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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Owen Power will be fine. He wil lbe in the Norris conversation for the next 10 years after next year. He will be a stud on D by the time he is 25. Dahlin too. At 21 he is still a boy playing in a man's league.
  2. As long as the Bills have Josh when Kelce retires they wil beat the Chiefs in the playoffs. Until then, I'd say no. Not Burrow either. Best idea is for the Bills to find Josh his Kelce as soon as possible. If they do they will beat the Chiefs in the payoffs. They almost had them this year. The Bills where the closest to beating the Chiefs.
  3. I would not be upset if KA traded anyone at this point. Just not to either of the dastardly duo.
  4. I'm calling BS. Petie and Rivet are clowns that love controversy. If there is not enough around they will just create some by spewing out nonsense. I mean reallly, they would not say it if it were not true, eh. They obviously have highly placed sources whom will never be named. Mostly because they don't have any sources atoll. Nevermind sources with actual names.
  5. I think @Weave speaks and writes the English very goodly. You just have to learn to read between the letters.
  6. What in the blazes is going in here ?? How's that @PASabreFan.
  7. What I mean is if hate is a wasted emotion then dislike is not far behind. I feel that everyone in here would have left the Sabres, as fans, long ago if dislike started to creap in.
  8. The NFL and, especially the AFC, went through 20 years of Patriot domination directly to KC domination for 6 or so years and counting. The difference between those Patriot teams and the Bills (and everyone else too) was far greater than the differnce between KC and the Bills (and everyone else too). The Bills have a very good record against KC in the regular season the last 4 years, but terrible in the playoff. The only real difference is that one receiver that Josh can count on to get 2 scores in a tight playoff game. The Bills need to find Josh his Kelce.
  9. The question is not really reasonable nor does it make sense in a logical thought process. No offence @PASabreFan, but why would any of us waste the time and energy it takes to dislike an entity that we all are enamoured with? I do waste very little time and energy to dislike other organizations that tend to be terrible in many ways - Miscrosoft, Apple, Amazon ... that list would be endless. I did not even dislike the tank era teams. My views on management at that time are well known.
  10. A few terrible takes in here, but mostly good ones. The thread just should be put out with the trash on next collection day.
  11. @Thorny, your wife is very talented. I am sure that is the right word. Very impressive.
  12. Spoonsie, your point total for the Stars do not add up. I'm a CPA that is not very goodly with the math, but 30 wins and 6 ties does not add up to 30 points. It's more, eh. This is going to be a tough one, but I predict a big W - third in a row for the first time in forever. MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! AVENGE HULL AND THE REST OF THOSE SORRY ASS BASTAGES INCLUDING THE DAMN NHL AND THE GREAT SATAN RULINGS AND ........... !! SWORDS !!
  13. Spare me. Your arguement does not stand up. He is a top 4 D. He is paid reasonable money for what he brings to the team. He was oft injured prior to signing his contract. The Sabres knew that. The Sabres did not pay for his future, they paid for his present. He is what he is. He is worth his $4.3M per season for another 6 years. This season ending 'surgery' (not an injury exactly)will likely help him play more going forward. His style of play will lead to injuries, but he is still worth his contract.
  14. I have removed the beer thingie I sent you after your edit. What are you talking about in your last paragraph ?? Indeed. (insert winkie thingie here)
  15. I still think he is worth his contract. It's a fair and reasonable contract for both. Stuff happens in hockey. Also, you think the Sabre PR department would proof the post and make sure to spell his name right. Mickey Mouse operation, at best.
  16. I can't keep straight who is where. A little clarification is needed. Is Levi with the Sabres now ? Comrie in Rochester ?
  17. Yikes!! Just shows to go you that I should always use my fingers. Yous all know that even thought I have the letters CPA after my name ... I was always terrible at math. Accounting and math are not related. True story.
  18. Nevermind that, who's the chickidoodle with him? That surely can't be his mum. Sister maybe? He's too young to be dating.
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