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Everything posted by josie

  1. I'm logged in for the first time in nearly 2 months so I might as well say somethin'. I could see a lot, might be our TV- and I loved it. I loved the contrasts, the chiaroscuro concept art come to life. That scene of the Dothraki riding out, arakhs aflame, with fiery boulders soaring overhead? Stunning. The dragons in the blizzard, unsure who's who? Confusing. Shots of blood streaked faces screaming in darkened hallways, unsure what's wight and what's living? Completely impossible to sort out. And that's what I liked about it. I felt as confused/hopeless/terrified as the characters. Fog of battle, a blizzard, yeah, it's a mess. And it felt like one. And I loved it. I kept waiting for a living person to accidentally kill another non-wight it was so confused. I like that Dany and Jon just messed everything up and were idiots. Because they both are (Sorry, not a fan of either really), and battles aren't usually perfect. It's a fantasy battle- there's gonna be some *~magic-y moments~* like the King and generals being solemn and still when meeting Bran at the Godswood (that tree has a lot more gravitas in the books- you get a distinct sense the Starks are truly the most in touch with the Old Gods/magic/nature). You have 12 hours to prepare against an army half of you still don't really believe/can't believe is real, you're going to make dumb decisions (fighting a necromancer? Let's stuff our most vulnerable folks in a crypt!). There's still issues of course, I'm still not the biggest fan of the show-writers- plot armor on our main chars (brienne, jamie, tormund, gendry), Jorah somehow teleporting around, sending the Dothraki in first instead of a dragon artillery salvo (they would've been insulted if they weren't allowed first but at least wait until you can see/hear the enemy), not staging it so Bran is literally the most protected thing but easier access to NK... imagine y'all if they tossed Bran out there, no battle, over with. C'mon, it's a fantasy show, we gotta battle the waves of the undead. I loved the moments where you see dragons strafing and Arya going supernova and characters reacting with awe because- oh yeah, they haven't seen this/didn't know this existed before! No clue how the hell they're gonna wrap the rest of it up in 3 episodes without sorely disappointing me, though. IDK, for an hour and a half of TV fantasy show now riding (mostly) without source materials, I was pretty happy.
  2. josie

    [OT] Tattoos

    Only 3 and all fairly well hidden. Several of my closest friends are tattoo artists, so they're done by people who've been a part of my life. Pilot's wings on hipbone (lifelong obsession with aviation), little armadillo on ribs (this one needs to get changed/covered up/detailed over as it's faded quite a lot) and cicada/peonies on ribs/side. The cicada/peonies have a lot of meaning I guess- I drew the cicada myself- it's the exact species from where I grew up- the scissor grinder cicada. It has a different call/scream than the others- it lilts, "sings", and it's the sound of late summer and home to me. I loved collecting their shells as a kid. The peonies- they were planted all over our house growing up. I love their smell and I think they're beautiful. Also, my best friend did the tattoo and she loves doing black/grey flower work, so it was a nice way to tie in her talents. Some day, after I'm married so all those photos are out of the way, I'd like to add more. I'd love a quarter sleeve of black/grey detailed insects/bugs and flowers/leaves. I think they're really beautiful creatures - like living jewels- so millipedes that wrap around the arm, bees, moths, fireflies, various really weird rare things too. My parents absolutely HATE tattoos and send me emails all the time about people dying from ink poisoning, and people who regretted their ink, how you'll never get a job if you have them, how you're trashy and your life will fall apart with them, etc etc etc. So in respect to them (and because I don't wanna hear about it), mine are hidden (unless I'm in a bikini which is pretty damn rare) and will remain so until they pass.
  3. Beauts play for the Isobel Cup this weekend. Good Buffalo hockey. It does exist.
  4. No just anxious a.f. P!ssing people off on the internet has only led to awful stuff for me. Bit of stalking, bit of rape/death threats... don't hurt others and they won't hurt you... hopefully. I'm so sorry NS. -- I woke up to a text this morning informing me my cousin is heavily active in a white supremacist group. We're doing what we can about it but there's only so much you can do when someone's full of hate, rage, trauma, and encouraged by xenophobia. For those who've read my ramblings before, his father is the uncle I've talked about here (the bootstraps guy). I'm just so done with this world. I'll have answers and understanding and balanced ***** to say later but right now, I'm furious. Just furious. My own ***** flesh and blood. I should log off again. I'm in a vile mood and just might argue with people on said internets.
  5. My mother lost 13 of them and my sister's twin (sis was about 4 months premie). It really really damages the psyche and is a big reason I'm afraid to ever try to have kids- most women in my family have had trouble with it and due to a lot of medical issues it looks like I'll likely face it too. Everyone else in here who can relate- I'm sorry for your loss. I believe after 20 weeks it's called a stillbirth rather than a miscarriage. Vocab aside, absolutely awful. Feel for them both. I hope they have the help they need to get through this.
  6. Jake McCabe. No, just wants to tell me about it I think. I haven't read the messages. Maybe they want to collab or whatever. Blerk.
  7. I have a person who found me on twitter DMing me about their Sabres fanfiction and their obsession with one player in particular (not one of the main dudes). I'm afraid to look at the cascades of messages flowing in. And they're the sort of person who doesn't mean harm, so blocking would be cruel. Some parts of the fandom clearly haven't died, boys, have faith!
  8. Awesome. I got all excited cuz I'm a ship nerd *closes marinetraffic tab* Someday I hope to have some property and weather stuff. My minimal freetime is often spent reading whatever meteorological data I can get on noaa and then matching up the patterns to shipping routes/flight paths. So yup- thought that looked interesting. Sounds like a neat project within more projects!
  9. Is that a lake freighter shaped anemometer on the left there?
  10. Helluva day for celebs. Ted Lindsay passed, Luke Perry passed moments ago, and Keith Flint took his own life. I've been a huge Prodigy fan my whole life. The band just put out a song entitled "We Live Forever" all of 3 days ago... ***** sad.
  11. Whatever they inject in broken racehorses prior to a big purse is absolutely running in Skinners veins right now
  12. Yeah. As someone who spiral fractured that area thanks to hockey- the tendons are usually messed up too. I still can’t do back crossovers on one side thanks to that. But I also don’t have good drugs and good surgery and good PT to work it back into playing shape. Who knows. Not good any way you slice it.
  13. That ankle spun right round baby tendons at best spiral fractures at worst
  14. Taro wild dark and I are near section 117 so that little area is up- it’s where we all met last year
  15. We’re at 716 and the bartenders like us and our jerseys and dark just got given another free beer so we’re gonna be a bit wobbly when we get in
  16. Lookin' forward to seeing you guys today. We're going to still do the two games and just play it by ear after that.
  17. I don't usually get horrible acne anymore but this week I have the painful crap that's turning my forehead into Worf... I'm almost 30, dammit.
  18. God that would mega suck. Dark has similar issues. He's like a damn dolphin, all torso, legs same length as mine, except I'm 5'5" and he's 6'2"....
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