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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. More importantly is Grigeranko and Yakupov, both being Russian, played on the 2011 and 2012 Russian WJC teams, not merely as team mates, but as line mates. This is where Yak had great success as a sniper being fed by the playmaking ability of Grig's as his center. I stand corrected dudacek, and good catch. I was reading up on their experience together. However, they did, in fact, line together, here is the article and I remember the game. "The main concern for Varnakov throughout August and December has been Yakupov. His skillset is obviously there. However, what is the best way to use it? During the Canada-Russia challenge in August Yakupov was put on the line with Grigorenko and Zlobin." http://ca.sports.yah...-022711522.html EDIT: and by no means am I advocating any rumors on a possible trade being whispered about, I'm just discussing the possibilities of such an adventure. After all, DR is still our GM, I couldn't imagine him pulling off such a trade.
  2. I understand LGR4GM. We have defensive depth, neither Miller nor Vanek will be here next season, you can be rest assured they won't re-sign for the long road ahead, and no one should blame them either. Vanek will bring in a nice pick/prospect package I suspect. Miller on the other hand, could be made a part of a package that gives us some usable leverage in a deal to address some of the scoring winger issues we have, and Yakupov is as good a target as there is at this time. I'd give Miller, Pysyk and some other pieces to get him. We have deep d depth, don't forget. Getting a player of that caliber, especially one already familiar playing with one of our centers (Grig's) with success, would only enhance the time frame for the rebuild. So, as you can see, there are many positives here is all and don't forget, it's all speculative. You cannot say Miller will not go to Edmonton with certainty as I cannot say he will with certainty. It's all speculative, since you nor I, nor any of us have actually had eyes on his 8 team list. I can tell you this, it's been rumored, merely spoken about amongst analysts, that no Western Conference teams are on his list. Take it with a grain of salt is all because they were speculating as well.................
  3. It's actually a pretty straight foward concept when it comes to Yak. Buffalo has: Goaltending, Defensive depth Buffalo needs: Scoring Wingers Edmonton has: Scoring Wingers Edmonton needs: Goaltending, Defense Seems to be pretty straight forward, as I said. No one is infatuated with Yakupov, as you suggest. But there are some points of interest that have intrigued some on this board. Yak is having a problem finding himself in Edmonton. He's down to the 3rd line wing, then is sat for a couple of games by the coach. But you cannot go by that alone, last season Yakupov was Edmonton's leading scorer. So the deduction by many is the infusion of even more high end talent combined with the return of a healthy, and playing well Hemsky, forced the coach to switch the lines up (sound familiar?). Yakupov was mishandled in the opening of this season according to many Edmonton fans, by the coach, and it appears, so far, they are correct. With Edmonton having such an abundance of talent up front, almost 3 full lines that can pot the puck with apparent ease, it's been speculated and rumored they could use Yakupov (a former 1st overall pick merely 2 years ago and a projected 40 goal scorer) to address their Defensive and Net minding short comings. It's also been rumored that Buffalo, given the rebuild and having both the defensive depth as well as Ryan Miller would be the perfect trading partner. Even a majority of Edmonton fans concur with this. Hence, the talk of Yakupov. With all this being said, there is additionally a potential bonus to Buffalo. We can handle salary dumps right now as well as 50% of Miller's salary on his current contract retained. More importantly is Grigeranko and Yakupov, both being Russian, played on the 2011 and 2012 Russian WJC teams, not merely as team mates, but as line mates. This is where Yak had great success as a sniper being fed by the playmaking ability of Grig's as his center. Are we catching the drift here? Just asking........
  4. lol, actually nfreeman, I debated heavily on Myers/Pysyk before posting, but ultimately realized I needed to snap back into reality and type Pysyk's name. Sad actually, just how far Myers has fallen since that rookie season. But, eyes to the future. We have deep depth on defense in the pipe line, I realize not all will turn out, and some prospects projecting to be 2, 3 or 4 d men will end up 5 or 6 or god forbid, 7 or 8. But I like our chances at grabbing a Russian scoring winger for Grigs right now. I can see great things between Grigs and Yak. Is it a crap shoot? Sure, it always is, but with these future high end first rounders coming up in the next season or 2, I'd roll those dice, especially with d men like Risto, Zad's, McCabe, McNabb and a few others in the pipe line. To me, getting the play out of our defensive zone and into a sustained offensive zone attack would do more to enhance those young d mens futures then sitting idle and hoping they develop the skills to just hold on, a system I've seen implemented year in and year out recently here in Buffalo. Get a sustained forecheck with puck control and I would imagine those young d men gain confidence and look better and better as they mature, Yakupov to me in any event, is a piece that may help achieve that.
  5. I don't believe Miller would be the center piece of a package for a potential blue chipper like Yakupov. He would be a part of a package none the less. I do believe that Pysyk and another stalwart defense man in the system along with a winger such as Stafford and/or Ott would have to be included. I would do that for Yakupov, if I didn't have to include a 1st round pick, and we have 2nd round picks to offset that as well.
  6. I love the Yakupov idea immensely. I firmly believe with Grigeranko's playmaking ability and Yakupov's finishing ability they would make a fantastic Center and Winger on a scoring line. Just my opinion though. I'd give up quite a bit to make it happen to, not selling the farm so to speak, but giving to get in the long run with out sacrificing our high end 1st round draft picks. Edmonton needs immediately help on the blue line and between the pipes along with some winger replacements. Buffalo happens to have that I believe. As for what a particular trade would look like is a good debate. If Yak continues to struggle in Edmonton, and Edmonton continues to struggle with it's back end situation, there may be a deal to be made here. Maybe.
  7. I voted trade him, but meh, I don't care either way if he stays or goes for the next couple of seasons.
  8. Well, I don't look at high end draft picks (1 to 3 range) over the next 2 to 3 seasons as giving up. I look at it for what it is, a rebuild. I don't however, disagree with your assessment on the hockey people statement. Something has had a bad smell in Sabres land for a long time now, and like yourself, as a fan, I'm pointing my finger at those hockey people as well.
  9. Fair question nfreeman, and honestly, I don't. But, I also realize I have little options available to me as a Sabres fan at this moment. All we can really do is support the team, even in it's current state of affairs while at the same time, as fans, voicing our displeasure with the continued presence of Regier. After all, if we do end up with the 1st pick over all these next 2 seasons, it's kind of hard to F that up, even for Regier. But in the end, like yourself, I wouldn't put it past him.
  10. I'll even go so far as to state the following....... DR is fully aware of Vaneks value, not just for the full season, but at the deadline as well. I now firmly believe DR moves Vanek for a nice package, maybe not Pommer's nice, but I'm inclined to believe he's looking for an additional top 10 pick. That may mean the team/s interested in Vaneks service may have to make a trade to get that type of pick to sway DR. Also, on Miller, I can't see him sticking around either, a combo package to Edmonton makes the most sense from a fans view, but DR may have his eyes on something else altogether. In the end, 4 years from now minimum, fans should be much more excited about this team. I'm not really interested in the 14' draft class top picks, but Connor McDavid in 15', should he end up in the Sabres grip, would surely elevate the play of some of these young supporting type players we've picked up. No, I don't believe we are on the right track yet, but if we can endure 2 to 3 seasons of losing, and losing heavy, the future looks brighter and brighter for us IMHO.
  11. I don't see any trades until after the new year at the earliest. As for comments on a house cleaning, please, that's not going to happen. Ownership on down to the fan base is fully aware the team is right smack dab in the middle of a full on rebuild. The next 2 drafts should bring in top end talent (Regier speaks of all star talent lacking, 2 top 3 picks brings in a bit).
  12. Kaleta could go, I could care less. Yes he brings a PK quality, many teams have players like this. Yes he draws penalties, many teams have players like this. Yes he plays with blood and guts, some teams have a player like this. Yes he takes penalties that are unnecessary, some teams have a player like this. Yes he doesn't answer the bell when called upon, some teams have a player like this. He's expendable, not disposable. He can be replaced with a smarter player for sure, but as for now he serves a purpose, we keep him until a better option emerges.
  13. Stafford needs to go to Minny in a Vanek deal. We could use Minny's 2014 1st rounder and 2015's 2nd and 3rd :P
  14. I believe Armia will be Staffords replacement. With Leino staying on the team, and the comments on Fins to be around Armia for guidance, I can see Leino on the LW, Armia on the RW centered by Grigs.
  15. Unfortunately, you are correct and it's something that I think on as the new season approaches. How are these young kids going to get acclimated to the NHL game in a smooth transition with so many of them so young? My fingers are crossed that we do find a diamond in the rough or 2, but I also realize with all of this youth being injected at one time it is going to take a couple of season for chemistry to be found. But hey, I'd be more than pleasantly surprised if they started kicking ass right out of the gate due to pure compete hunger within themselves.
  16. The NHL competition level is what happened to Kassian, and it will happen to all of our prospects, sooner or later. I can fully understand the desire to view prospects as "NHL ready" or "prepared to play the role at the NHL level" but the truth of the matter is the compete level league wide from the AHL on through to the CHL, USHL and various other leagues both here and over seas isn't nearly as intense, quick and skilled as the NHL level. Don't expect greatness from any of our current prospects, it'll be a huge let down, to all fans. Instead, keep your expectations tempered with the reality of transitioning to a much faster game with highly skilled and experienced players who will undoubtedly expose weaknesses in the young kids game across the board. In short, we are in for a heavy learning curve, let's not get ahead of ourselves here......................
  17. Let me "Help You Out", as you asked. OV is exactly what this team needs, 1 component of it in any event. A player in the elite status area with the heart, desire and passion to win. And it's actually extended for all to see through his skills and talents game in and game out. Anyone who says getting OV isn't a fit for a rebuild is just plain lying........to themselves. It's asinine to actually believe a player of that caliber could not be a major component of any rebuild.
  18. As do I. The upside is he fills a depth need on a team in full on rebuild, and like you, I'm just fine with that.
  19. Couldn't resist clicking on the link, he lists his cell phone number on his Twit account page. Anyone care to start some prank calls ;) Hockey Buzz Eklund @Eklund founder/CEO of http://Hockeybuzz.com . My Cell: 215-240-7792 Email: eklund(at)http://hockeybuzz.com . Pennsylvania ยท hockeybuzz.com
  20. McBain was a throw in to me, he'll be gone at the end of the season most likely. Giving another year for guys like McNabb, Rols, Zar's and some others a year of much needed transition time to the big leagues via the A. Wookie is correct however, we need some vet leadership, only, I disagree with him at what level. I don't see the need at the NHL level given E, Myers, Sulzer and Weber in the mix at the level. No, where I see we need it is in Rochester, to help the up and comers begin to transition as I stated above.
  21. I love it. Regier is "finally" doing the right thing and allowing events to be set in motion that will "finally" give us a shot at contending. Took him long enough to recognize the realities of the roster he did have and adjust. I'm 42, I'd like to see a Stanley Cup hoisted by the Sabres before I die, I'm sure die hard fans older than myself have been deeply depressed by the lack of contention these past 5 or 6 years as well. Let the division rivals get better with UFA over bloated signings, as WJAG pointed out above, let's see what the kids can do, both to garner experience as well as find that chemistry needed to contend, all while on our way to a top 2 or 3 (hopefully 1st overall the next 2 drafts) picks. Bring on the franchise players in the next 2 years I say........here here.........
  22. Looks like Bagnall will be guiding some of our younger guys along this season in Rochester, not a bad signing at all for organizational leadership and depth.
  23. Actually, I'm quite happy DR didn't make a move in FA today, that means he didn't **** anything up :P I'm sure there will be a secondary signing or 2 plus the RFA's as the process continues. I am serious about that first comment though, I don't want DR hamstringing the team with absurd contracts from FA's this off season, I'd like to believe the next off season runs the same and following that season we go all in for a run at contending. That should give the youth time to develop some experience in the league.
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