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Everything posted by DarthEbriate

  1. Well, yes. But he did get "evil" enough to change his eye color. Miitts will help the Amerks, and he shouldn't be back with the Sabres until he can hold his own along the boards. In the meantime, the one skill of his the Sabres could miss is the shootout skill (if they could get through an overtime).
  2. Go to the Rochester system, young Casey. Do what must be done. Do not hesitate; show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough to be a surprise speed addition to our playoff lineup... (if we last longer than Rochester in said playoffs this season).
  3. Flu and morning hockey. Let's go! But... with the volume low. And maybe an occasional nap.
  4. True. It's just as daunting for the guy who's hung on and loved the game and the camaraderie but doesn't have a "regular" job or lead or whatnot to go on to (and no savings or big salary) as it is for the great player who's had a full career never known anything else. (Unless this is walk/how comment is a dig at my quad-amputee status. ;-] Then.... heyyyy! )
  5. Bogosian needed start with a rehab assignment. Have him play 4 games in Rochester to knock off the rust and get back up to AHL speed first. Instead, he's been much too slow to be showcased and he's been outshone by our young puck-movers and revitalized Risto. Add to that the misses on assignments, is still getting up to speed with the new coach (no camp, etc.), and not being as tenacious as he once was... The best thing Bogo could do is be overly physical for a little bit, if his body is up to it, to try and catch a GM's eye who thinks their team lacks grit and might overpay for it and some depth. Miller (3rd pairing in LV) was for a 2nd and a 5th and had years of term left. But he's healthy and has high-end shot and could be a 2nd PP guy. Bogo is an injury-prone 3rd pairing, who never gets PP time and is on a bad and expiring contract. Maybe a 4th? Maybe a prospect who needs a change of scenery? Putting on my "Other GM" hat, I'm not giving us anything for Bogo.
  6. Having such a good time, I"m about to start running in place for a few minutes.
  7. He's never been to the playoffs. Gotta get out of here before it becomes a possibility.
  8. Great shot kid, that was one in a... well... seems daily for Jack lately.
  9. Stretch out with your feelings. You know it to be true a Sabres victory, provided they come alive in the 2nd.
  10. Stay angry, Larry. And close out the period. Whew. Ok --- time to go walk the pup!
  11. Let's go get a shortie. (And not give up a powerplay goal on the same penalty)
  12. That's a tenacious forecheck. We just need to break one up ice quickly and turn it into a transition goal while they've got 2 men deep. Skinner is. Woohooo! to finish my thought: Skinner is totally snakebitten lately. But he's gonna get one. Burning down the Vese!
  13. Yes --- but the recording included the '80s organ. It was nice. This goal.... not so nice.
  14. Nah, I got it, but we're buying Bogo in order to get one. Or do we trade Bogo and also give away someone else? I like the organ accompaniment on the anthem.
  15. Depends on the trade, but I think if I'm another GM I'm asking Buffalo to buy Bogo (pay some salary) in order to get one in the form of a pick.
  16. Trade him before he turns on us and helps hunt down and destroy us!
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