlando Nathan setting the Paetsch
  6. Apply for a job at an extermination company. Win-win.
  7. After you get unintentionally pregnant once, then you need to learn from your mistakes. That woman who was slapping her kid for throwing rocks, she's a single mother with SIX KIDS. So whatever paycheck she gets has to be split at least seven ways. She said it's hard to keep track of all her kids. Ya think? Personal responsibility. A statistically small difference between Hispanics and Blacks. "Birth rates are also higher among Hispanic and black adolescents than among their white counterparts. In 2013, Hispanic adolescent females ages 15-19 had the highest birth rate (41.7 births per 1,000 adolescent females), followed by black adolescent females (39.0 births per 1,000 adolescent females) and white adolescent females (18.6 births per 1,000 adolescent females). Although Hispanics currently have the highest teen birth rates, they have also had a dramatic recent decline in rates. Since 2007, the teen birth rate has declined by 45% for Hispanics, compared with declines of 37% for blacks and 32% for whites." http://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/adolescent-health-topics/reproductive-health/teen-pregnancy/trends.html I'm all for Obamacare and access to birth control. Many health centers offer free condoms, and if not they don't cost much. If people want to change the laws in red states where the laws are more restrictive they have to vote, which is another issue where the black community doesn't turn out to force change in sufficient numbers.
  8. It is tough when a teen girl gets pregnant, has no husband, and has no decent job skills because they dropped out of school. I'm all for providing child care, education, and job training for that girl to get past her mistake. But when that girl then has more kids before getting educated and trained, that's personal irresponsiblity that the gov't can't correct. And you know darn well that happens way too much in the black community, which has the highest percentage of teen pregnancies. That's the person's fault, not the gov't or police.
  9. It doesn't cost anything to provide discipline and make sure kids are going to school, doing their homework, and not running the streets, especially on a school night. And acting as a good role model.
  10. There's always room for improvement with gov't and police, but the primary determinant in a child improving their socioeconomic status is their parents. Until that issue is discussed openly and honestly, no amount of money or resources will help end generational poverty.
  11. GMTM is very open about his views and plans. In fact he's my favorite sports interview because it's so refreshing to not hear the usual cliches. A press conference at this point would only be for the reporters to badger the management about the Tank that a majority of fans understood if not supported. We know the plan, now let's move forward.
  12. So you think whites are better parents. Thats a bit of a stereotype for you to say. Not the peaceful protesters, but as the president said, "criminals and thugs", who riot and cause the original message to be drowned out. The history of the police involved are also brought up. In both situations it shows if there's a pattern of behavior. And a person who fights with police like Michael Brown is not a victim like Freddie Gray.
  13. I know a black man who was raised by a single mother in humble surroundings. Through proper parenting, taking his education seriously, and not running the streets with bad influences he was able to improve his life and become successful. Now he's President of the US.
  14. Would they rather the Pens never got Mario or Sidney? If not for those two, Pittsburgh wouldn't even have a team and new arena. They would have been relocated.
  15. Baloney. These were mostly teens and young adults who were twittering beforehand about taking advantage of the situation. The adults who have lived there the longest were the ones upset this happened and went out on the street to try to stop them. How ironic that after being at the best place for them to get the tools to improve themselves, high school, they went out and rioted. Now when grandma can't get her prescription because they burned the drug store down they'll yell about inequality.
  16. There was a sustained effort by all post WWII presidents to keep the pressure on the Soviets, whose economic model couldn't keep up with the West. It was just a matter of time. I give credit to Solidarity and Pope John Paul II for giving the people the courage to stand up and say they'd had enough. And Gorbechev was a pragmatic leader who knew it was time to change. He could have used the military to suppress the Warsaw Pact nations but he didn't.
  17. Put him on the 4th line with Deslauriers and Larsson or McCormick and that's a nice agitator line that can also work the PK. I'd rather have 40 games from Kaleta than 80 from Hodgson.
  18. @BNHarrington: I'm told the winning combination was 1-5-6-14. That was EDMONTON combo 174. The #Sabres closest was No. 172 (1-5-6-12), one number off
  19. FYI the lottery changes next year so the top 3 picks are up for grabs, which means the team with the worst record could drop to the 4th pick.
  20. Because he's not going to a US eastern market which start most of their games at 7-8pm, and would help draw more viewers, as well as playing against Eichel and Crosby more times. He will only play in his hometown area of Toronto once a year.
  21. I don't want Murray to go after McDavid. It would be bad if it didn't get done and became public. How would Eichel feel? This way Eichel can play with a chip on his shoulder trying to prove he's better.
  22. Oilers will probably try to trade a forward for D. There should be a rule that you can't have the 1st pick more than once every 5 years.
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