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Everything posted by 3putt

  1. Patrick Roy is an early contender for the Jack Hoff award. The job he is doing with that lineup is truly remarkable.
  2. Agreed. But Z needs to learn to defend himself and teamates. it is the only thing hdoesn't do well.
  3. Have you been watching? Mezzaros is almost a lock for facilitating an opponents goal every night. he is brutal
  4. Only if he can teach Zemgus to throw em. Otherwise we can find what he brings for less
  5. Mezzaros having an historic Shart campaign. May never see another like it
  6. Please and before liger chimes in with build a winning minor league team, bring up Pysik and McCabe. Let them take their lumps and learn. These two clowns have to go. No offense Eleven, obviously you had a bad feed.
  7. He is incomprehensibly bad. Like fund a study of how someone can be this bad at anything
  8. send me a qtr of whatever your smokin counselor. It must be good n
  9. In a choice between seeing how a top prospect reacts to the challenges of the NHL versus building a winning culture at the AHL level I choose the former. I think somewhere along the way we crossed the streams.
  10. They should have moved him when Gnash (Preds) was slumping and the interest was high. Could have gotten a late fourth. Again DR had to "win" and we lose.
  11. All the winning attitude at the minor league level is meaningless. You test a players talent and resolve in the show. The alternative is to accumulate a bunch of successful minor leaguers. Perrenial minor leaguers. I also realize I am in the minority in this position.
  12. A winning AHL team is irrelevant. They serve the needs of the big club.
  13. Plus Bills otas training camp and each player and coach logging an hour
  14. Yes. Part of the process is to see how these prospects handle the higher level of competition as well as to showcase then in the event that you have a bounty in one area and are willing to trade for to supplement an area you are trying to improve. Hockey trades not picks.
  15. 3 pages. official gdt in case of rain...nice.
  16. What about a relegation approach every ten games or so. This will allow the truly worthy to play there way in and relegate the imposters to obscurity until they re-examine their commitment to the Shart.
  17. It is not a mess. Management concluded that the best way to build a better organization for the long term was to cut away the dead wood and focus on developing the talent pool. You don't do that through free agency, you do it through the draft. They knew the on ice product would suffer in the near term, and they decided it was acceptable. If no one bought tickets or showed up who cares. They could care less about you or your opinion, or mine for that matter. Now they are well on their way to develop home grown players with talent. They have assets and cap room. I applaud them for sticking to their plan. That it inconveniences you or anyone else is you, their issue. You can leave at any time and return when and if you wish. I feel it is more honest to do the unseemly now to build a quality team than it is to bring in journeyman grinders to pursue a bottom playoff seed that appeal to the blue collar fans. News flash blue collar is dead.
  18. THIS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Lord! I am not alone in the universe!!!! I saw the change in Chicago. Two words.Marian Hossa. He brought a professionalism and work ethic that set the standard. Everyone bought in. At the end of the day the players you want are the ones who motivate themselves to be better.
  19. I think there is something to the size thing. I like young players with big craniums. If they need to grow into them fine. The large forehead cromagnum vestige cranium seems to produce the best players. Can we do a regression against player stats and their Cranium size at draft time? The outlier in this is Gretzky who had a small cranium versus Messier's massive noggin.
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