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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. Same here. And it's always enjoyable to talk Bills draft, especially some of the hind sight doosy's we've had these past 12 years or so. But I was really hoping they'd address that defensive back field this season. May not have been super star talent there, but a couple of solid players really stood out to me, especially Reid from LSU. In any event, what is done is done on round 1, let's see who the look at in round 2, personally, I see them going WR then TE if Ertz is off the board by 41, if not, then there is no reason not to take Ertz I would think. They need a threat of the end of the line that can block some to.
  2. I have no feeling one way or the other of Mr. Pegula's role with the team. I don't feel I have enough information to make an informed decision as to whether or not he's been to involved, not involved enough or absent altogether with no sympathy for the fan base. I'd like to hear the case being brought by PA on this, it will be interesting.
  3. While I agree with this assessment of the QB position, it doesn't change my mind set that he would have still been there in the 2nd round. And with the Bills needing to address so many position still, Eric Reid, S, LSU would have been an excellent selection or Desmond Trufant, CB, Washington would have addressed an additional need in the back field for them. Both of these players could make an instant impact. Once again, filling some needs while at the same time still having the ability to pick the risky QB in the 2nd round. But I realize the Bills were looking at Emanuel and wanted him, just wouldn't have been at 16 for me, at least not while other needs could have been filled to further enhance a porous defensive backfield.
  4. ah, much better. Well, given his skill sets yet the rawness of them at this time, I just felt there were other positions that could have been upgraded or, in the Bills case, addressed, as opposed to the QB situation given the high risk I felt Manuel is. It's just a personal opinion, I watched him several games this past season, he made some down right terrible decisions on throws and in other cases his accuracy was what I would consider below average even for raw talent. That's not to say he could not be a franchise QB, it's just to point out I personally felt there were better choices available come the 2nd round and I feel he would have been there in the 2nd round in any event. Once again, it's just my personal views, I don't hate the pick, I don't love the pick. I'd much preferred they went with best available as opposed to what I would consider such a high risk investment with that pick.
  5. Manuel was the wrong pick given the need for a franchise QB. He is the complete package, Manuel needs polishing for sure. There was better talent available at other positions with this pick in my most humble opinion and I follow college and the combine pretty close. Very High Risk. Nothing like selectively pulling pieces of a post out to fit the need for ?? How about questioning the entire post, not a part and parcel of one. I gave my opinion on why I felt he was the wrong pick in the following sentence. There is no reason for the ??
  6. Manuel was the wrong pick given the need for a franchise QB. He is the complete package, but he won't be the starter this coming season I suspect. Kolb was brought in for that. Manuel needs polishing for sure. There was better talent available at other positions with this pick in my most humble opinion and I follow college and the combine pretty close. Very High Risk. As for the 2nd round picks, ILB and TE are my choices personally, but I feel they will go with S and WR. Once again, just a gut feeling with the Bills on this. For some reason, no matter who is the GM of this team, they have had some terrible drafting over the years, Nix has been the most stable out of the bunch though, so, I'll defer what little knowledge I have of scouting players to him and his team of scouts. They know much more than I, but I still find that 16th overall pick highly suspect, only time will tell.
  7. Well, I agree with you here. But to contend, with the talent so young still needed to come of age, I'd say 2016/2017 season looks to be about the most realistic expectations for cup contention. No?
  8. There is no way you can actually believe that. They have just jettisoned their coach and arguably their #2 point getter. Combine that with the immaturity of the injection of youth and your already looking at next season being a rebuild. If the move Miller, which is most likely the case, it's a full on rebuild, hello 2016 minimum.
  9. Short term fixes do not offer the long term high end competitiveness Pegula envisions. Remember, we are looking at Cups, not Cup. Couldn't agree more. This team isn't doing short term fixes, they are going for the long haul. The rebuild will be 2 years minimum, both to bring in the required talent and also to see what we have with this new crop such as Foligno, Armia, Myers and so on as they mature. 2016 is a good target year for sure.
  10. Nix has stated he'd like more picks, they trade down and pick up an additional 2nd rounder.
  11. lol, I thought he was moving over as the Bills new equipment manager :o still to early yet? :P
  12. The hockey genius stays Miller get's moved on draft day to move the Minny 1st round pick up higher (Philadelphia is my best guess) Vanek stays All speculation, but hey, it's fun......
  13. Depending on his health at the draft and the potential for return, you move him. Same with the off season after the draft. In either case, if the deal is right for the future of this team, you move him. Give Thomas the chance to go compete in his prime for the Cup, give the Sabres the ability to retool for the future.
  14. I completely agree, he is well worth the money they are paying him. His post game interview cameo's are straight out awesome. I love this guy.
  15. This is just not true at all, and an actual cliche. In point of fact, when talent was added to the roster (i.e. Briere/Drury) that was actual skilled talent, they did indeed compete, and on an extremely high level. Not to say that Ruff didn't delude the talent in some players, but merely to point out that when actual true talent combined with the right chemistry amongst the players, success is the outcome. And this can be seen across multiple NHL rosters, examples such as the Rangers, Hurricanes and LA come to mind immediately. In each case, you can clearly see the right or wrong injection of talent may or may not lead to the right blend of chemistry. You are however, correct in pointing out Regier and Ruff had a major hand in building the roster, but that has little to do with 90% of the rosters compete level. Oh sure a few were affected, but not enough to make the swing we've seen in a 5 year sample period. It stands to reason since the exit of B/D the team has held roughly the same position in the standings across that time span with the exception of 1 season, where they excelled a bit, blind squirrel finds nut syndrome. But overall, NHL players compete. Unfortunately on this roster, it's talent that is lacking, and lots of it, not just the game maker or breaker kind, but pure skill abilities on multiple roles on the team itself.
  16. This is all Lindy Ruff's fault....... :blink:
  17. Quit? No These guys are athletes, they compete. A fair question to ask would be on the talent side. Does this current roster have the talent to compete at a higher level, or NHL level? No And there in lay the true issue. There are some talented players on this roster, but not nearly enough to be a competitive product at the NHL level.
  18. Well then, let's amiably agree to disagree then.
  19. I wouldn't say it's ridiculous. Out of the realm of what you believe? Yes. But not out of the realm of doable. It would depend on the offer really. But put aside Yakupov for a second, the point I was attempting to make is that is the type of return Buffalo should be looking for, top tier sniper talent. We have a playmaking center waiting for a sniping winger, Grigs. Again, Yandle was a preferred example, but not one that I am solely focused on. Yes I realize we need a shut down Dman, I believe we have 2 youngsters that will impress in that role, Weber and Pysyk. Superstar shutdowners? No, but have shown they can get the job done. Personally, I don't like the Ehrhoff/Myers pairing, I'd much prefer a 2 way defender with Ehrhoff and a shut down with Myers, but putting my personal preferrence aside for a moment, more than anything, I'd like to see a vet with Myers, freeing up Ehrhoff to run another D pairing. But yes, Vanek+ and Miller+ I believe are what your looking at for a deal that could be done, without giving up the early on 1st rounder, where we may, I stress may, end up in a position to get Drouin, which is what I'm hoping for.
  20. We shall see what they get for Vanek. I don't believe the return will be what you desire, that's for sure.
  21. Actually, a young, speedy winger is exactly what Grigs is going to need, Yakupov fits the bill, but there are others. And no, if your trading for young talent like that, Vanek + would start the conversation since Vanek only has a year left on his contract, and as some have pointed out, is not consistent enough. Miller + for Yandle, once again, Miller only a year left and Yandle is absolutely the talent you want on the blue line. Both Miller and Vanek are pricey, a bit overpaid in my opinion, but no matter, they are pricey none the less. You want to get, you have to give. I'd give a great deal to get a D man like Yandle in Buffalo.
  22. Miller + to Phoenix for Yandle (Myers partner) Vanek + to Edmonton for Yakupov (a winger for Grigs) the pluses could be prospects, picks or stafford, I really don't care which.
  23. Given that the roster make up is out of the fans and the players realm to change it, there is only one name I want gone from this team..... Darcy Regier
  24. Another useless piece of information. In point of fact, if fans go to games, they are paying for the players salaries. If you want to quip over 85% to 95%, have at it. But I'm sure season ticket holders in mass will love to speak with you on the merrits of what difference your information means to them. I'm sure dam near everyone one of them would say, who cares, I'm still paying the salaries none the less.
  25. The swearing and heckling I don't agree with. No reason to attack an individual with verbal abuse. But once again, I stand by the fans right to let their feelings be known about the team by boo'ing. As I stated, they paid to show their emotions, cheering them or boo'ing them.
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