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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. That could be said about most politicians. How does that affect her ability to implement the policies she proposes?
  2. What don't you trust her to do?
  3. He waited until it looked like there was enough votes to prevent an override of a likely veto, then made the announcement. It's frightening to think what would happen if there's no deal. If someone takes the time to understand the details of the deal, and what it takes to create the materials for a nuclear weapon, but still opposes the deal with no alternative offered, then they're either being political or pandering to the Israeli lobby. Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers — wrote to President Obama on Saturday to praise the Iran deal, calling it innovative and stringent. The letter, from some of the world’s most knowledgeable experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and arms control, arrives as Mr. Obama is lobbying Congress, the American public and the nation’s allies to support the agreement. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/09/world/29-us-scientists-praise-iran-nuclear-deal-in-letter-to-obama.html?_r=0
  4. Trump getting jumped on for his latest remarks on Meygn Kelly. The Repubs and Fox are really trying hard to get him out. I'll bet many of his angry blue collar supporters like his non PC remarks and agree with his remarks. The hypocracy is that the Repubs have said worse things about Hillary in the past, so there's a degree of hypocracy when they attack Trump. I wonder if Fox would have hired Meygn Kelly if she looked like Rosie ODonnell.
  5. Agreed, but to even say he cheated is speculation. They're not married, do they live together? Perhaps they have an understanding that he can see other people given he's on the road so often. We don't know. And cheating is not a crime. He's young and rich, I'm sure lots of guys in his position are not monogamous.
  6. To get an idea of what a person would do in a similar situation in the future, they have to be asked what they would have done in the past. Too often politicians will say they won't respond to hypothetical questions, so they have to be asked about real events.
  7. Very disappointed that Schumer is pandering to Israel and not supporting the Iran deal. He says he doesn't advocate war with Iran, but then says he doesn't think Iran will change. Well if Iran won't change, then by that logic war is the only option because sanctions won't change their actions.
  8. Some of them said they now prefer Cruz or Huckabee.
  9. There's been some discussion that the heads of Fox don't want Trump, so they made sure the opening question would make him look bad. And now on Fox the focus group has people saying they liked Trump before but not now because of his response that he wouldn't rule out an independent run.
  10. Oh the sweet hypocracy of these guys who stereotype belivievers in Islam talking about how their Christian faith guides them.
  11. Trickle down economics, the great mistake. Look at Kansas for an example of how it doesn't work.
  12. I wouldn't vote for any of them, but Kasich is the only one I would be relatively comfortable with. Bush is too apologetic and waffles on his positions, while the rest are too extreme.
  13. It's not, it's regressive for those with less income who would pay a higher percentage of their money for everyday goods, while cutting taxes on the wealthy.
  14. The sad truth is that in primaries, the voters like red meat. And Clinton bashing is a sure way to appease the right. The post debate polls show Fiorina won the early debate, and she called Clinton a liar multilple times without specifics. She knew what would excite the base.
  15. These Fox moderators are not very professional, especially Meygn Kelly. They're acting like its a pep rally instead of taking it serious.
  16. Turned on the early bird debate and was suprised that the number of people in the audience was like a girls high school basketball game; friends and family only. I expected the Repubs to try to get people in there. I almost felt sorry for the tier two candidates.
  17. There is no one person who can unite the country anymore. The best we can hope for is someone who could get a majority of support, like 60%. The best thing that could happen would be if all congressional districts were redistricted so there was a smaller percentage of difference between registered Democrats and Republicans, which would lead to moderate representatives from either party getting elected to Congress, which would result in more compromise. But that won't happen.
  18. Fioina's facelift is too distracting. I'd like to see Trump instead. How long could he go before insulting her, and could Hillary resist pulling his hair out.
  19. I once caught a Sunfish at summer camp using a bamboo pole and a piece of bread. Huck Finn old school style.
  20. Donald Trump says he'd tap Sarah Palin... http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/donald-trump-2016-sarah-palin-cabinet-post-120747.html?ml=po
  21. I found Black's openness and interaction with the fans a refreshing change from the usual management types. I'm afraid we'll just get corporate-speak from Brandon. Too bad they couldn't have moved Black into a public relations role, but that would have been a step down. At least we still have GMTM. Hopefully Brandon doesn't bother him.
  22. I hope this doesn't result in the Sabres signing a deal to play some home games in Toronto so they get to watch professional hockey.
  23. I guess cup holders over the urinals wasn't enough to save him.
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