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Everything posted by 3putt

  1. First no one said Fasching should be given anything. The comments, mine and others, were responsive to your overreach concerning all draft picks must report to the AHL for seasoning. Each and every player is unique. Some are ready before others. You think McDavid will spend one minute anywhere but the NHL after he is drafted? Secondly where are the talented vets who warrant big league spots on this team? Stafford? Moulson? Weber? The reason we are in this mess is our talent sucks. Talented kids can and do develop at the NHL level. Those that rise to the challenge can contribute to winning that much sooner.
  2. Moulson has great hands and is crafty, but he skates like a beer league legend.
  3. You are kidding right? I've counted 8 positive plays to one meh. Defensively he is better than Myers.
  4. It was a fantastic post. McKinnon spent no time in the minors either did Crosby or Kane. You assume a broadbrush approah assures success when it doesn't. Each case is unique. Friends who know the family said he might leave this year because they need the money.
  5. Just teeing it up for someone...but seriuosly he should be on a bus to moosejaw or wherever will have him.
  6. Because it is not on the NHL roster. Remember the fires that raged over seasoning guys in the NHL vs OHL? I am not reigniting that, just pointing out that the lower levels of competition do not expedite the maturation process. All good things in all good time.
  7. I have to agree. We are not talented enough to beat the top teams. you counter that by making every player on those teams worried about playing another game in professional hockey if they so much as look at you sideways. Nolan is the problem, but i will simply enjoy the the road to mceichle.
  8. He is learning quickly. Rarely makes the same error twice. He is like a raptor from Jurrassic park
  9. Bells Two Hearted through the nose. Well played
  10. Z is playing all 200 feet every shift. Rheinhart will be good too.
  11. Zemgus is serving notice...I don't care who you draft I am not going anywhere
  12. I've seen enough of the Benoit/ Mezarros experiment. Play the kids
  13. No doubt talent wins. But if you are developing young players and creating an identity you have to emphasize some aspect of a team game. If you don't you have no measure of performance game to game. Yeah i know goals etc, but every player goes without those measurables from time to time. Throwing guys out there like a rat hockey game is futile.
  14. This game will expose Nolan's "I don't believe in systems" philosophy. The Hawks will generate speed through the neutral zone and gain advantage in the o zone to begin their cycle. If the Sabres stand around and don't pressure the puck it will be a very long night. A scheme to pressure the first outlet pass and trap in the nz is a must.
  15. LMAO :w00t: ...good one....oh you're serious :blink:
  16. Full disclosure I'm all in for the tank. With that said, i will lurk or maybe join the GDT every once in awhile to comment on player progress. But I thought a comment in the GDT yesterday about it being unfair to current players to be asked about the implications of their play on the acquisition of the next generation of talent to be spot on. This current team was assembled to facilitate that acquisition, avoid cap floor penalty (i.e. losing a draft pick perhaps) and ice a team to meet its obligation under the league rules. With the exception of the young guns, Risto, Rheinhart, Girgs, I see no one who will be here in 4 years inluding Hodson, Ennis and Moulson. Debating the pros and cons of a tank versus non tank is somewhat senseless in that no matter where you stand on the issue, the ship has sailed, ilea iacta est. So arguing in the GDT whether a particular outcome furthers the tank seems equally pointless. It also is as grating to those opposed to the rebuild as their whining about the lack of veteran talent is to the pro-rebuild camp. In the end, 2-3 seasons down the line one side or the other will be vindicated. Until then we wait. But we can do so civilly. The vitriol that accompanies the debate is understandable but pointless. We all have our reasons for our positions and the only thing that we share in common is some affinity to the Bison escaping the Butcher logo. We root for the laundry. We can disagree about who should wear it and where they come from or how they earn the right to wear it.
  17. We are what our record is....and it is better than first round exits. This is meaningful. It is a barometer of where we are.
  18. So does Moulson and Jorges. Positioning and puck movement he has been solid.
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