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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. You win. I really thought the Greenway Mitts Benson line would do good things too. Seemed like a good combination of size and skill.
  2. Your post got me thinking how different players would react to Torts. Skinner would mouth off and get scratched. TT would go through a big adjustment resulting in a temporary loss in production. Dahlin would only hear “good job.” Power would have a nervous breakdown. Greenway and Tuch would feel the same as Skinner but be less vocal about it.
  3. I just want to see Torts go off on Power.
  4. Maybe TT asked the organization to keep it a secret and maybe the organization just sucks. If it was his choice then fine but I’m inclined not to trust what the organization says or does.
  5. U.S. sinks Houthi boats. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/us-navy-sinks-3-houthi-boats-attacking-merchant/story?id=106016731
  6. The coach publicly stated he will not bench players because he doesn’t want to punish them. Matt Ellis was a garbage NHL player. Might just be why our PP resembles his playing days. When Skinner scores he’s an asset. Other than that he’s useless. Tuch skates big wide circles. Aside from the infrequent goal and poke check, he brings little. TT does more failed toe drags than shots on net. Still skates like sh!t. Get ready for this. Power might actually just suck and be only third pair quality. Muel is a third pair dman, maybe second. Krebs is not an NHL player. Greenway is trying out for his next team. Mitts is a third liner. Talented but incapable of another level. KO/Girgs should call it a career after this season. Levi is not ready to be a starter. UPL is at best a backup. In total we have Cozens, Quinn, Peterka, Benson, Mitts, Dahlin,, Levi, and R Johnson. These guys possess talent and appear to consistently care. The rest either suck or show up only sometimes. Here’s another little issue. Lafontaine and the NDA and the lack of information on TT’s disappearance. TT had a baby. It’s a good thing. You can say a guy is missing time for a baby. The organization’s leadership is shady.
  7. Mother Nature kicking off 2024 https://www.reuters.com/world/japan/magnitude-74-earthquake-strikes-japan-tsunami-warning-issued-2024-01-01/
  8. I have a prediction involving TT, Tuch, Skinner, and Power. When the Sabres become a two-way competitive team, at least two of them will not be here.
  9. Sabrespace is starting to get a lot of “Captain Obvious” and No Sh!t Sherlock” threads. GMKA, HCDG, the Power Play, and team construct suck. There, wrapped it all up. Should we repackage them same discussion with new titles?
  10. Power is trying to bring offense from the back end. Just a wild guess but I bet DG told him to play his game and gives Power a long leash. What he does well is give up odd man rushes. A product of being one of a number of players not performing how many had hoped.
  11. Disagree with number 7. The guy tries to put the team on his back when trailing late in the third, consistently. He’s tied for the lead in goals scored by defenseman league wide.
  12. GMKA is like the guy from Dazed and Confused. That’s what I like about hockey players. I get older, they stay the same age.
  13. Still a nice thing for the family. Spot on the product should be worth the money. Something I think the team could improve for their confide and competitiveness is the PP. Start with that or anything really. Make a part of the game a focus to improve on and build some confidence with results.
  14. Power play is extremely slow. Only movement is above the circles. Barely any net front battling and no pulling the PK out to open up lanes. Power is a train wreck. Provides very little on offense and tends to go out of position. Not a second pair player at this point in his young career.
  15. Text walls are generally frowned upon by….the Internet. Recommend ENGL110. 😁
  16. Read an article from Hockey News that states a ref allegedly told the Sabres EJ was getting the extra two minutes because the Sabres ran their mouths in the first. I have no way to judge if this happened or credibility of anyone in the reporting chain.
  17. Tage chasing after the goalie: Check Only one guy staying far enough back: Check No hustle picking your stick up: Check Dog $h!t goalie sliding out of the net: Check I think we’re good boys.
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