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Everything posted by 3putt

  1. Why do you think The Owner cares what you think? People are still coming, he has his sights on a generational talent, he has cap room to play with and the pipeline looking like it will produce soon. Building a sustainable top tier team is in sight. He doesn't seem to worry about the instant gratification you seek. The blueprint is clear, and seems to be going according to plan. Your choice is to stop watching. Come back when they are good again and if not follow someone else. It is really a simple reality. I have afrustration as well but it is taboo here. I want to see the kids here learning on the job with a competent coach. I am not going to get that either. So were both screwed. TTurn what around? The race to the bottom is on track. I think the fo is quite content.
  2. Who would want Stafford, Stewart et al? Hodson? These guys are not valuable to anyone but us as salary floor insurance.
  3. My point is I think he wants to go right to the NHL. If he improves every year, in 4 years he can go to any team willing to give him an nhl roster spot. Compher that is. Hurley look good in the three I saw him, but he is light.
  4. That's because there isn't a quick fix to much in pro sports. It usually takes hitting bottom and a little luck in the draft. That takes time. Even the open check book Yankees are feeling the pinch of not developing their own.
  5. I don't think Compher or Hurley will leave early to go to Rochester. If they wish they can stay in school and come out as free agents. Fasching, from what I hear, may wish to start his pro career next year.
  6. Interesting tv shot of a Bruins coach talking and I assume coaching a player during the game. Is that legal? If so the Sabres might consider doing that. :doh:
  7. +1. He may never play on any cup contending team. He simply takes up space and eats minutes. No fire.
  8. Not only do I support the move to rid yourself of those who do not want to be part of the solution, I wonder why he didn't can Stafford, Hodson and others who think they are helping but are clueless to the fact that they aren't. I had to tear down and rebuild after a flood. I didn't keep the sofa as a placeholder for the new one. Everything went.
  9. The result is never garaunteed, the 300 eventually lost, but their disciplined execution is legend. Mike Babcock probably wouldn't win with this crew, but he would extract not only effort, but focused effort.
  10. Nolan has no room to complain about effort when he can't provide direction. He knew the task. Change the direction. Not radically, but put some structure to the rebuild. Teach the youngsters. But that is tough to do when the only direction you can give is what's in your soul. There is no tactical plan game in and game out. It looks like a Chinese fire drill. A monkey can throw a puck on the ice and sit at the podium 60 minutes later. He may a great motivator, but to lead successfully you have to provide direction and I never felt he knew where he wanted to go.
  11. What's with Moulson? It looks like he doesn't even practice with his linemates. He looks lost.
  12. The Lady Gaga should go to the player who adds absolutely nothing to his team, the sport or humanity in a colorful and flamboyant manner.
  13. If anyone doubts the moral value of the tank they need look no farther than the fact that a 2-1 shoot out marathon spawned a collaborative resolution of proper fan etiquette, child rearing advice and a self reflection on alcohol consumption at sporting events. All of this three days after the culmination of the contest. The gift that keeps on giving.
  14. I thought coaches vied for the Jack Hoff trophy.
  15. It's like the Seinfeld episode where George determined that whatever he thought he should do, he did the opposite.
  16. Disappointing ot loss for the Flames.
  17. With Myers and a returning Stahl, Skinner and a hopefully healthy Sekera, the Canes have a shot at a Playoff berth. Boychuk looked good last night and they are not bad. Injury riddled yes. Why so much payola for a pick that could be as high as mid teens?
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